2 THE TWIG Member Nnrih Carolina Collegiate. i’rras ^Usocicifion. OSiclal Oryan «/ Ihr. fHudrnt Body of Meredith Col- ici/e. FuAXCf;s CiiKiJKV Editor Coucri'iiv McrUiAYKH. Editor M,\i;cai:kt Ovkiuo.v. ./jHsiJtcss Manager RoiJi’uvi'.v CiJAWKORT),.. .^lss^ Jius. Mgr. ANNit: Ei.KiNs As5oca£e Editor Edna E.uiii^ 'Waltox.A8sff?nm't Editor FiiAvi'icrt HowAiiD.. .CiiTuJaiwn Editor Gi.aiiys Cox Assf. Pir. Editor Asxir: F. Hai:i:is. .. Editor Subs5(;rii)U()ii Pl'ice. .$2.C0 Cbitorial I Till' ciitii'i' not is nolliiiig if Till' rwilula ai'po:n’ to tlie Sfiuor,-" i)s till' lirsr ilcHiiito glimpse !>{' t])(‘ roii.-utiiiiiiitioii oi' t)io foaii- v(';ir si I iK 4 ■)> Sniiii' cin‘ Ii;h Silid lliiit ‘'Cdllogo hl'Oil i-- yciU'J lout'.” i-'i'cslimpii, ■ loil'l VMM ln'lii'VI’ it. H= * * A •'iiclili I' inil M'iicY c:dilor vcii- lui'i'- n-i .^pDutanotnis com- iiioiiis dll III" ivr-iiihcr. I'Mitoritils Ml'illci: liii'li'r llu- iiillllcnc'C of n 'I'Vi'iiiy ih i:r'r iitniosplioro, op-. |)i;;l'r| i III" .|;,i;|'iill:5 t(J Sjy t||(; Iniyt, JlCI ll( li' ;i d:ty ))]• .so ilt u ' iii|'i j'iiini'cj ol' jil>fjiu U.'ii :(! tin ill I - ' ..I' is .-M'ii cniiiim • jtifiko ii tios odioi". fuct tliut a lllC !l[.i|il'0.’lc'llillg ii'ti'iIIIIInu' v.itli I'wii.. llip i'ilii(.ii:il xmirMvllUf Mltilil|(‘l[, lire Ix'iiiii' ' -ii]nniii. ’.I’l'Hiiiji"; '•I'i'Sii'i] ill I’lir.'isilip: :!irsr frii'lH Ky tin.' I '.'i'm ciK-li Is in-ciiij- ::: » « Oil. y-s. I'A’i.'i’yuHC’ l||i III, l)llt fr\V (lull’l ll.'lVl' I V 1 ii'i -l'-i r-iicy lo try to 'f: lii;i' iii'nli'i'ii.-;. [‘^vfii ■ • us ,•(• ;i \v(.'('k 111’'- li)r> i.ur |)H‘Sc-iit 'liiy (h'liciitf- ii-. .\il (iiily ai'fj \v(! iic- •:i!vlitius jiliy.-iic.jilly, hut ■'-ni III \vf':if uiir imsiginii- !• ml [)v f>\-ci'-i'xcf-i.sc. - ' liirli ;iri' givi'ii ! Vcf jiliy.sical (|i'vcli>iiiiii'iit \1' li illlll llJI.S il Sliiilll ' til'' .’’yiii (diisscs iiiiplil '■i- i I -iifnc-.ifoit oj)|).irtiini- •i-"'. it- not fur tlii' l;' 11' f-c.-i'iii to Strolling up Jtn'1 Fri.vct|cvil](. Street is iulujii;r’ . wrciisc-. 'I'Ih' qufisfioii has its p'r'..i,;il u'’ll us its nendoniic viowjuiin;, Is tliero or is tlicrc not, “the usual ordoi'” of maveliiiig from oluipol? Some of ■\ve' antique mem- liors of tlic collego romejnbcr wlien undorclagsnifm, woro su^tposcd to wiiil at Im.st until tlic Juuiora wcro out l.K'forc takiug training fov tlic trm-.k toaiii by rushing toward the doors. .Ihu it seems “Thoui days is goiK^ forovor!” I^ow tliu Seniors arc liju'dly idlowed to go out un- atti'udi'd !)V undcrtdiissnicti and as t’oi' .runiurs—well, iiiayho they wouM like to niareh out unuhapor- oiu‘d by uiHlcrelas.suicn occnsionally thinnsclvos. 'i'iic contest announced by the CoinniittOL' nn ‘Bondji for Is’’o\v Mevc- ditli i.-j ono wlucli .aliould be entered into heartily by varioui? studenta. N’ol only is the jsucioos.sful contc?Btaut to f^'aii) iK'r.soiuilly find materially, bnl the fitory is lo be usod by the (Jliiiivniiin of Ihis CommiLtec the la.st of ihr«;o ii])peul.s lo the Southern l’.ai)fiHt8 fur fnnds wilh which to build tlie Moi'adith -which we so I'iigcvly visualize and untieipate. Of enursn, tliis ]iarlicnlar appeal is to b.‘ witiely knoivn :i.s tho eompo- sltir>n of a !^^ercdith gii'l, and not only is it Iiojkh] ihat ori’dit will he i'(^ti'f!i'il U])oii the forfniiate girl, anti hor Alma IVralcr, but il is the gri'ak'St clninoe jiny girl in .school at t>ro.senL luis, to prove her loyalty and iiitcri'sl in the project ivhich is •■^o wifluly and cun.sistenfly in the iiiiiids of (ill iiiterc.