POBLISKED VEEKLi: BY HIGHLfiHDS SCHOOL JULY 14,1939 FONTANA REGIOKIAi i ird The Highlands Lions Club and the Chamber of Commerce are busy making preparations to assist v/ith the entertainment program at the Cliffside Lake opening on Saturday, July 22nd. he leases to the Sinclair Refining Company. RAYMOND CLEAVELAND WINS LOVING CUP AND FIRST PRIZE IN CONTEST Raymond Cleaveland proved his popularity by taking first place on the honor roll, winning the loving cup and the $200 first prize given in the Baby Derby con test sponsored by the Franklin Press. Raymond is the three-year-old son of Mr, and Mrs. George Cleqve- land, and the grandson of Mr, and Mrs. Haworth Beale, and Mrs.Helen Thompson. THE MISSES RAVENEL ENTERTAIN AT TEA Miss Marguerite Ravenel and Miss Clare Ravenel entertained at a delightful tea last Saturday at their home. Wolf Ridge in Ravenel Park, complimenting their guest, Miss Ellen Parker, of Charleston, S.C. The rooms wore artistically dec orated with a profusion of pink roses, delphinium and rhododendron blossoms. Receiving with Miss Mar guerite and Miss Clare was the honoree. Miss Parker, Miss Alice Frost served ice cream and Mrs. Thomas Parker poured tea. About sixty guests enjoyed the occasion. W.S. BEARDEN BUYS WHITTLE LOTS W.S, Bearden of Clayton, Ga,, has purchased the Whittle lots on West Main Street. This sale was handled through the S.T.Marett Real Estate Agency. Mr. Bearden owns the filling station on West Main Street, which HIGHLANDS SCHOOL THEATRE Fri.-SatJuly 14-15- LIONEL BARRYI^ORE in OM SOWOVVED TIjV1£ Adm. 150&350. Mon.-Tue.,July 17-18 Robert Donat in — — Adm.lO0&25^^ Wed.-Thur.,July 19-20 The Dead End Kids in c / Li K Adm. 1O^&250. AUXILIARY MEETS AT TPIE MNSE The Woman’s Auxiliary of the Presbyterian church met with Mrs. R.B. DuPree at the manse last Tues day afternoon. Miss Dorothea Harbison had charge of the interesting program on "Qualifying for Missionary Ser vice. Orange punch, cheese crack ers and cookies were served by the hostess. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs, Elliot Caziarc on Hickory Street, Mr. and Mrs, J.C. Blanchard have as their guests, their niece, Mrs. John'Brock and small daughter, Joanne,and Mr. Blanchard’s sister, Mrs. Mary C« Peaslee, of Mass« ' COM IMS TARZAN FINDS A SON JUAREZ... SAINT IN LONDON WOLF CALL. IMPORTANT NOTICE Saturd^^y Matinees (for white people only) v.'ill begin SATURDAY, July 15tlr. Admission th the Mati nee Yiill be 10(^&25(^. The time is 3:30.