May, 1922 - THE MIDGET Page 15 MAKE THE BOY GLAD With a watch, and start him on the way to man liness. A watch is a real Missionary, teach ing responsibility to the boy who carries it. I have given much thought to watches for boys, and have a fine selection in stock. The prices are very reasonable. F. E. STARNES hprs- —and reads as follows: P. T. Bar- num said: “A sucker is born every hour, and you are the latest.” 7—Oath I, , promise to give bro ther and sister members of the “Ben eficial Order of iShifters” any aid pos sible on whatever they may request. The Albemarle High School, howev er, has one ever-growing organization with a very large, membership. In fact, every student in High School is a member, although some are con sidered better members than others. Anyone familiar with this club and its work is sure to find out that it is doing nothing whatsoever. Our teach ers are especially familiar with this club, patented 1922, under the name of The Sons of Rest, “with apologies to the Chanticleer,” (affiliated with the Anti-Work League and the Loaf ers’ Union founded in the Procrasti nation Period by Ima Bum, B. V. D., S. O^L., I .0. U., I. .W W., author of “Why Don’t the Man Who Started Work Finish the Job?” Motto: Work is for horses and mul es, and they turn their back to it. Re sults: good. Favorite Theme: Rest. Purpose: To kill time. Official Flower: Jimpson weed. Slogan: Let the other do it. Favorite objection: Work. Meeting Places: The Newsie, the court house steps, and the jitney sta tion. Officers: “Dru” Moore, President of the Bro therhood of Time Killers. Spears Hurt, Chief of loafing squad. “iSleepy” McLauchlin, Grand Imita tion of Rest. Charles MeSwain, Head of Labor Dodgers. Requirements of Admission: ' 1. 'Candidate must possess at least thirty-five cents. 2. Candidate must make at least “F” (50) on Latin for two months out of each year. Dues: Mountain dews. By Laws 1. No profanity allowed (swear ing permitted). 2. The club is not responsible for hats, coats, or cuff-buttons of mem bers. 3. No crooks allowed except mem bers. Members Ralph Feagin, Winfred Gaddy, Carl Winecoff, “Doc” Whitley, “Wireless Ed” Widenhouse, Geo. Harris. N. B.—^For complete list of the honors of the members see register at police headquarters. ^^ COMMENCEMENT DEBATE. (By Mary Anderson) A splendid debate will be held at the Commencement of the Albemarle High School. The query. Resolved: “That the United States should adopt a policy of further material restriction of immigration,” is very interesting and is one of our great national questions today. The affirmative will be (upheld by Martha Austinr and Ray Lowder. The negative will be defended by Robert Cranford and Charles McSwain. These debaters were selected in the Preliminary of Triangular Debate as a second team. All of them are able speakers and have given the subject both study and thought. We feel sure that every one will be repaid for coming out to hear them. Harward-Almond Grocery Co. IT PLEASES US TO PLEASE YOU Telephone 87 Albemarle, N. C. SERVICE COAL, WOOD AND ICE C. L. LITAKER Telephone No. 1 QUALITY