^Jlotl in Alomlilh (Jidlegi'. ;\ .siluation bronglil lo the Jitten- iiMi of ICcononiics .sUulciils recently !.s uiu! wlilfh shonbl be presented to I be CVilU'ir' as a whole. An (ilee.tric I't'ht bulb Mtid a t(’xt book from th« [U'Mti'S.snr dosk, were mis-^ing. It I', not iln' ai-lual \ahK- of the jniss- iiig iiniidi'.-; wliii-li i.s to Ixi (•(.'iisurod, lint ralbi'r ibe hix sciuinieni. wliieh 'vill idlow .such di-j)Iorii!ile circnni- .'laiirr.i a.s a n.-j?ult. it u the ohler "irl.-i—ihi' gfrls •»by liavo at M I'p'! Mill b>ni'c^i —wbo o.-l ablish 'br iJivviiiling ])r(/(‘dciil.s and tlicre ai'i' niiiny xrion'5 pos.sibiliti'?i nttt'ii- iil*"ii ilin alliliili- (,,r iiulifltT- I III' lack ijj a snliiclfiitiy liix!i 'laiidai’i! ol lioiioi' wliicdi will pi-rniii I'Vi'ii .-n^-b niinoi' oliVtiscs lo tiiijiur)i-(‘d. It' llu: ]trofi',i.sors "1 I III' c'p|j,';;v lilt- ('lloUgh lo .•ill'iw ihi' ii.'f «ii' ihi.j)- cliissi'.Kiiiis at ni.iilii III intllviiiiial.-, ibi’ii it is only ih.- I'l.ui'h'ons ibiiig iliiit lln'.so indi- \ idn;tU b'ii\’.' (bi; rfioiii in l)ie order ill ivbii’h liiry foimcl il. '.['bis ifi a I'lirni-nbir incidcni, l>ni ii. invulvc's I iiiiiiaiiii'iiiril jiriiirij>)fs wbich it vvniild bf vciy well to coiihidvr and ''l’l'l'‘ i‘i i'll iho \arioUH of iiui' (•(dlcji'i' life. ••Tin' I'uiil jnst didn't la'silize.” liai '1 lial M’as riuikiiig a fool 'l Ihisril' and Ihai. rvi-ii as she ;ioic‘il sill' \v,,iii|t| |>c foohfd—tliiit ibiiikiiij’- la'iiiu- ,111 tlKjUgbls. .\'ow idi'iis ai-i' I be pi fii'i'iiy of prior lliiiikiiig. .\ui| jis ihc rhild is born '■'.nil Iiilirri'iiI bki'uc.ss iind .-'iinilari' li'S lo ils paivnt.-i, .«o jifi tin; ideas' I'lii'l'' "1 !ti- ,snnj(‘ nni(('i'iai out of 'vliicli ilii'V arc i-rcalcrl. Clean, b'lir lliiiikinir i.s pi'ndui'tiv« of clean, Iciir rbtjiigbi.^, ainl no inattor how nil iiiiiy bi'iil about the hush, and foetal Calen&ar | Friday, February 15—4:00, Meeting of A. A. U. W. in parlors; 6:00, Recital by Annie Grafly. !« K Saturday, February IG—6:45, Mdot- ing ol! Astro and Plii Societies; S:00, ^Tlss PIillllDH entertains licr studenta in tlio Plu Hall. •H iH W Sunday, February 17—C:00, Y. "W. C. A. Meeting in Cliapol. f a Tuesday, February 19—5:00, Meet- ius of Chemis1.ry Cluli; E>:00, Meeting of .IToino Economics Club; 8:00, Misses Smit.li and Rotrurs cntortnia tlieir Sunday Suhool Clasaos in the Faculty I’arlov. ■Wednesday, February 20— G:45, Meeting o£ B. Y. P. U.’s. S' ■(' I|! Friday, Febrtiai'y 22—5;00, Piano Rocital by Lillian Uouso. cvale (lie question, the individual is not thinking as .?he should if any- ibing flb-e rpsulfs. The time spent in waiting for plione calls, 5n Avish- ing for .specials, in reading light, rri\-olous, i)iirny!ird literature, in •seeing poorly consstrueted, den^oral- izing jiiuturo shows docs have fruition—but in -what? We kavc Icat-ncd how to spend twenty-four houi’s u day. Eut even a bargain is not a bargain if it is not needed, nnd is bought at the loss of ,5omc- Ihing dearer but luore useful. “The fool just didir’t realize!” ‘\Yas it bcr fault. Partly ye.«, partly no! What she needs is closer attention to Ihii5gs of real value. She thinks 10 pay little for nmcli. But saiicr, boflt'i- thinking is more paying in the long run; the bargain often bci.-oini.'S a liability. The carefully fho.scn arliule increu.ses in value as iiii asset. As money begets money, .^0 tliouglit lic-gels thought. Let lhat iliought bo pi'oud of its parents and iissoeialion—ihen it is an as.scfc. H' * !!" Ki'[)Oi'(i'i-s for ibis iR,sne are: lii'Ucc Cali-.'j, Evelyn i^[o!