THE TWIG 3 Mlnnxmt Ashton. N. C., Jan. 2, 1024. Drau Ai.imN/n: A very hapiiy Clu'latmas has bDcn OHVS. We'vo Giijoyecl so nnioh being with frieiula aiul loved ones, and Mary Hosier was dcUglitod with Santa Claus' visLt to her, I did not dvcani that she would apin-ooifite a Christmas tree to the extent that she did. OC course she continues to enjoy toy.i and livescnts. She has not been too well the last tew days. She ia cutting licr eyu teeth, aiii], too. sliu. along with mother and daddy, is taking the Tyiihoid serum. You see we are getting ready I'or our return to tlie West Coast ot Africa. I am glad to say that ahe kac'iis nil, and only shows that she ia not too well, by not eating as much aa she doe.s ordinarily. I shall be filad when these four bad teeth are throiigh. For sollish reasons I would profer stay ing in this country until she gets ull of them, boeuuso landing in Nigeria In February or March is not easy by any means. They being the hottest and dryest months o£ the year, and. Loo, the quinine which of necessity must be taken daily will nut make cut- ling teotU any easier, I am glad to say, hnwcvcr, that white children do well out lici'c in syitc of rjuinine. and their inaliiUty to ho ont of doors from nine o'clock u.m. until live o’clock p.m.—the lioura Avhen the sun’s raya arc ex tremely penetrating. If they aro out at these hours they must wear their lielmets. We often wonder how the /^tjinl)a baby endures the exposure to the sun as he or she does. Infant mortality rates high, but the wonder is that it does not rate higher wiLh such con ditions for liCo as are found in the >iomba home. When file baby oomos. the little “tummy” is never bound or iiltended to, as our babies. Mure often than not, the navels of the naked ohlldreii on the street are sti(^king out froiu the size of an ngf,- to the sizo of a fist. 'I'hoy remain in this condition a.s long a.=j the child li vcs. After the second or Ihird day the mother is out at work witli the lialjy on her back. She may Ijo honding right over to the grountl wastiing clothes at the edge of some atroiun, or carrying a lioavy load for a long distance, fn eillun- riise the child's head is absolutely baro to the sun, and bobbing u]) and down. I've often aeon the little things fast asleep, witli their little bodies, resting against thoir mother's naked backs held there by the mother went on carrying the about her chest or waist, and their little heads swinging to and fro as the niotlier wont on carrying the heavy load on her lioad. The children are carried this way and nursed until they are three years old. In tJie menntime they aro fed on all kinds of inodiclnc concocted by the native. It is during these years, also, tluLt the child Is marked, Lnat you've not road aljout this I shall here de scribe the process. The child ia taken to a professional man, who with a sharp knife malces a .series of parallel incisions both hori zontally and perpendicularly on the child’s fuee—cheeks and forehead. Sometimes thei’e may be as many aa forty incisions—from one to two inchoB long. The skin between these incisions is then removed and native medicino applied. I’vo seen older children freshly marked this way with three scars—from shoulder to w'rlat. Often these wounds become infected, and the child dies. II the wounds heal the child la disfigured for life. Friends, what do you think of the picture I have given you'’ I am glad I can carry Mary Hester back and try to show n few of such people liow white chiklron are cared for. Our in-ayors are that we may through her lii!e bo a blessing to tliose people. Won't you pray that the nilasloiiaries may net become discouraged when the Chriatlaus among those pcoi)!o ciMitinue to follow these heathen cus toms of marlcing tiie faces of the little ones, feeding them on native medi cines and fail to heed the advice oL nuracs when a little one comes into lliia world, I’ray, also, that the girls tiieni- selves may really want to go to school, iiH du the boys. The boya rciallze that an education helpa them, but the girls don’t—at least very few of them do. The parents don't eucourngc the girlw in going to Bcbooi. Tliiuk of tliia! One of the oldest Christians in the Oyo church did not want, and would not send his daughtor to tlio school witliiii a Stone's throw of hla house, because \f she wont to school tlie healhon man slio was to marry would n«)f pay him»tho mouoy (dowry) ho had prnn- ised. Another y(uinger girl in the Aton section of Oyo wanted lo go to school, ilor parents would not let her go. Tho only time .she could ge was when she could get her mother's cunsont to go and salute Teaclicr’s wife. Annie, as I see it, our greatest need now is Day Scliool.n, located wlioro they will reach the Boys and GIKL3 now not iuterestoii in education. Day Schools which will send more hoys iiml (.llliLS to tho higher institutions. We need, lo carry ou these schools, mlBslouarles intei'osted in and pre pared to lo this primary and ele mentary work. W'e have not the native workers to do the work. But few arc finishing the iiig'her scIukjIm each year, and many more tiian finish are wanted and even begged for In sections where (be missionary can noi yet go. So our apiieal is to tlic person interested in that kind of work. "Won't Itoii I/O if (Jic J-oi'd iciiiils you lh('i'v.