THE MOUNTAIIT TRAIL PAGF ) HOTEL BY SAR/iH THOI'-IPSON Guests at Tricenont Terrace this vreek are; Mr. and Mrs. D. H, Roclfearn and son of Coral Gnbles, Fla.; I^'Ir* and J-lrs. J, T, Hollister, Neiv Bern, IJ.C, A party of four from T’ashin>^on includes Miss Rose iinthony, lUiss Lucie Petta, Miss Catherine Johnson and Hiss Gertrude Devorkin, VJal- ter Yoider, Orlando, Fla., Mr. and ?^s. R, R, Porter, Viinter Haven, Fla.; Mrs. Seynour Grady and Misses Eunice and I.'Iar- ian Grady, fron Miaini; Mr. and M^s, R.U. Allen of Jacksonville, Fla.; Miss l^ado- liene Tremblay, and Miss Helen Scox^ille, of Miami* Mi^s. L. R, Hessler, Mr. and Mrs. T.C, Snith, all of Knoxville, Tenn.; Frank Farmer, Anderson, S.C.; IV. C. Hutchinson, Talhalla, S.C.; J, N. Moore, Chicago, 111, I-Ir. and Mrs, Charles Berry, Charlotte, H^C.; find Mr. and I»Irs, H.Dc Dell, from Needletown, Ohio. Kind’s as quests Thomas L. Allen, ilndorson, S.C.; Jfrs, Dvvight IVells and Mrs N,M. Sheridan both of Spnrtanburg, S,C,; ^''V. and Mrs. C. F, Hutchinson, Dr. C. R. Wilcox, and Mr. and Mrs. J, S. Livesay,ai; of Jacksonville, Fla.; Mr. and Mrs.Janes Sncw and IVilliam D. FV;ift from Columbus, Ga.; Miss Martha Paco, /xmericus, Ga.; Dr. and Mrs. G.A. Traylor, j.u^sta, Georgia; Mr. and -■^rs. Frederick T'allick, Indianap olis, Ind.; Dr. J.C. Bell, I'.Iaysville,N.C, and J.C. Bell, Jr., Raleij^h, N.C, Fairview Inn (guests are: Ivlrs. E. D. McConnell, Atlanta, ^a.; Mr. and Mrs.A.E. Voorhies, Miami, Fla.; I^Ir. and Mrs. E. T. Eskrigj^e and Miss Betty Eskrigge, Cl arks- dale. Miss.; Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Cove,Ove- do, Fla.; and Mrs. B. F. Edmundson, Atlanta; I'^Ir. and Mrs. E. J. Byzeck, lir* and Mrs. Charles Stanley, all of Chicago, 111; and Ivlrs. E. X. Van IVirikle and sons, Edward and Fritz Van Tinkle, of At lanta, Cja.; B. A. Belcher, Cairo, Ga.; C.E. Rehberg, Airtee, Texas; Mr. and Mrs, Ken Arthur, Atlanta. Guests at Potts House are Mrs, A, M, Rei- ger and Hr. and Mrs. Gerald Penny of la- ami; Mr.and Mrs. H. M, Hutcheson, from San*Juan, Porto Rico, where they have lived for thirty-two years, are n'av stay in'^ at the Potts House and will be there until sometime in October. ■^^r. and I-irs. Hutcheson’s daughter and her husband, Llr. and I-^rs. Morgan, from Tennessee, are also at the ^otts House. Mr, and I'lrs. Arthur Schenck, Tauchula, Fla.; I'lrs, Charles Dorriss and I'^Irs. Rogers who have been at the Potts House all simmer exi^ect to be in Highlands \mtil the end of the season. Mrs. Robert Baugh and Miss Dorothy Baugh, from Tennessee; lit*, and Mrs. S, H. Doyle and son, Doyle, Jr., from Atlanta. Guests at Hotel Edvmrds are, Mrs. J. H. Foster,Ashland, Ky.; and Margaret and j'mna Foster, VJashington, D.C.; Mj*s. J.C. Harris, ^Vnderson, S.C,; Mr. and Mrs.v .P Foxworth, Georgetown, S.C.; Mr. and I>Vs. C., G. King, Jackiffonville, Fla.; Mr. and Highlands Manor: Mr. and Ifrs. J. B.Lemon and liliss Lois Lemon have returned to their fOTTS BROS. GROCERIES MEATS A COMPLETE LINE OF BIRDS EYE FROSTED FOODS COAL ICE A C O Jv fOR BREAD JJ VIRGINIA DARE CAKES am & DRY CLE/ \jNER AUSTIN BAKER WATCH MAKER JEWELER