ITD5^?ivi;D The West Montgomery Warriors, under the direction of Coach Alan White, made tremendous strides in track this season, which was recently completed. After a relatively slow start, the Indians thun dered inpressively down the homestretch, barely being edged by East Montgomery before placing third in the conference chan^jionship meet ahead of both East Montgomery and Randleman, 8 1/2 points off the winning pace* , West opened at home against Rohanan with two meets, losing 53-33 and 48-38, Traveling next to Randleman,the Warriors absorbed their worst beating, 63-23, Two triangular meets preceeded the East- West encounter and the conference meet. Against East Montgomery and Randleman, West grabbed 23 1/2 points behind the Eagles with 54 and the Tigers with 29 1/2. Against East and Siler City, the Warriors fell way back of the pace gain ing only 16 points to 48 1/2 for East Montgomery, Here:the turning point loom- od. In a night meet at West against the Eagles, the Warriors captured 5 of 9 first places and held a 411/3 to 39 2/3 edge going into the last event. In the mile relay, after one lap and trailing only by steps, Rodney Brigmaq stuirfcled and the Braves' hopes fell with him. East emerged victorious by 3 1/3 points,44 2/3 to 41 1/3. In the conference championship meet, an outstanding individual performance by versatile Frank Crunp carried West to a third place, ahead of East Montgomery and Randleman both of whom owned victor ies over the Warriors, Rohanen won the championship with 30 points, just ahead of Siler City who had 27 1/2. Next came West with 21 1/2, then East with 18 and Randleman with 13, Crunp, who was individual high scor er for the meet, took two first places, one second, and one fourth, gaining 14 pf West^s 21 1/2 points. His heave of 42 feet, 2 1/2 inches, a personal high, led all shot putters and his leap of 18 leet, 4 inches led the broad juirpers, A high juirp of 5 feet, 7 inches gained him a second place and he ’ did the 220 yard dash in 24,1 seconds for a fourth, Jim Harris added 3 1/2 points to West's total with a third place in the broad junp at' 17 feet, 2 3/4 inches and a split .for , Page 19 third in the high jump at 5 ft, 6 in. A of 4:00.4 gave the mile relay quartet of‘Rodney Brigman,Darrel ’Morris, Moon Harris and Reggie Miller a third place. Morris also ran fourth in the mile run sporting a time of 5 minutes, 20 seconds and Miller ran fourth in the 440 with 58.8 seconds. I3ASEBALL West Montgomery's baseball story could well be summed up in a rearranged version of a well- known phrase: from riches to rags, to riches. After two exhibition losses to Nor wood, the Warriors scorched the league with their hard, timely hitting and ex cellent defense.Their efforts resulted in* an uncontested first round conference lead with wins over every other team in the loop, a 400 record. After opening with an 8-4 trouncing of the Eagles of East Montgomery, the Braves marched to successive triunphs over Rohanen, 6-0; Siler City (Jordan-Matthews), 6-3; and Randleman, 4-2, As the second round of conference activity began, the clock struck mid night on this Cinderella story and for tune apparently waved a fond farewell. As consistently as the Warriors had won, they lost. East Montgomery first blem ished West's undefeated slate (5-3) and before the season ended,Rohanen (14-8), SiifiB City (5-3), and Randleman (5-7) all owned victories over the luckless Indians, The playoffs came and with them a sent)lance of the former spit and polish of West's forces. The Warriors pur chased their ticket to the conference championship by brushing off Rohanen 9-8, It was West Montgomery against Siler City in the finals and the Warriors responded to the call beautifully with a 3-1 triuirph, Ri^t hand ace Charles Crouch pitched beautiful one-hit ball and the Warriors pounded out 3 runs on 5 hits with 1 error to gain for West Montgomery its first athletic champion ship, C, D, Thompson, Crouch, Fincher Jarrell, and Reggie Miller coirposed West's mound staff. Thomps5n finished with a 3-1 record. Crouch had a 2-1 slate, and Jarrell ended with one of eaph. Miller compiled an 0-1 tab. Jimny Saunders won the batting title with a .310 average,.