Albemarle — 156 Opponents — 63 The Full Moon Good Luck, Bulldogs! Vol. 21 —No. 1 Albemarle High School, Albemarle, N. C. October, 1955 Here And There COMING TO SCHOOL one day Edshay Brunson saw Coach Webb and his red Ford. “How’s that old red trap of yours doing, Coach?” he asked. “Well,”- came the reply, “at least the parts don’t fall off and make patrolmen mad at me.” * * * IT WAS A TERRIFICALLY hot day, and the students in Mrs. Deese’s upstairs room were suf fering. “I can’t even breathe,” com plained Jeanette Hinson. “You’re lucky,” answered Eliz abeth Tucker. “You don’t have to breathe this hot air. * :je 4c IN SOCIOLOGY CLASS Mrs. Westerlund asked the class to name some ways of indirect com munication. The pupils suggested telephone and telegraph, and then Ross * Mason thought of one. “Tell a woman,” he contribut- gjj * * * SEEING MARVIN MORTON’S black eye, Mrs. Deese exclaimed, “Marvin, what in the world!” “He ran into a cafeteria door, only it had fists,” Mickey Green explained for him. * * * ONE AFTERNOON IN Purcell’s Drug Store, Betsy King asked Carol Deese if she had bought her drink there. “No,” Carol quipped, “I’m just paying for it here.” ♦ * ♦ IN ALGEBRA CLASS Miss Caughman asked, “How old Would a person be who was born in 1894?” “Man or woman?” asked Mick ey Greene. * * * ZEKE JOHNSON WAS fussing. “I don’t see why we have to Write the same thing on both sides of the paper.” Wade Smith came up with the answer. “In case one side gets burned,” he explained. * ♦ * MRS. FRY WAS planning to take her English class to the li brary and out-talked Ross Ma son long enough to request him to wait and walk with her. Ross feigned astonishment. “Why, Mrs. Fry, I didn’t know you cared.” ♦ ♦ * MICKEY GREEN WALKED up to Coach Webb and inquired, “When are you going to run the Green Special?” “When we are 44 points ahead in the first five minutes of the first quarter with a first down on their one-foot line,” he was in formed. * * * MAXINE HARWOOD WAS tell ing her daddy that she had been nominated for Carousel Princess. He was disgusted. “Do you HAVE to join every elub in school?” he asked. * * * reading his ENGLISH theme, Punk Gantt orated, “Friends, have you tried R.G.C.F.?” “What’s that?” the class want ed to know. Real Good Corn Flakes,” Punk ®aid. * * * . Mrs. fry handed back spell ing papers to her Full Moon class. “How do you spell ‘varsity’?” "9e Kluttz asked, looking at all his cross marks. “I didn’t know,” confided Ross Mason. “I just wrote ‘B-team’.” * ♦ DAVID GRIGG TALKING to Que Smith asked, “Que, did you know the A.H.S. football game With Lexington is going to be on TV Monday?” Que: “Yes, I’ve told daddy all about it and he is going to watch It.” “Well, I hope he enjoys it, be cause it was only a joke,” laugh ed David. ♦ * ♦ , BARBARA COPLEY AND San dra Poplin were wondering what Albemarle High School Cheerleaders v''5r'' - -V''":;- t , . ; ' 1st row, L. to R.: Dianne Watkins, Zalotta Harris, Janice Wes terlund. 2nd row, L. to R.: Sarah Henderson, Myrna Mills, San dra Poplin, Barbara Burleson. 3rd row: Barbara Holt. News Briefs Camp Forest was the location of the State Bible Retreat held last week-end in Cheraw, S. C. Delegates representing A.H.S. were Eugene Burris, Vivian Smith, Libby Hatley, Ann Stone, Jo Stallings, and Hazel Lawhon. Johnsie Russell, who is secretary of the N. C. State Bible Clubs, also attended. Jimmy Skidmore, a senior in bookkeeping at U.N.C., spoketo the bookkeeping classes on The Advantage of Taking Bookkeep ing in High School and on Prepar ing for the C.P.A. Exam. Mrs. Tommy Hauss has been elected by the Junior Red Cross Council to serve as their advisor this year. Officers of the Coun cil are Johnsie Russell, president; Diane Tucker, vice president; Hazel Lawhon, secretary; Kathryn Morton, treasurer, and Jo Ellen Brooks, project 'Chairman. Mr. Hauss’ first name is. “Probably it’s Charlie,” Sandra guessed. . , , IN PHYSICS CLASS Mr. Hatley made the statement that zinc will sink all the way to the bottom of a glass of water because it is heavier than water. Joe Kluttz wanted to know, “If the water were deeper, the zinc wouldn’t sink but half way, would it?” Risers Bought By Mixed Chorus The portable risers ordered by the Mixed Chorus have arrived and are ready for use. These were bought by money raised by last year’s Mixed Chorus through the sale of Christmas cards. They are three-step, light in weight, and have rubber-like treads. The risers are collapsible and can easily be carried from place to place where the chorus might sing. Their acquisition fills a long felt need by A.H.S. singing groups. 