iM. IFULL MOON Volume 1 ALBEMARLE SENIOR HIGH NEWSPAPER 311 Palestine Road Albemarle, N.C. 28001 982-3711 January-February 1985 To Smoke or Not to Smoke . . . By ROB BYRUM The Albemarle City School Board voted Thursday, January 10,1985, to prohibit the use of chewing tobacco in any gym or any vehicle used by the Albemarle City Schools. The rule will be included in the Student Disciplinary Code and becomes ef fective immediately. In addition, the School Board is planning to consider adopting a policy to ban the use of cigarettes or any other smoking prod ucts on school grounds. According to City Schools Superintendent Dr. Bill Brown, “The abolition plan is now just in the idea stage. The plan must be considered care fully. We will take it slowly at first.” Several local doctors have warned against the dangers of adolescent smok ing. Dr. Claude Ballenger sent a letter to the board in support of the ban. Now the board must weigh all sides of the problem and make their decision accordingly. The process is expected to begin at the next board meeting on February 7, 1985. Al ready the idea is gaining supporters, in cluding School Board member Mrs. Sandy Rogers. In a recent survey of Albemarle Senior High Students 32% favored a ban while 43% of the students surveyed said thev would not be affected by the rule. But what about the people who want to smoke at school? Of the students sur veyed, 16% admitted to smoking, 11% at school. These will be the people most af fected by the new rule, and their interests are also being considered by the board. An alternative to the abolition plan would be a policy for allowing smoking only in desig nated areas. Only 19% of students sur veyed were in disagreement with this ac tion, which could possibly be easier to en act than the total ban of smoking. Dr. Brown says the board will “consider the situations of all involved, including stu dents, faculty, and parents.” Until Febru ary 8, Albemarle’s smokers and non- smokers alike will just have to wait and see. ByROBBYRUM The results of our recent Smoking Sur vey have been tabulated, and they present us with some interesting facts about our school. In response to the question “Do you smoke?”, 16% of the participating stu dents answered yes, and 11% said that they smoked at school. Thus a large num ber of students (11%) will be affected by the possible smoking ban on school grounds. A more immediate effect is tak ing place on the 13% of our students who use some other type of tobacco. From now on, chewing tobacco of any type is not al lowed in the gym or on school vehicles. These students will have to go elsewhere. Concerning the proposed abolition, the majority of those who took a stand on the issue were against the ban. 39% do not ap prove, while 13% are in favor of the idea, and 48% feel they will not be affected. On the other hand, 45% of those questioned are in favor of smoking allowed only in a designated area. This seemed to be the most appreciated idea. A number of comments were received along with the survey. The majority of those in favor of the ban said they “... dis liked walking through other people’s smoke, ’ and that “. . . cigarette buluj aii over the ground are messy and unattrac tive.” People against the abolition argued that “. . . it is an individual’s decision whether or not he smokes,” and that “. . . if they were going to ban smoking, then they should have never allowed it in the first place.” These comments and percentages will be considered by the School Board in their decision about a smoking plan. If anyone has any comments about the idea that is not published in this paper, the Board wants to know! Just notify a member of the Journalism Staff or come by Mr. Todd McGuire’s room during sixth period and your comment will be forwarded to the School Board. Improvements Made At ASHS By HANK CARPENTER And JOHNNY REID The Albemarle City School Board has been working hard this year to create a niore pleasant atmosphere for the students and for the faculty members at Albemarle Senior High School. Many improvements have been made al ready this school year. One of the most ap preciated improvements was the installa tion of fifty-two ceiling fans. A total of two fans per classroom along with four fans in the cafeteria were installed. The fans were installed during the summer so that stu dents did not have to give up any learning time in the classroom. $10,400 was spent by the Albemarle City School Board for the fans and installation. The fans are very popular among students and faculty mem bers. One student was quoted as saying, “It feels great sitting in class with a cool breeze stirring through the room! ” The most expensive improvement tac kled by the Albemarle City School Board was the repavement of the lower parking lot. This parking lot is used by the VICA and DECA students, faculty members, and visitors. After the parking lot was re paved, it was repainted and new speed bumps were added. A total of $33,500 was spent for the improvement of the parking lot. The next step was the repairing of the lockers. $10,000 was spent on the repairing of all the lockers that needed some atten tion. Handles, hinges, and numbers were replaced on the old lockers. The blue lock ers were then painted grey to match all the other lockers lining the hallways. New restroom facilities were con structed next to the weightroom on the home side of the football field. With this addition, fans of the Albemarle athletic groups will not have to walk around to the visitors’ side to use the restroom. To add to the comfort of our fans, $4,000 was spent on repairing the bleachers. The bleachers were checked and worn parts were either repaired or replaced. To enhance the appearance of Albe marle Senior High School, a large sign was placed in front of the school. The sign is “Albemarle blue and white” and it dis plays the name of our school. It also has room at the bottom to post announce ments. At night, the passers-by cannot help but notice the bright blue and white lights. The sign really brightens up the Al bemarle Senior High campus, according to appreciative students. Other important improvements include the repairing of the roof, the painting of the cafeteria and the vocational building, the construction of new sidewalks where buses ALBEMARLE load and unload, and the purchase of a dust collector in the wood shop. Brandon Newton, president of Albe marle Senior High School, and the Student Council would like to thank Dr. Brown and Mr. R. L. Cranford, director of main tenance, along with the Albemarle City School Board, for helping make Albemarle Senior High School a better educational op portunity! FYI The next local testing of the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) will be May 4. The deadline for applying to take the May test IS March 29.