‘ With love, Roha irooiiTT rowKt.i., Mi:s. .T, C. P(iwi;i.i.. GOSSIl* What is wrung witii the relaliou of faculty and stuileut here ut Mercditii? I’usslbly SOUK! line will say not iiiiy- Ibing. yet (boro is and it is a bi^ thing too. .Tust let a girl walk down (hn hall wllh a niomber of the facuUy and at onco she begins hearing— "What kind of grade aro you flsliing for now'.'" or “spoalcing of crushc.s you seem to have it sorter bad”—or some such a catty remark. Now this is moat certainly not a pleasant attltud«> for one to take nor ia it a ,iust one. Poasibiy ihore is a reason for a girl talking with a teacher, Maybe there aro real iuLerests that we would enjoy talk ing of with mumbors of tlio faculty who have similar Intereats but we just cannot for fear the old thrust "crushing on tlio faculty.'' Of course, every girl here wishes sho might have II real friend in the faenlty—now 'I'ess up. don’t you—Well then why not teave the girl who is a bit luckier than you are alone and set out to make somo friends yourself. I'm sure them are just plenty, the teachers who would really love to be a pal cad guide to us. It seeuia siimotiraos aa though the ones who most frequently throw the hardest tannta ou “crush- lug on the Faculty” might be just plain Jealous because they are not the lucky one. ^tubcnt ©pinion Whut will become of Ihe "Green" store when Meredith Ik moved? This ia the tiuesLlon which arises in the miuds of some of us when wg aeo thp girls headed in that direction. Many of us go to the store and have a dope and crackcis nr ice cream and cakes or some aucli dainty, anti feel lhat wn liavo had a very nice lunch. What wn need to do is to f?o to the dining room when each meal is served and eat Ihe more nnurishing I'ooil whk-h has been prepared ftn- ns, Wljeti wc eat between meals oiu' iippeliics have left UH when we come to the lablc at 1.ho regular meal hour and gradually wo I'oi'l as If can oat nothing biU. ihe little iinuourishing dainties. Why do wt' not roalize that in doing these I Kings our bodies become dnllcienl and unaide to do their daily work as well as I'eaist diseases? Tlien too, our ])arents often wonder what we do witii so much money, Wijy pay two board bills when one should bi^ suiliclent? Thcro aro nuuiy crying nerds ai i^leredith College, but the loiulest cry of ail now scorns to be i'or reform in liie use. or abuHO of the telephones, ICvoryoiio knows the pupularily—crav ing people wlio huuut !)1S1 during the time iiotween dinner and study hour every night, It ia a sad stato o[ afTuirs when no one can call a girl over that telephone without toeing asked his name, place of residence, age, and geji- (“i-al characteristics before being told lhat the person he wants la not in just i!Ow by snmc girl who is loo la/.y lo go after her. And then when one oi the less popular of the student body hiippens to get a call she cannot say uuu-o than hello without being begged and oajolcd and urged to hang up so lhat some girl who wants to liear her hiily thiee hnurs of sweet iiothinus 'an luivo the teleplione. However, most of u.s expecl; lo be old maids any how. so it must be (he right thing to do lo help the ones wIjosd avowed aim In life is to get man-iod. So hereafter give up Ihe receiver iiiatantly to the Ihst love-lorn maiden who asks for it. iiusiiicsa and life and death and littli' uialtors like tliat can wait while the love-sick turtle-lovea coo over tlie lihoao. It is rumored that some l''reshman's busineBS boi’ause so iniport- juit that she wont around to the Seuior telephone with siU'h ;in air of aggres sive aulhorlty thut nono dared am^s- lioii her and ordered a member o£ Ihe diiss of ’24 1.6 finish her convor.sation and let her put in a call, 'I'his can hardly bo a ease ol igtiorance, after al most six months’ residence at Mere dith and a rigorous conrso in the hand hook. Perhaps New Meredith ’ will have private telephones for these peo ple who liuve so many affairs to at- lend In. TLKASi;! Ch’anliness ranks next lo goddli- uess, and how far short, of the mark sii many of na full. This special lack of clciuiliueKK and ronsiderutinn for tithers is due lo mere thoughtlessness on Ihe jiiirt ol most of us. Hut the rhongbts tluit it causes those who fal low it is well tlia1 we fry to be ladles, or the expressimi of luir .scjilimeiiLs at that moment would immediately place us In lh(! list oC those that have no 'lnim lo good breeding. How heartily vve deuoiiiK'o those that go before us, nnininili'ul of Iho I'acl that the one who comes after may lay upon us an even nnn‘0 si’atlilng denunciation, Souio of our llouso rrcsidents have posted no tices