The Mcu'itain Trail VmT ARE YO J TEINKFTJL I’.Tien Thanks.3i"''’ing oonen v;ith turkey and sav.c©, When plates are piled sky hi^h. Are you tha:ikful for the silver you can keep from loss. Or for the ways you can help a stranger passing by? For money and gold, or for the Father, V^hich is the one you would choose? Is He the one, or is He a bother? On which deal do you think you would lose? Would you lose on the Lord who gives you the food, Tfho gives you the sun and the rain. Who will listen to you in your every nood. He, who gives you everything? Can money help you in every way? Can it give you all you ask? Can you go to it for guidance every day? Will it strengthen you in every task? Then for v;hich are you thankful most? TTien you bo\f/ your head to pray. You’re thankful for him and so is your host, lE>o don’t forget on Thanlcsgiving Day, And remember the one who does the most. For you.’ For everyone J “Nancy Potts Sixth Grade. GOING TO THE FIRE Eugene Paul was going to the fire the other day. In crossing the creek, he jumped and landed in. His shoes were full of water, but he was going where water v;as needed so what did that matter? The fire was sooxi put out and he returned by a much safer route, o ^cember 1933 A LITTLE FORGETFTJL Hr Hentz! Give me some of that prepared monoaceticacidester of salicylic acid. L. C. Nix: Do you mean aspirin. Sir? i-Ir. Hentz: Yes that is it. I never can remember that name. HUMOR Elmer: I think I have a real sense of humor, for whenever I see anything funny I have to laugh. Mickey: You must have a tough time shaving, BR.^.IN TEASER A man had a full sized piece of cheese but didn’t have a way of v;eighing it. He also had a pair of balancing scales, a three-fourth size piece of cheese and a three-fourth pound v/eight. If he puts the three-fourth size piece of cheese and the three-fourth pound weight on one side of the scales and the full size piece of cheese on the other side and the scales balance, hovi much does the full size piece of cheese weigh? (Ansv/er next month) A man gazed incredulously at a huge mo^mted fish. Finally he said, "The man who caught that fish is a Liar.” John D. Rockefeller borrowed a dime from his secretary one day to pay his bus fare homo. Be sure to remind me of this transaction,” he said. "Oh, that is nothing, Mr. Rockefeller,” replied the secretary. "Nothing, " exclaimoud Rockefeller, "why, that is tvro whole years ’ interest on a dollar." Dr. Moreland: "'’Hiat kind of filling do you want in your tooth? Ernest: Chocolate, please, then I v^on’t need so much candy. 0