•gan, ICelon I'lybon, .iLlizabcth .I’urncll, Phcbe ! biv, J\roryaret Durlijini, ilarie !'’b'ining, JJlizabelli J£imsey, Kao- iord Ilati'.ber, Lcouc Warrick, Joy Mia Ilia 11, Jennie jVlae Ilurtsiield, !in'z I'Vu-i'ec, .i.iinabeUe Abbott, .Mary Oovingtoji, Mary Allison, i'^leanor Lane. me[,;tj]N'G of math club ON MOiSDAY AfTEKNOON r>Tj;]{i:sTji\(, .and j.vstkuctivi'; 3ii:i;ti>'C{ of jiiiMxi.i -HATJI t'Ll.li 'i'o atuduiits ol poetry ns well as siudonlK cii; science, tJie prograni ol the HyiuiLiii Miitlicinaties clnb, last Mou- ua cxaniini; your I'ves KAI-EIGH JKWJ'I.KKS N. C. day afternoon, furnislied an iinusiinl amount ot Interest and suriii-isc. Tlie new president, Mary Bowers, was in charge, and conducted n sliort bUBineag mootlEg, after which the sec retary ,"^1108510 Jackson, road the pro gram for the afternoon. “Miithonintics in ChonilBtry" WflS discussed in a very alcar and instruc tive muiiner .iiy :>Iis9 Mary Marlin .Tobnson oE the Chemistry Faculty. iMisg Johnson lirst cxplsiinetl the iiso of juathenniLics in Freshman Chcm- iKlry, illustrating each type of prob lem wil.!i a simple e.xample. Slio' then took up the higher eouraes in Chem istry, emphasizing the necessity for calculus and differential equations in the solution of problems in these courses. The talk was interesting thronghout, and the element of sur prise was introduced when the Bpeaker wrote on the board somo romiulas of such Jongth that the audience won dered how they could possibly be worked out. Surprise was again I'elt when Anna bel Abbott, vico-prcsidont of the ciaij, began to speak on the subjoct, ‘’IvraLh- eniatics and Poetry. 'What possible connection could there be bet'veen nmthematics and poetry'/ Quotations were given from promiuent poets and maLhcniaticians to prove that there is a vital connection between tho two, and the relation wna farther shown by the reading oJ Edgar Gnesfs e;i:er- taining poem, entitled "Fracdons." •What is your occupation?'’ “I used to be an orgiinist.” “Anil why dill you give it up?" ‘The monkey died.” CtlAPEL SERVICE HELD IN INTEREST OF MEREDITH Ki:VKl{KM) AVJIITE IN CHARGE OF SKIJJNC! UOM>S FOR NJnV SIKREDTTH in chapel Saturday morning Mr. Lee •MclJride "White, of Kinston, conducted Ihc dovotiunal cxercises, and made a most interesting talk to the student body. Mr. White has charge of selling the bonds to raise money for the erec tion of the buildings of New Meredith. He Inis given up his woric at Kinston for the next three months in order to dr>VDte his entire time to the tremen dous task which he has undertaken. With such a task in view, his talk was very aptly based ou faitli, which he doliued as being a combination of vision iind courage. With such a viewpoint, and such conlidence, we feel that siicijcss in the great M'ork that ho has consented to do is iruivitable. Following a dinner of savants a certain professor of P.syciiology thoiiglit ho would test a colored cloak attendant as to his memory. Al lhough thu professor pretended to have mislaid his check, the boy without hesitation handed him tho right hat. “How di«i you Icnow this one was minc?^' n.sked the learned man. “Ah don’ know dat, suh.” “Tlion wiiy did you give It to me?" “ ’Cause you give it to me when yon come in, suh.” J7ii'iialio}in lo yniir commoicement sliouhl he cvrnxt in cvcrij detail ,!S* 'i'ho “imprint” of Edwards k Brougliton Pjinling Cuinpanj' has for many jT-ars bocn tJie murk of ci’!iftsman.^hip in engraving CoNCK'lT—Cu.MMICNCKJIK.M- 'WKnUliNO Invitations Edwards & Broughton Printing Co. CALIFORNIA FRUIT STORE OUR SODA FOUNTAIN HAS BEEN POPULAR SINCE 1900 High Grade Candies Fancy Selected Fruits Pure Ice Cream VISIT OUR :CE CREAM PARLOR PWMPT, EFFICIENT SERVICE CALIFORNIA FRUIT STORE Sample Shoe Store Shoes and Hosiery 218 S. WILMINGTON ST. Shoes of Today with touch of Tomorrow

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