reminding iis of this obligation lo others, but we l)llLliGly disregard it, wither fiiiling to seo it, or assiuii- ing thut the maid or someouo else has more time lluin we do. This is a mutter upon winch \ve nil feel strongly, uml yet which only a lew of us seem to tfike personally. Vel it c«>ncerns each and every one of us lo an eciuul extent. If eaeh person would assume just their share of the (itdigation. they would lose only a small amount of lime, and would im mediately gain in the estimation of the otliers in their building. Some of us feel (hat a cull-down would not be uio severe a punishment for this neglect, and nthers feel that oven a. call-down would not be adcnuatc. So for the sake of cleanliness, ajid the love of hunuiuil.y, please, please, please don't foj’uet to wash out the bath tub when you aro through!! UJlArKL (KLNDICT The unbjoi-t of this student opinion is by m> means a new one, but do you lumestly think chapnl conduct is as it should be? 1 hntc to bo pessi mistic. Ijut it. is a clear fact that 'hiipei conduct is worse than it was formerly. What e.'ipei'ially causics me lo say thi.s is the studying that goes on (inritm chapel services. We have «nu-half hour I'or each of live days a week which is supposed to be used for wiirsliipping God iii chiipel. Those chapei services are to be participated in by every girl, but some do not soem to tliluk this, liooks are taken to i'hapei, and are actually studied while Dr, Brewer is reading tho Bible or piuying. Kacli of these acts Is enougii 10 bring reproach to Meredith, Its true wo came lo Meredith for tiduca- EFIRD’S CAROLINA’S LARGEST CHAIN OF ONE-PRICE DEPARTMENT Sl'ORES WE APPHECIATE YOUR PATKONAGE WE SELL IT FOll LESS YOU AHE WELCOME AT ALL TIMES Louise Mays was a pleasant vlaltor to the College Friday availing. SUPERBA Monday—Tuesday—Wednesday “UNSI];iSft Kl'E.S” if Vo?{ Think You're Thrill-proof—Tr// This One! Staring Lionel Hurryinore anil Soonu Oivm Thursday—Friday—Saturday “ItOY or MINE” GHp2>i7ifi—Hnvian—Unforffclablc Booth Tarkiugton’a Story of a Parent Lovo With Lou AlexAiuler, TIenry Wiilluill, Ircjio EIcli and n^ickUff b'ollows College J^etus: Marie Fleming anil Annie Grady at tended the wedding oC Mildred Smith last week. Pearl ifrewer Ims beou called home on account of illness. .Mary Wor.sely spent iho past week- C!)ld at home. Clarlsa Poteat spent a very pleaa- ani weck-eufl in Wake Forest, Louise Alderman was in Chapel Hill with her hrinher the past week-end. nianche Stokes spent the past week- 'nd ill Wilson. Monta Clark and Kraui’es Haywood s|ieut a vcj'y pleasant week-end with ATabel Oldham at iier homo, in Wen dell. XrOl Cheek Hjieut Ihe week-end with 111-]- parents in Chapel Hill. .les.sie Brooks visited luez Holloway ill l.HirJuim the past week-end, ileiiuie Frye is home an the account ot Illness, Kobcrta ami Mity (.'rawford were home liii! past week-end. .lane Ijoiivers spent the past week- >nd at home. Iillsle Ship visited her parents in inirham last week-end. Xidl iieiuhall, Oeiieva lienthall and Rull; Shaw Britton spent a pleasant wt:ek end in Cary. Iris Veiiiigtoii and laiuy Knight vlsileil friends In Kalelgh for the week-eurl. I\I:u'guret Harrison. Verdell Mathews, iMlnnie Murchison, Lucy Cain, Minnie Jlerrin, Marguret Henderson, Pauline i'attoti, Edna Earle Waltou, Susie Her ring lint] Cladyf. Patterson, attended Ihe Annlvej’sary receplion in Wake Fiuest Monday night. heUii Cobb visited liie College the past week-end. Until Bufl'aloe s|iciu the past weelc- •nd wiih her parents in Garner. lion, but anything I’Uti bo lakcn loo far. “Thou shall have no other goda beL(U-e mr" is the lirst coiniuandmont, and wo aro worshiplBig studying, and puLling it before tlod when wo dare to study whilo we're supposed to be worshiping Him. if wc can't let one llttlo half hour out of each day he on- tireiy (lod's. I for one think we're un- wortliy to come to the largest U.aptist's girls' college in Xorth Carolina. Talking is another evil that makes t hapcl services irroveraut. This is not as bad as studying hut it’s wrong, and ■'one wrong never rights another.” It’s true that chapel attendance Is compulsory, and it looks as it somo of as go there Lo fill tho chapel seat, and i) be marked present, and It never crosses our mind what the real pur pose of chapel is. It's tnic our academic work is hard, but it is also true lhat wo have time Lo give God one-half hour out of twenly-four hours. I don’t think this misconduct is due to bad intentions, hut I know it la due to pure thoughtlessness, Wc do not take the nuittor seriously enough; this i.s the root of the \vhole trouble. But ihoughtlcssnoaa ia no excuse, for we arc distinguished from ull lower ani mals in that w'o can think. This in- trumeiU of man sometimua grows dull from lack of use. Please apply your power of thought to the subject of this opinion, and then answer iny question "Is our chapol conduct as It should be?”

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