PUBLISHED BY HIGHLAITOS SCHOOL THEATRE SEPTEJffiER 12, 1941 FONTANA REGIONAL L BRAR fj JGrJLA jNDi .'"j'CrJOOL fr]£/\ f.K£ FRIDAY-S/iTI3RDAY, SEPTEMBER 12-13 AM SHEIUDAN—I.1ARTHA RAyE-—JACK OAKIE N in P; -D r~* hb Also PATHS UEIYS SHOYifS AT 8:00 & 10:05 ADMISSION 15/ & 35/ MONDAY-TUESDAY, SEPTEPffiER - 15-16 DAN DAILEY, JR.—BONITA GR/illVILLE in DOV/M IN SAM DIEGO SHOIVS AT 8:00 a 9:35 ADMISSION 10/ & 28/ WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER - 17-18 BOB CROfBY CHAS. BUTTERWORTH JUDY CAl'IOVA in 5 SHOWS AT 8:00 & 10:00 JJ HO?KIM ADMISSION 10/ 6c 28/ m FRIDAY-SATURDiiY, SEPTEMBER 19-20 in YJHEN LADIES MEET COMING _ JQAF CRiW/FORD^ROBT.TAYLOR-GREER GAR /iDMISSION l(p/ & 35/ This Y/eek*s advertisers are: AUSTIN BAKER AiTDERSON»S FIVE 6: TEN BECKER»S BAKERY HELENAS Bi-JIN GREEN FOREST ELECTRIC COLiPANY HIGH HILLS JAM POT HIGHLiiiNDS SCHOOL THEiiTRE KING»S IM POTTS BROTHERS MRS. J.E. ROOT»S GIFT SHOP T/ILLIAi^I D. UPSHaW TO SPEAK AT BAPTIST CHURCH NEXT WEEK The Hon. T/illiam D, Upshaw of Atlanta will apeak at the Baptist church on Wed nesday evening, September 17th, at 8:00 o'clock, it has been announced by Rev. J. G. Benfield, pastor of the church. Mr. Upshaw is a former Georgia con- gressiium and a nationally known lecturer. THE DUGOUT TRICEIMT TERRACE WIT’S END MR. AND MS. WOOD BUILD ING SUlvHvIER HOIvIE Mr. and iilrs. C. L.Wood of Coral Gables, Fla.,are occupying Dr. Jessie Z. Moreland’s apartment on Church Street while building a summer homo on their lot on the Franklin road, recently pur chased from A.C« Holt. ivirs. "Wood was a season guest at the Potts House. We extend hearty thanks to the advertisers who have made the publication of this paper possi ble, and to its readers foriJieir expressions of interest. Prof. 0. F, Summer General Manager Mrs. H. G. Story News Editor Ronald Baty Business Manager* . ViTASHINGTON TEACHER BUYS HOIviE SITE HERE Mrs. H. S. Brundage,of the Mary V/ebster Secreta rial School for Girls,Wash- ington, D.C., has purchas ed a building site from Miss Rebecca Bridgers just off the Cashiers road,and is making plans for early ivirs. Brundage has spent many building, summers here at Tricemont Terrace, HIGHLAI^DS WEDDING OF INTEREST Announcement has been made of the mar riage of Miss Mary Smith, daughter of Mr. ^ and Mrs. J, H. Smith of Walhalla, S,C,,to lArs. C. P« Rochport of Goldsboro is the p, Cleaveland, son of l^Irs. H, P, P, guest of Mrs. P. J. Carlin and family at Thompson of Highlands. "Carlin Spring" this week. ceremony was performed in Clayton, Ga., on Sunday, August 31st. -Turn to Page Two