Greetings to the New Girls Vol. II The Twig Meredith College, Raleigh, N. C., Friday, October 7, 1921 Boost The Twig No. 1 DR. AND MRS. BREWER ENTERTAIN FACULTY AND TRUSTEES ])r. «nd Mrs. Chai’los K. IBrcwer cntcv- tainod tho t'neult.v and trnstei's of Meredith College at an informal roecptioii held in the parlor.s of Main Building, Friday cvenitifr. Soptonhei' thirteenth. The affair, which wa.s arranged in order to allow the members of “Meredith family” to bceraue acquainted early in tho year, was in every way a success. About one hundred "uests called during the evening to meet the new faculty niiombers and renew acquaintance with those returning after the summer’s vacation, Miss Camp bell and Miss Anna Eliza Jircwer assisted Dr. and Mrs, BreM'er in receiving. Refresh ments were served late in the evening. NEW GIRLS DEPART FROM CUSTOM IN CHOICE OF SOCIETIES AkI'?OLD-WKiTE“ ' (Ncics and Observer) A ))retty home wedding was solemnized in \Vindsor when Miss Ruby Fuller White, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wliite, be came the bride of Mr. Dennis Ricliard Ar nold, of Raleigh. The marriage took ])laee at tlie hoiiu> of the bride’s parents. It was solemni/.ed in the parlor which was softly lighted by candlcs and was doeorated with tlowers and ferns. 'I'he ceremony was ])crformod by Rev. \V. R. Haight, pastor of the Baptist cluirch, of ‘Wen dell, who used the ring ceremony. Before the ceremony Mrs. Stanley Leary sang “I Love You Truly.” Tlierc wore no attendants and the bride and bride-groom entered together to tho sti-ains of Mendel sohn’s Wedding March, played by Miss Inez Matthews. The bride wore a becoming suit of brown t.rieotiue with hat to match, and a corsage of bride’s roses. She is the daughtei- of Mr. and Ml’S. J. H. White, of Wendell. She is a graduate of Meredith College and taught voice at Mai-s Hill College last year. The bride-groom is a young business man of Raleigh. Lnmediately after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Arnold loft for Raleigh where lliev will make their home. This year there has been a sliglit difference in tlie method of the division of societies, Ac cording to our usual custom, tho societies gave receptions on tho first and second times of their meeting. The now girls were divided evenly, ])art going to one and the remaining to the other. Then they were allowed a week to think Ihe matter over and make their choice. 'I'his year only one night was sel ected—'L'hursday evening of our secoiid week here—and the girls were invited to both societies. '‘Hoating” from one 1o the other The next morning at chapel Miss Campbell took a great weight from our shoulders by deciding to have the new girls make their choice then and there, the old girls leaving the auditorium. The result was fairly fav- INTERESTINC PAGEANT PRESENTED BY THE Y. W. C. A. MEMBERS orable all-round, both .societies getting an even number of girls, Of course it could have been belter for either one or the other; l)ut how would the one feel if the other got one moreV Tluis we say the result was fairly favorable. NEW OFFICERS Owing to the unusual luimber of old girls who did not come back, nuuiy of tho t)ffices were left vacant, To fill these vacancies the folhiwing girls were elected: Lowney Olive. House President of Paircloth; Olivia Ho- eutt, Sub-House Presideiit of Faireloth; .Juanita Arnette, House President of East; La\-ita McLean, Sub-House President of l-]ast; Sara Noel, Vice President of the Atii- letic Association; Alice Lowe, .lunior Editor of The Acorii' Carolyn Merem' Assi.stant Manager of tho Oalc Leaves; Hettie Huggins, Fire Chief; Katherine Noel, Vice President of Y. W, C, A, j Margaret Wyatt. Secretary of Y, W. C. A,; Winnie Mae Rowland, Chair man of Community Service; Lucile Inseoe, Treasurer of Y, W. C. A,; and Susie Her ring. Corresponding Secretary of the Phil- I areLliian Literary Society, On So]>t, 2'). at the regular Y. W. C, A. service, the Y. W. C. A. presonlod a page ant entitled “Through The Blue Triangle.” The Pagoiint presenled in a vivid and beau- Lifnl manner some of the Ihings for which the Y. W. C. A. stands. The cast, led by the S})irit of the Assoeia- cialion. entered ajid took their |>laces on the stage while singing “Oh, Zion Haste." Im- niiediately the Spirit of the Comnnniily en tered from the right of tho stage, I'lxin en quiring the meaning of the Blue ’I'riangle which the Spirit of the Association wore, tho Spirit of the Association told her that it was the emblem of tho Y. W. C. A. and asked the Triangle Girls to cal! the first great y)lnt_\Yhii:b.ilie. Y. w. .A. sf’pJ'S, 'rbf'v vp., s))onded i)y calling Tnspiratiojx who, followeil !\y her dancers, came througli the blue tri angle at the back of tho stage and stood in the center of the stage, while tho dancers circled ai-onnd lior and at last knelt to her. They then h'ft the center of the .stage and the ti'i- angle Girls called tin* next groat spirit which the Y. W. C. A. brings to tlio eonnuunity—Ed ucation. who, with her daneer.^, came to the (tenter of the stage in a maiinei’ .similnr to that of the S]>irit of Inspiration, following (Coulinncd on jxtuc -t) CLASSICAL CLUB ORGANIZED Tho Classical Club met last Thursday af ternoon for its first mooting in Dr. Law's room. Several plans wove talked over and discussed, but nothing definitely was decided u]ion. Refreshments, consisting of cream nnd cake were served by Dr. Law. On Tuesday afternoon, there Avas a i-all meeting of the club and the following offi cers M'cre elected: Pre.sident—Alethia Felton, Vice-Presidfiit —Ruth Livermon, See. & Treas.—Janie l^iit- tou. A c(mnnittee (>f two. Alice Lowe and Daph- iu“ Owens, was appointed to draw up the constitution and by-laws, whioh are to he pre sented at tho next meeting, The next meeting will be held on T\josdav afternoon Oct. 11.