1982 CLASS PROHEECY What is all that noise? Goodness another class reunion! So going to be another one like last year! Whew, that one was really rough! Some dumb broad screamed when I ran across her toe. It wasn't my fault. I hadn't have stuck her big fat foot in my wav, it wouldn t have happened. Anyway, before we go much fuvf'ver, ^ should intoduce myself, I'm Moncchi Mulinski, Res- ident Mouse of^the Highlands Community Building. This must be the graduating class of 1982 gathering for their 10 year reipion. As usual, it's being held at the Community Building this year,-of course, Mrs, DeWolf wouldn't want it any other way, God bless her soul, she.was accidentally glued to death while working on the Junior-Senior .Prom. Her noble Super Glue Statue proudly stands pointing at the board in the old toior Homeroom. The statue serves a dual purpose, first decorative, and secondly it's a grim re minder of fund raising. nor,.4-^’ chaiming couple. Well, if it qS Houston Sailing in on Tim's new ship, the ?^^o ordinary naval vessel, mind you. It s equipped to carry their fleet of 16 kids comfortably, ® ^ classic example of necessity being 'the mother of invention,or father in this case. himse?f^°^viofrr,^^ ri^t behind them is Everette Miller Einstein .Known as the mad scientist" of Scaly Mountain. r'hnno f^ous for his ever popular cabbage plucking ma- ®iore example of Everette's Afro in genuity, Always the boy wonder! Tro4-oo!?^^ doorway is Mr, & Mrs, Terry Watson s Pood Store, Terry took over Bryson's Food years ago when one of his bosses accidentally if™ F produce truck into a crate of rotten peaches. chain of grocery stores now. You can ^ Kood Store in any major city west of Cashiers, wp I noise outside, and upon a glance new ® trying to parallel park her ffw ,Tammy inherited Lowe's Backhoe Service, and digs swiping pools for celebrity's homes. She even the home she shares with Robert Redford in Oconee^Heights, Walhalla, SC, crash and a bang comes Nicky Price, the famous Kicky is famous for the work of art YOU will quarry. Also, at the rock quarr Lid a Nicky s finger along with some beer cans \i/hitP=?Tda ^Sazines. Nicky's next project is to sculpt Sst of LS!°uSkl “ Daniels Old No. 7 -bottle. flash of operas and the roar of a Rolls Royce, we known as the quiet Pam Hunter in mon fvmfa?7T • being bored to tears with the dull, com- SfSnfl ^®^ ^i^st and only love, home in ^ hectic life scurring from their When asked residence in Clear Creek Estates., beine ^®^^® married to a sex symbol ( and D ing ono herself) Pam. just winks. lovely aroma of formaldehyde, we see it's Pat Jody biases thlr; ^abe & Bullard Funeral Homes, hiSs f?orL up-to-date fas- MeSI's oSr,erM!i® 2®P^^ent Store (formerly known as People's) cash rLiSf? responds to the ring of the of he? 1 Magnum, P,I, With the assistance ?eed friends, Jody & Pat, Melinda has man- ® ^ uf-4-t stores in London, Paris, and Pickens, With the squeal of tires and the smell of burning rubber t?al?d Toyota^Talley and Jet Set Jones. Tim and loger To??tL^ Wh?f^ school to go into their own businels racing ioyotas. When asked about their love lives, Tim and Roger grind their gears and cut doughnuts! ® ® we S®^® closing Y® f ® J 5 Rogers wheeling in Buds new Ford two-ton dump truick. .dls Bud helps Tina out of the truck, I see Tina's