\ V VOL /. NO. 2. GOL.DSBOR '^XCOgK DE^AT^iVG in in u teg W^ . . ... ,* »‘‘*«‘* the president moetinc. The was going tothe school The price of tur"® "«"’spap«r. acopyunamll f'^e one cent only. The pre«l(lt'',V” one support tho » ' that every, would/Sf«t up fjo.*. that all boKt rtjKts will)!. ' “f^®®ohes, as the per^lll 1,0 . This pa- ICa-h * ^^ ’’® »* “huily” shaii^I , 7-®''^ ”* E credit . ^ ‘he paper to tlie school. Cobb proposed Frazier WH. ,|na'“ '"Bmbership, and he was ^‘l.nousljr voted a mxJ;ub«r. qn. «ii.,n for tlobato was UesolvB.l: llwt railroads are ot more benellt to iimnkind than are steamboats. I he president appointed Borden Cobb and Uobort Stev.ms as judges ««‘-'*-olury called the speakers who I^owoli II,,naan F..S80II. Jacob Shrago, • • «i'»d TulMunre Spence. For the negative side. Louis Ilu.nmel, Jas ^u ley, Wm. Taylor, Alex. Fonvviek and na*il Watkins. ,;oth sides of the question were strongly brought nnt CUITIO’S OONDEXSED BK|.OBT. f.i,. spoocll. Uuinmel—Hnokn „i * i.r„p,,r„C. ni*h"'.““~“"° .o. of run ■'fade a'fairly good speech president gave a few sngges- '‘Iembers of the society. '®r3 . that we should take advanta^« ofevery opportunity to speak on the was »rlad nf h P*^esident said that he all, but hope'i7”‘‘r'“"" wi.:: ‘t;':,';:,?;:.:"- , . , of more benefit to l ^tax-onier, P„u. B.„„ ,,,„ ° - tysoR. • Fui tiie 'VII.O.., G.„"rr Jol.„so„, OeorL ^■,, »«•> Stove,,,. The president said Ih.t el,e,e „„, money in the treasure f. , • . was no imino i- which there was no immediate Use thaf i SUjro’eut flint *1 ’ WOUld suggest that the sooretarv shoi.tn , book that would be n/ " in nreuarin.. M del.aters p eparing their spoeches. „„d drnw on the treasurer for book. "*e The critic moved.'4,at prusidoni appoint a vigilant, committee of three- to report any disturbance among the members. This committee is to be ap pointed each night. wimara p„k„; school bell bo ruuit (ivery J.'i W„y „i„|,, 1-ii.w fi ’ lailvor bn allowed to I'o" lo vvhleh .Mr *r strenuously objeoted. ThH motion was dropped’. of^^v «Peeeh..; Vatkina. .^hrago and Uoyali ba publiflhud in th»j onitnai >'iino9cho#l pai>or, which motion was Carried. ' The critic reported Louis Hummel voir. “““eeessary oice, and the president imposed a fineol hve ceuls on each. Hummel plead not guilty” and was excused. Ihe secretary made a list of rtu>se absent and late at last meeting and at •e pie^ont meeting. Those absent were Connor Aycock. James Gul- ey James I^well, Talmage Hpeuce. am Taylor, George Wilson, War ren Winslow. Thomas Holmes, ICvan Norwood. Clarence King and Charlie ‘“j’PSon. pj.ygj^ . posed a line of teiT^ents. II Tlie DAILY ARGUS Will offer a fine • or BASEKALL Mil .To tlie Boy or Giil of tho Gnidea Scliool who sccures 5 New Yearly Sub scribers, or 10 New Subscribers for Six IVIonths, Cash with Subscriptions. Other Prizes will be Of fered Later.