ijLiiFULL MOON ♦ Volume 57, No. 4 ALBEMARLE fflGH NEWSPAPER 311 Park Ridge Road Albemarle NC 28001 982-3711 DECEMBER 1991 Computers Everywhere! By Mysty Blalock Is your progress rqwrt different? If so, it has probably been done in the new SIMS program called Intergrade. This system allows the teach ers to enter your assignments with their accom panied grades into a computer program. This way if the student has a zero, they can understand what they missed. Only a few teachers are using this program right now, but all are expected to be using it by next year. Among them is Mr. Gibson, he believes the |jrogram has potential to be a very efficient alternative for teachers. The system . saves time for teachers because it automatically averages students grades. Although the teachers are having problems learning all the details of the program, they expect it to be more convenient for them and students after all the “bugs” are worked out! Chad and David look over their new Integrade progress reports Don’t Forget to Register By Jessica Poplin Ryan fulfills his patriotic duty. Are you 18 years of age or within 30 days of your 18 birthday? If so, listen up. The Selective Service reminds all males to register with the Selective Service. Registration is very impor tant and helps guarantee eligibility for important benefits. If your plans include college, you must be registered to receive student aid. Job training benefits and federal employment also require registration. The state of North Carolina has passed legislation which requires a young man to be regis,tered with Selective Service. It’s easy to register. Allyouhavetodoisgotothepostoffice, fill out a registration form and give it to the postal clerk, who will send it to the Selective Service System. REMEMBER: It*s Quick. It’s Easy. And It’s The Uw. Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho, It’s Off to Europe We Go! By Mysty Blalock and Jessica Poplin Students of AHS are already packing their ^8gs for Europe. Mrs. Hathcock and Mrs. Dennis ®re taking a group of students to Paris, London, Rome. These students are looking forward to get out of Albemarle for a luxurious 12 day *’endczvous across Europe. idczvous across Europe. ■ u hirtholace of St Francis. The students will E)ay 1 -2 wiU consist of a long overmght flight e „ jnto the Great Colosseum. Jo Britain where they wiU be transferred to their ’ “J the'students wiU visit the ancient city "otel room. Day 3 will be spent in London. The u y sites that will be seen include: Downing Street o o ^ ^ students will fly back to *”‘1 Buckingham Palace. Day 4 they will travel to home." Certainly AHS students on Canterbury and see where Archbishop Thomas ome ^ culturally aware after visit- Becket was murdered. Then they will cross the . ® m«ior European countries in 12 days! 'Channel to France. Day 5-6 wiU be spent in Paris mg three major nur«pc» ****1 Versailles. The students will see the Eiffel trip Itinerary with" Pettit, Leigh Ann Mauldin, and " Mrs. Dennis. Put On Your Thnking Caps! By Mysty Blatock It is time for AHS’s smartest team to start their season. They hope to repeat the success of the team fi-om last year. The Quiz Bowl may have a different starting team but the expectations are the same. The starting team consists of Steffen Aldridge who is captain, Andy Miskell, Jose{di Kandl, and Jack Linker. The rest of the team consists of Keith Muse, Jennifer Wendall, Jason Byrd, Matt Allison, and David Cranford. Stephen believes that even though the loss of Kevin Muse was tough, the team is optimistic about the coming season. The team under the supervision of Mrs. Grigg has been practicing every Wednesday to get ready for the first competition. Their first contest is the Hi-Q contest on January 18 at Davidson. The team will not compete again until early February in the Stanly County Library Quiz Bowl contest Tower, Noire Dame, Versailles, and many otho- interesting auractions. Day 7 wOl be spent at Pisa and Florence. Some of the attractions there are the Leaning Tower of Pisa and Horence, which is the birthplace of the Renaissance. Day 8-9 die students will travel to Assisi and Rome. Assisi« Mrs. Grigg leads Quiz Bowl meml>ers through their workouts. Calling All Star Gazers ... By Mysty Blalock Albemarle High’s newest club is in action. The Science Club, supervised by Mr. Blalock, has been involved in many interesting activities this year. The Science. Club has so far has dissected a dog shark, studied astronomy and the effects of stars on our lives, and held a star party on a cold December evening to view the heavenly bodies in all their glory. If you missed the star party, don’t worry, another one is being plaimed. The Science Club welcomes anyone to their meetings. In the future the Science Club is going to the hosprital for a visit, they are going to disect two more dog sharks, and Mr. Blalock has or dered an electronics set to work with. The club has no officers and is very informal. They meet the second Wednesday of each month. If you have a taste for science, come out and join the fim. Mr. Shaw exclaims, "Look at that!" And the Rains Came By Jessica Poplin At the beginning of the school year, did you have to sit and listen to the teachers complain and complain about their chalkboards or floors? If so, it was because of the rain this past summer in early July. When the roofers were working on our roof, the big rain that we experienced leaked in and flooded the English hall and the home economics hall. Damage was extensive, including floors on the two halls, books, walls, boards, and ceilings. Everything was a big mess! New floors were put in before school, while white chalkboards were installed right before Thanksgiving. 261 lockers will be rebuilt and repainted during Christmas vacation. The school is able to defray some costs through insurance payments, but there is rw estimate yet of the total damage. The lockers alone will be $3500dollars. The damage was so bad that the school almost didn’t open on time, but through the efforts of the teachers and custodial staff, opening day did not have to be posqwned. Amanda Pelt k>oks forward to k>cker repairs to make her door close easier.