4 New Teachers Are On Faculty This year four new teachers have been added to the Albe marle High School faculty. They are Mr. Hauss, Mrs. Hauss, Mrs. Lynn, and Mrs. Deese. Mr. Hauss, who graduated from Appalachian State Teachers College and was recently dis charged from the army, has be gun his first year of teaching band here. Mrs. Hauss, also a graduate from Appalachian State Teachers College, is a former biology teach er at Shelby and teaches biology here. Mrs. Lynn has returned to Al bemarle High School to teach ninth grade English and soci ology. She taught the eighth MMM Will Travel To Icecapades Members of the Modern Music Masters held their first meeting of the year in the home of Mr. Paul Fry, September 27. During the business meeting, many worthwhile projects were voted on. The first project will be a trip to the Icecapades in Charlotte, with all members go ing. Other projects will be serv ices rendered to the school and community throughout the year. Members of the Modern Music Masters are Jimmy Almond, Eu gene Burris, Linda Duke, Peggy Furr, Maxine Harwood, John White Iddings, Luther Kimrey, Sue Rogers, Wade Smith, Eliz abeth Tucker, Dotty Walker, Janice Westerlund, Rex Whitley, Bill Fisher, Patsy Grigg, and Pamela Hinson. Sponsore are Mr. Paul Fry and Mr. Tommy Hauss. Officers are president, Jimihy Almond; vice president, Peggy Furr; secretary, Pamela Hinson; treasurer, Rex Whitley, historian, Maxine Harwood; co-historian. Dotty Walker, and chaplain, Eu gene Burris. The Modern Music Masters is an honorary music society, its member being chose on the basis of outstanding music ability and service rendered to the school and community. '58 Annual Staff Begins Work Both the business staff and the literary staff of the Crossroads have been organised and are at work on the 1956 annual. Jimmy Almond, business man ager, and Dottie Walker, assist ant manager, have distributed ads among the members of the staff and are at work. A theme had already been chos en and the literary and art staffs are working to carry it out. Individual pictures of the stu dents were taken by Delmar, September 14, and are expected to be received in a few weeks.' For the pictures all girls wore dark sweaters, blouses, or dresses, and the boys wore white shirts with dark coats and ties. The Crossroads staff, under the leadership of their advisor, Mrs. Carter, consists of Barbara Holt, ediort; Betty Boone, assistant edi tor; Jimmy Almond, business manager; Dottie Walker, assist ant manager; Peggy Furr, literary editor; Drag Kimrey, sports, edi tor; Benny Russell, art editor; and Jerry Cooper, photographer. The deadline for the annual is set for January 15. grade here two years ago and has taught at Central for the past two years. Mrs. Deese, a former teacher at A.H.S., has returned this year and is teaching French and English. Students Became Happy Wanderers A H.S. students did not tour the world this summer, but they traveled far enough to go around it several times. Lake Junaluska drew many faithful Methodists for a Youth Conference. Kay Cauthen, Susie Culp, Maxine Harwood, Eli^beth Tucker, Linda Duke, Punk Gantt, Roderick Jordon, Don Taylor, a^d Pat Starnes represented Albe marle. Mixed Chorus members. Gene Burris, Kenneth Barbee, Jean Morgan, Dotty Walker, Susie Culp Elizabeth Tucker, Linda Duke, and Johnny Renger,' en- ioyed an exciting week at Fort Caswell attending the Choral Workshop and fighting mos quitoes. Peggy Sue Lisk, Agnes Law hon, La Trelle Burleson, Myrna Mills, Diane Tucker, Hazel Law hon, Linda Hudson, Ellen Starnes, Linda Moose, Edshay Brunson, Billy Fitzgerald, Bruce Curlee, Edward Fitzgerald, and Tommy Johnsbn kept the beaches jump ing. Many students attended sum mer camps. Several band stu dents and