T?ie Mountain Trail ti-ia5«csgi'^^ikct day Thanksgiving Day's not far away, And most people call it a holiday. It’s a holiday to the dogs and cats. But that’s not all about what I’m at. But Thanksgiving Day’s not a holiday To the chickens and turkeys aroiind. For when they see you come the turkey’s way. And pick up the axe from the ground. The turkeys say they hate to see Thanksgiving come around. -Bud Thompson, Sixth Grade. o ATTTIBm The leaves are gently falling down. Settling themselves upcn the ground. Around the house the cold v/ind blows; The children are needing warm caps and clothes. The youngsters are watching The clouds roll so slow, V^ishing that it would snow. But if there comes a blinding storm They will still be wishing That they were warm. -Lolita Holt. Sixth Grade. 0 I m COUNTRY I love my coiantry so good and true. I love my country and so do you, I love it here, I Iovg it there, I v;ill love my country anywhere. I left my coijintry and I was sad, I am in my country and I am glad. VHien I am in my country every day, I feel happy, healthy, and gay. December 2, 1938 ‘V'Hien the flag is high and wide, I sit and watch v;ith all my pride. Fe fought for freedom long ago. Vi’e squared with England long and slow. V'e fought for the land that we live in to-day. But we will love it no matter what we do or say. - Homer Baty Sixth Grade. o STUDY Study, study, study. Just what I hear all day. Bobby get your lessons. The teacher has her way, V-Tien it comes to arithmetic, I^m just not there to stay. But when it comes to geography I’m apt tc spend the day, -Doris Hedden Fourth Grade. T;V0 LITTLE SQUIRRELS Two little squirrels lived out in the woods. One was naughty, the other was good. The naughty one’s naine was Johnny Black, He had beautiful fur on his back. The good one’s neime was Dandy Jim, ioid that makes the two of them. On one bright and summer day, Jim v/ent over to IThiteside far away* Vfnlter Smith’s car ran over him. That was the last of Dandy Jim, -Freda Lee Mincy Sixth Grade, 0