December 195 1961 (Honor Roll cont* from page ) Lucille Crain Frieda Me Call Judy Moore Marjorie Pierson Kay Trowbridge Donna Vee Webb Ann Wilson TENTH GRADE Johnny Tate Steve Mehder Kathy Carpenter ELEVENTH GRADE Joan Tritt Frances Vinson TWELFTH GRADE Marion Watson Rosa Lee Webb Judy Wood Barbara Talley Anne Reese Wilson Wanda Hopper Jessie Harbison Tommy White John Norton Joan Cleaveland Melinda Reese Leann Gardner Larry Wood jCJrade news continued FIFTH GRADE. NEWS In the fifth grade, in health, we are studying about the heart. We have learned that the blood flows to many different parts of the body from the heart. We learned that the blood is blue until it flows through the heart to the lungs and it gets oxygen, then turns red, Wallace Henry In social studies we are making re ports of famous {Jeople. Their occupa- V tions of the people were inventors, presidents, and musicians. We have also been studying the states and capitals. Doug Potts and Bill Page 11 Zoellner have already spelled them. Jimmy Bryson In the fifth grade we have done some grouping. In the six groups there are five people in each group. We did this because we wanted to improve our grades as much as possible. In this way we can share, and help each other while the teacher is working with others. Baker Crane We have a new North Carolina map. It is like a black-board. We have some of the counties on it now, states that touch it, and boys and the ocean. We can use it very much. We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. God be with you this Christmas. Barbara Mehder SIXTH GRADE The sixth grade has been studying about Ancient Greece, Its history was very interesting. In Science, we have been studying about the different kinds of airplanes aid their uses. We learned that an air plane must be pressurized so the crew and passengers can ride comfortably. We learned the parts of an airplane and how a jet engine differs from a rocket engine. Jack Crisp and Bruce Crane brought their model airplanes to school. We are going to make decorations for our Christmas tree. We have already made a few. We might put our tree up on Thursday, Frank Edwards SEVENTH GRADE This six weeks in the 7th grade we choose our officers. Pres,, Harvey Wilson Vice Pres., Kenneth Wilsonj Sec. & Tres., Gail Callowayj Reporter, Oerry Crane. CXir grade mother has visited us several times this six weeks. We have planned our Christmas Party and we can hardly wait to have it. Gerry Crane ■ ^on’^t on page 12 THE. MOUNTAIN TRAIL