majorettes attended a music camp at East Carolina Col lege. Roger Smith, Janis West erlund, Elizabeth Tucker, George Lowder, and Patricia Saunders represented Albemarle at the Y.M.C.A. Camp in Blue Ridge. Lane Brown and Ed Bivens at tended Boy Scout Camp. Maxine Harwood spent a week at Camp Rainbow. Peggy Troutman went all the way to Florida to go shopping. Florida also drew the attention of Kay Pennington, Judy Phifer, Tommy Murrell, and Jerry Reap. Lois Shaver, Kay Cauthen, and Janette Hitchcock chose New York as their vacation spot. Gay Crowell, Carol Deese, and Gene Bowers preferred Georgia. Iowa was chosen by Loretta Holt, while Virginia drew the atten tion of Carolyn Sutler. Bobby Coggins chose Mexico for his va cation, but Carrie Eudy, headec^ north for Indiana. Dwain Wais- ner, Vivian Smith, and Peggy Lisk enjoyed a vacation in the mountains. Several of the faculty members spent their vacations studying. Mr. and Mrs. Fry and Mrs. Car ter at Boone. Miss Carolyn Holt spent her vacation at Carolina working on her Masters degree. Miss Doris Tucker studied at Duke, while Miss Inez Bankett worked on her M.A. degree at W.C.U.N.C. Several teachers played during their vacations. Mrs. Frank West erlund and Mr. R. C. Hatley had exciting times at the beach. After covering many miles, the students are back in school now, traversing the familiar beat from home to school. Homerooms Elect Council Membeis Each homeroom elects repre sentatives to attend the student council meetings and to bring the news back to the room in order for every student to know all that is happening in the school. These representatives have been elected and are as fol lows: Senior homerooms: Mickey Greene, Mrs. Fry’s homeroom; Pat Atkins, Mrs. Lynn’s home room; “Drag” Kimrey, Miss Caughman’s homeroom; Jimmy Almond Mr. Fry’s homeroom. J,unior homerooms: Myrna Mills, Mrs. Carter’s homeroom; John Stokes, Miss Misenheimer’s homeroom; Robert L. Smith, Mrs. Westerlund’s homeroom; Buddy Stoker, Mrs. Deese’s homeroom; Gary Pendergraft, Miss Bankett’s homeroom. Sophomore homerooms: Peggy Smith, Mr. Gantt’s homeroom; Betty Holt, Mr. Robinette’s home room; Roger Whitley, Miss Tuck er’s homeroom; Sue Winn, Mrs. Hayes’ homeroom; Kitty Almond, Mrs. Hauss, homeroom. Freshman homerooms: Chester Lewis, Miss Lowder’s homeroom; Janice Harris, Mr. Benton’s home room; Roger Smith, Miss Abra- hamsen’s homeroom; Jane Chan dler, Miss Holt’s homeroom; Woody Durham, Mr Hatley’s homeroom; Billie Jo Barrier, Mrs. Saunders’ homeroom. Officers for the student council were elected last year. They are: president, Wade Smith; vice president, Jo Ellen Brooks; sec retary, Patricia Starnes; and treasurer, Libby Hatley. Seniors Elected Iris As Princess To reign as the Carousel Prin cess from Albemarle High School in the annual Carousel Parade in Charlotte this year will be Iris Hunsucker, who was elected on September 23 by the Senior Class. Iris won by a majority over the other two nominees, Maxine Har wood and Barbara Holt The three girls were nominated by the Senior Class homerooms and voted on by the entire class. By Their Words “I wrote in my notes to pause here for a laugh.”—Rev. Dan Sapp. “The boy who had this book last year was a good old fellow. He never bothered me or the book.”—Mr. Hatley. “In my day we sat down in our waist-lines.”—Mrs. Wester lund.” “I have nothing up my sleeve except my elbow, and that was a birthday present.”—Mr. Bla lock, the magician. ' “I went hunting the other day and killed a dead opossum.”— Mickey Lawhon. “Dating is no longer done at home by the fire, but in Badin by the lake.”—Sibley Manus. “Did he have on a blue plaid shirt with two other boys?”— Gail Morris. “My cat is going to hatch some little cats in a few days.”—Vicky Culp. “Here’s the empty water; where’s the pitcher?”—Jean Rob inson. - “I’m going to be the only grand mother on the faculty.”—Mrs. Westerlund. “Put all four legs on the floor.”—Mr. Fry. “Can you people on the shelf hear me?”—Mr. Blalock. “My rich uncle is getting out of the poor house today.”—Benny Russell. “It is the little things that make you great.”—Mr. Hatley. “If the word is smelled wrong count off two points.” — Mrs. Deese.