December 16, 1939 THE TWIG Paffe Three ttij thf ^nrUttfa mttv Monu I» With PM-dO "Well, that was aome *kld’ jarty WEuin't it, oll cbap? Or, could you ‘l)eai’ klilding some witli me naw?" "Why Billy, yon know I'd bo glad to, especially after 1 saw somo of my favorite cub8 help put oa sacb a srond partyl” "What do you mean your cubsl Didn't iri olQ Nancy Carroll liavo charge ot that program, and she certainly did herself proud with all thoee games, too, and aongs.» Why, it really made me (eel like a kid again to slog 'Jingle Bells,' ‘Santa Claus Is Coming to Town,' and 80 OB— “But, Bill, ole fellow. It was my own li'l Bddle Belle Leavell who acted aa mlatross ot ceremonlca, and Doris Jane Bordeaux who real ly showed us Itow to say ‘Mary Had a lilttle Lamb’—and wait a mlnuie, don't forget that Marietta McLennoD had charge o( the re freshments—those oranges with the peppermint straws—" "Well, ‘fle’ on you, Phl-do. Have you forgotten that with Juanita leading ub, we Astros really mopped up 6n you Phis with those nursery rhymes—" "Anyhow, It was lots ot fun, wasn't it, Billy, and I think that all those gals looked mighty cnte In those costumes,—That was some bow Myrtle Peterson was wear- ing—" "Yes, Phi-do—hope all of the student body hoe a big holiday— and 1 guess we can both be mlgbty proud of Queen Nancy and Maid of Honor Bebe." Nov. Sociology Club Meeting The Sociology Club met Tues day evening, November 81. Mary Winn Moore had charge of the wogram. Bebe Dickenson dla* oussed interracial group meetings in Raleigh, Mary Winn Moore and Blla Bddlns reported on the Con- fereoee of Student Christian Movement In North Carolina which met in Durham. Mias Little told of the donation of a filing cabinet by the Rockefeller Poun* datlon for the study of the Negro lu Raleigh. Next Tuesday. December 12, Miss Vera Gang and Bishop Tut tle, of St. Auguatlne CollOgo, will discuss the Bishop Tuttle Com munity Center. SilOi' ut FINE^S MEN’S SHOP Initialed Lfneu Handkerchiefs i»c Silk Ties—Wool Lined 55c—2 tor 91.00 Hickok Belt and Buckle Set, $1 Hose, S5c—4 ior OSc Cor FnyottovilU* and Hui'ROtt WILMONrS Always Ready to Serve You ▼ Merry Christmasl College Choir Qives Concert 'The collage choir of 82 voices presented Us annual Chriatmas concert Sunday afternoon, Decom* her 10, lu the college auditorium. Tho choir was under the direction of Miss Helen Sharp and was ac companied by Dr. Harry Cooper, organist, and Miss Elizabeth Lee, pianist. MlsB Sharp Isi a graduate ot Mis souri State Normal College at Kirksrille, Mo., and has hor Mas ter's degree from Sonthwestern Theological Seminary at Fort Worth. Texas. She is soloist and choir director ot the Raleigh Pul len Memorial Baptist Church, The programme Included the following numbers: “Hark, What Moan Those Holy Voices," by W. Berwald: a French carol, “AngoU O’er the yields Were Flying,” and an nrrnngemeiit by H. G. Gaul of the “Carol of the Russian Chil dren." Tiio next group of songa wna: "O Leave Your Sheep,'* by Haaelhurst. and the “Holy Child," arranged by Nohlc Cain. Au en semble of 12 voices sang two nuinbcre, "Jean Bambino,” by Pietro Yon, «nd “No Caudio waa There und No Fire," by Liza Leh mann. Tito last three numbers on the program were: "Sleep Holy fiabo,” by H. A. Matthews; "To Bless Thy Name Oh Lord,” by O. Saliil-Baoiia, and the “Hallelujah Chorus,” from Handle's Oratorio, “The MeBBloh.” Jane Washburn, of Shelby, is president of the choir and other ofDcers arc Sara Cole, of Canton, vice president; Hazel Johnaton, of Clarkton, aocrotary-librarian; and Dorothy Pender, ot Tarboro, treas* urer. Mias Cole la student ac companist for the rehearsals. Cheer Up MOTHER for Christmas With a Small Cactus Bowl or Dish Garden Now on Display in Large Vai'Iety 50c up J.J. FALLON Co., Inc. '•Wo Grow tlic Flowors We S*ll” ■' !(s.-s-f GENUINE FUR SCUFFS you’ll hear a rapturous "iust what I waatdd/' when she sees these 8oit, warm seuffal REDl WHITEI WINEI BLUEI BLACK! Give them to all the "herB" on your list! vanity Beautiful Shoes CAMPUS LEADERS I ji?