2 THE TWIG ^5255,0 Mcvibcr North Carolina Collegiate Press Association, Official Organ of The Student Body of Meredith Col lege. DOKOTUY McBBAYER Lkone Wauiiick . Maiwaiiet Ovebton BLA^•CIIE Stokes i Mahoauet Eaci.es I POUTIA ALDEKMAN Si:die Ckeecii CuYSTAL Davis Axnme F. HAimis RuTii PiP:ncE Gr.ADYS Cox Mauy Am.isox Nellie Daniels Editor ...Managing Editor . .Business Manager Asst. Bus. Managers Assistant Editors .. Circulation Mgr. Cireulation Asst. Subscription price $2.50 €bitorial ^ I Pli'iisc notice rlio “topics for rlioiiirl't Jiml discussioti.” •lust two iiioi'o Sundays. ^^[ilkc‘ every little week count bc- ejiuse tliere’s a greiit d:iy coining. Xot to 1»‘ ])('ssitni.sric but Exams follow (.’lii'istnins—so pvcpare. Arcnioi-ic.s ami anticipations com prise; tlic nnijority (jf our tlioiiglits tlicsc ihivs. SIiu'i' wiiilcr is here—ti good op- porrnniry to nialcc some now ac- [iiaintniH-('S in tin- library. Siiiiii- rciiinnnts ot’ ilie turki'y— Miusrlv t'niid memories. '['lie iiiinn-rons visitor-s for I lie wi'ck-cnd niadi' tlic .\ljua -Mater a i'i'nliv.viin fiJi' many good old ‘’rc- niiirinjis," iiany of the former snnii'iu.- ami >;raliniti'S imide iinder- standinji' •riii'st.-i for ’riumksgivini; and the wi'rl;-mil. Some envy lliem while iiiliers |iiiy. ’I'Ih-ai'liide in ilie Student Forum Ilf lllr 'I'rrli Iilrldil last Week by I’ro- fessnr Sehwai'tz Ini.s created mudi intei'esl, es|)ei-i:dly so, as coining from :i iuc’nd)i'r of tlu' t'aeuliy. Tlie plirasi' “Ks])eeia!ly, in tli(.' manner it is done” desei'ven some tlioilglit. .\ny “puradi*” can bo good—but tliere arc two sides to every qiio.stion. .\re the local Suiidtiy afterinion ‘‘[lai'iKk's” done in tlie right man ner? .\ little problem wliich neeils consideration. 'I’lip Thanksgiving games were interesting to some people. Foot ball gnnies, like ofhev things, arc Hie source of groat joy W’liethcr the results are those anticipated or not. All rlie world is going crazy on tlie subject of. cross-word puzzles. 'J'lie chief rccreatioii at present is the solving of cross-word puzzle.s. 'I’his is a very profitalile pastime and a very fascinating problem. Aside from gaining untold pleasure peojile enlarge and develop the vo cabularies. Meredith students are not exempt from the mob who arc cross-word puzzle crazy. Every (■veiling everybody awaits with anti cipation unsurpassed the arrival of the Raleigh Tiincft, which is con tributed to each student by business firms of tlic city each evening. Groat good may come from these problems and doubtless great pleas ure is being derived. The list of the rooms which were the most perfecitly kept last month is printed in this i.ssue. The list is unusually large wbieh means that the girls are gaining in pride. Your room is your home for the largest part of the year, so why not make it wortliy of your name. The list should be one Imiulred per cent, pifti'en minutes a day will keep your name a permanent fixture on the list of widl k(‘pt rooms. “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again t" Witli ibis is.siie of Tnv; Twn; the column called Stiulcnl- Opinion has lieen changed to the Opi'ii- Fonivi with the hope and desire that the students will reaji, and on reading, will respmid and reiict in a “mate rial’' way. ('ailed Open Farinii, this eolunin of Tiiio Twin will be devoted to matters of deeji interest. The siiideiit o])inions hereU)fore have been icio idea! and too shallow. The idea is In crr'ate interest in deeper pr'iMcms. 'I’lie c()liimn is open to every student of Mereilith and every fat-nliy memher. ,1’lease respond! 'I'be library- is “all dressed up” with a number of e.veellent posters on hooks. 