-® KATHLBBN JACKSON KathlGoa Jackson waa born on October 8, 1B19, In Bllzabeth City, North Carolina. Her parents are Mr. and Mra. W. C. Jackson, and two younger slaters complete the family, When Kathleen entered Meredith aa a freshman, ahe entered Into an the activities on tho campus. With her winning way, she soon made many lasting frieacishipa. She took part in basketball, hockey, soccer and baseball. Kathleen’s acting ability began to show Itself her freshman year when she was in the troahman play. The next year she was in the society play and stunt. She was In the atnnt her junior and senior years, too, bat she reached a cli max in her Junior year when she played tho leading role. Jo, ot /Attle Women. She began her work with the Oak Leaves her sophomore year as a member ot the busloeas atoff. Tl)e next year she was elected hnal* ncas manager, and this year she has the honor of editing the an nual. Although she has thla great responsibility, she stlli Sods time to take part In other actlvltlea on the campus. She i» a 'freshman counaelor, and ahe contiuKos her Intes'ests in ntUTetlcs. She la a member of the Little Theater, Alpha Fsi Omega, Barbor niology Club, Colton English Club, und the Student League ot Women Voters. Her majora arc Engllah utid French, and aiie la plannlrtg to tcach next year. Thanksgiving Dinner Nov. 21 F. Dixon, Soloist, and E. Melgrs, .Pianist, Give Enter tainment Between Courses. The flickering of the white tapers revealed tho Moredlth dam sels, dressed iu colorful tormals, aa they autorcd the dining hall on the evening of November 21 for the Thankaglvlng formal dinner. The candloa were surrounded with ft variety ot frulta and nuts. The Thankaglvlng idea was car ried out In the menu: Plneo.pple and Crapetrult Juice Cocktail Cheese Craclsers Roast Turkey Dressing Glblot Gravy Cranberry Sauce Mashed Potatoea Green Peas Pear Salad Butter Rolls Fruit Cake Buttered Pecan Ice Croam ’ CoEfse Between tho oouraea, entertain- nieut was rotiilerod by Francos DIxoh, soloist, accumpftnled by ISsthor Meigs at the piano. Her solectlous were Glannlnl Mia, Frlml, and Carmena, by Wilson. B.S.U. Notes House Group Engages Maid A Houae Committee has been ap pointed to work in co-operation with our House Director, Mias Aiinle White, toward making Mere dith a more attractive place In which to llvo. Mrs. J. Wilbur Bunn, MvH. Vera T. Marsh, Mlaa White und IVIISB Mao Grimmer have worked out a plan whereby Mere dith students nre to enjoy a new iiiald aorvlce. This maid, "Mabel," has already beeu engaged and she will be a.valiabl9 tor aucli aervices iis washing, Ironing, pressing, bath room ulaanlng and other odd jobs. She will not be paid by the college, but by tho girls for whom she worka, Her hoadciuartors aro In the Praaslng Room of llrat floor "C Doi'milory. Inaide tho door is a book Id which tho glrla mey write their u&moa and describe the type of service they wish done. There la a i>rioe soale also listed. The Ilouae Committee is work ing on other plana, and would appreclato suggestions and co-opor- atloo from the atudont body, IU FAYBTTBYII.1.E ST. There are now BEG Junior colleges in the United States, JiV Lucy McNrrlV T DKAR DIAUY— Life Is no longer all work and no play for me. Parties around here are becoming much more fre- quont, and I’m no longer-a dull boy, Saturday, November 11, the Harrell, Brooka and Truitt Uniona, and the Mothodiat group from Meredith had a pionlc with, the Taylor Forum from Wako Forest. Saturday, November 18, the Starnee, Poteat, Townaead, and Lambdin Uniona had a Mother Gooae party with the Poteat, Cul- lorn, and Howard Unions from Wake Forest, Saturday, Novem ber 26, anoiher'party waa tho or der ot the day. for the Crouch. Fcezor and Siealey Unions, and the Prosbytori&n sroup from Moredlth and the Reid and Yates Unions from Wako Forest. Froabiiiou Lead Morning Wntcli The week ot November 19-2B, Morning Watch waa led by fresh men, The aubject was “Steward ship.'' , LntoaC Oollogc Faahions Lovely silk “Bxtenaton Pro grams'' are tho latost stylo news of the season. November 12 a group of Morodlthlans preaentetl a program at B. C. T. 0. This same evening the Wake Forest B. S. U. presented a program In our vespers. November 19 an other group from Meredith pre sented a program at Wake Forest. Smt Rise at 9:80 Tlila year. Moredith's usual Thankaglvlng Sun Rise Service committee decided to make the aan rlae a little late on ThaDke* giving morning and to have the aervlco at »:3:0 instead of the usual 6:00, The service was a musical Interpretation of the lOOCh Paalm with a ahort talk by Addle Davis on “Tho Moaning of Thanksgiving to Me." Tftfty Taltf Brwywheto And, oh, our fingers stuck—at tho taffy pulls on Thanksgiving night. Two kitchenottes were used (A and C) and about 25 girls nnd a tew stray dates at tended, Wfifto X'crcMt's Brftztltun Spoaks Thursday. December 7, Harold Schaly. a prospective February giartuate from Wake Forest, who la a native