'I’hese ptisters each carry a message, and should aid students to realize the real value of good realing., Make your spare time count by reading a good book. Meredith students have bad thi' wmiderfiil o])|iortiinily of hc'ing the audience to a series of sermons by !)r. .Madilry. Dr. ihnldry in hi.s talks gave (‘very student something to long lie rememlx'n'd and some thing tci tbink alioiit seriously, '.riie right kind of living is a large con sideration, and tli(! type of student one is, in a large measure, is a fore warning of tbe type of citizen one is going to be. J)r. Maddry’s lec tures were a .source of inspiration for rigbt living and for living in Social Calenttar December 5—State Historical Asso ciation speaker, James Harvey Robin son. December 6—Trinity Music Club en tertainment. December 7—V. W. C. A. Service. December D—5:00 o'clock; Classical Club. 8:30; Piano recital by Miss Phillips. WIIEItE IS THE EDITOllt The following requirements for a model editor of a college paper came out in a late Issue of The Old Gold and Black: “A college editor should be a superman endowed with the pa tience of Job. the editorial ability of Horace Greely, the managing and di recting ability of Charles Schwab, the diplomacy of Woodrow Wilson, tbe judicial qualities of former Chief Justice Marshall; he needs the keen humor of Lincoln, the dignity and philosophy of 'Socrates, the agnostic tendencies of Ingersoll; he should have the literary ability of Shakespeare, and the lack of conscience of Amy Lowell. “In addition to these few qualifica tions, he needs tlie physique of Jack Dempsey, the nerve of a hold-up man, and Edison’s ability to do without sleep. His brain should be so consti tuted that he could absorb the essen tials of a twenty-credit course by means of the barest perusal of the subjects contained, and to pass the linal exams with honors so that the faculty will respect him and allow him to stay in school. He should be absolutely foreign to the needs of rest, sleep, eating, recreation, the love of society, the Inclination Cor glory In athletics and love. “Having these few requirements, he should be able to qualify as a fairly competent editor, and there is a pos sibility that he should not be handled on the faculty carpet more than oncc a week and kicked by the student body in general more than twice a dav.”—Hiiriin .-11i)haomf!in. THE NEXT TIME YOU VISIT OUR SODA PARLOR ORDER A “MEREDITH’S CHOICE" ITS DELICIOUS! BAKER-WHITSETT {Nexi lo Almo Theatre) Sodas - Candy - Luncheon t->« BEST CLOTHES AT MOST POPULAR PRICES Stop in and see our Display The Globe Clothing Company Wilmington Street 10% discount to all College Students M. ROSENTHALL & CO Best Things to Eat Phone 52 - 597 - 598 SALE of Ladies'* High-Grade Footwear All In At One Price Reporters I'or this issue: Mary Alli son, Portia Alderman. Marguerite Har rison, Crys Davis, Jessamine Old ham, Mary Meisenhelmer, Alice Graves I-lunsucker, Gladys Co.x, Madaline El liott, Katy Dail, Sudie Creech and Leone Warrick. close contact with Goil. Hereditli girls are greatly indcdited for the wonderful message.s iind for the in- spiriition and teachings which they have received by attending the serv- ict;s conducted by Dr. iladdry. Seri ous thinking along these lines should be the outcome and attempts to live tbe Christian life. The prayer meetings held in the different rooms among the girls were helj)ful and fended to bring the girls together. A Christian college with Christian ■ideals should embody Christian liv- ing. ALMO Watch for Next Week’s Program Sale Starts $/C.75 Posilivehl Monday, Dec, 1, 1924 u No Mall Orders Filled Formerly priced SlO lo 8l2.o0—and crcry one thin scanoii’.'i style! Levy’s Bootery 126 Fayetteville St. "In Ellisbergs” Raleigh, N. C. CALIFORNIA FRUIT STORE OUR SODA FOUNTAIN HAS BEEN POPULAR SINCE 1900 High Grade Candies Fancy Selected Fruits Pure Ice Cream VISIT OUR ICECREAM PARLOR PROMPT, EFFICIENT SERVICE CALIFORNIA FRUIT STORE THE SUPERBA Features First National and Paramount Pictures ORCHESTRA—PIPE ORGAN Your Pleasure is Ours Show Begins II, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 o’clock The best attractions are always at THE SUPERBA