of Brnzll. spoke to our Meredith World Fellowship group. Qo told of his conversion, some of his past oxperiences, and some of his plana of going back to work among the Amazona ' in Brazil. About 35 attended. Honoring the Trnnsfors A Wako Forest-Moredlth party honoring the trnnsfcrs was held in the gym Satnrday, December 9. Ping pong, shuflloboard and “cooty" were a few of the games played. About 50 attended. Student Ni|;I>t This is a program of the stu- dciita, by the studouts, but for the old folks. The purpose o£ every student night program aiiould be to uso Btudenta during the time of year when there are the moat opportunities tor doing iutorost- Ing thluga, and to explain to our homo churchcs what B. 8. U. ia and does. The atudent night leaf lets put out by the B. S. U. heada, have eome and may ha found In Miss Klchliue’a ofllce. Anyone in- teroated is wclcomo to make use ot them. Hlicnvood Bddy Si>cal{s A plus b equals c, b equals d, a plus d equals c. This Is algebra, but it works in other ilelds of life, too. For instance, Lottie Moon equals Santa Claus, tor both carry tho aplrit ot giving. Therefore, Lottie Moou iilua the gift equala Christmas just as much aa Santa Olaue? plus the gift equals Christ mas. Your Lottie Moon offering ia 0110 menus ot playing Santa' ClauH, On Docomber 8, Hi'. Sherwood Eddy opened the Lottie Moou week ot giving and prayer by a talk In Vespora. This was,the Loginning ot a aerlea of programs all through the week emphasizing iniaslona. Two chapel programs wore preaeuted liy membera of Y. W, A,, and regular cirolo meetings held Friday night. “Finah! Flash! Italian ship lost, diplomatic clrcloa aay. . and all America listens. Yes, we are In terested In European and world problems. In stop with the tlmee, therefore, was the Y. W. A. when IL eponaorsd a woek of miaelon study from November 18-17. About SO girls attended those con ferences held nightly Irom 6:45 till 7;30. T|iB buoka taught were “They oi Italy,'' by Enrico* and Lodcvloc PaBChetto! “Up From Zero," by Anna Seward Pruitt, and the “LICo ot Fannie Hock," by Mrs. W, C. Janiea, Tho Ural book was taught by Mrs. Charles Stephenson of Ra leigh, the sacoud by Mra. F. T. M. Woodward, who ia a returned mis- Blonary from China, now home on furlough, and tho third by Mre, T. M. Pittman of Raleigh, who waa SPORT SCOOPS 71v Catuhmwe OinTFixLG With the coming o( Santa Claua —need I tell you—comes the an nual Moredlth carolling, on the morning that we leave tor tho holidays. At 4:30 or five o'olook, nil Tuesday morning, Mouday night ta aome ot us—there will be buaos hero to gather all ot ua who wish to go, to take us to dlf* ferent parte ot Raleigh where we will aing the Chrlstmaa carols. Before leaving the campus we sing to the ‘'aleepy-heads." Perhaps, like this unfortunate individual, you haven't been before. If such he tho case, plan now to set your alarm clock, and join in with the spirit on Tuesday morning. It's great fun! (they aay). flockoy Hockey on and off the campus has been very intoreating of late. First of all. I’d like to toll you nbouC the off-the-Mercdlth-campua and on-tlie-Woman's Colloge-cam- pus hockey. In November, a group of ua went to Oreeneboro to a hockey convention, We played four gamea, with Wltithrop, W, C., Guilford, and Duko aa opponsnta. At the end of the day tho State honorary teams were selected. Now ask me if we aren't proud of our two tullbacka and our goalie, roapectlvely, Marjorie Bullock, Gertrude Foster, and Sarah Pope. Each one of them mado the second State honorary team. There’s also a lot to be aaid coucemlng our own hockey games. The Important games have been played which decided this scaaon's hockey championship. The class captains were: Sonior, Sarah Jfll. However, if you wiah othera, omore, Eleanor Olbba: treahman, Elizabeth Brownlee, The raitJ put a wet blanket on tho games sched ule but they were floally com pleted laat Friday. The aeniora and Juniors played a gamo which left tho acore 2 to 0 in favor ot the junlora. The frcahmen lost to tho aophomoroa with a score of 2 to 0. The seniors also loat to the aaphomcres, and the juuiors lost to the frcshmou, also with a 2 to 0 acore. Add, subtract, multiply, divide, or anything you please, and the total result Is a cham pion sophomore team. A. A. Room Iiupi-oved Tho A. A. room certainly dooan't look itself of lato; but it looks a great deal better. The. old cabinet iias beea roinoved and replaced by a larger and bettor looking cabinet which contains practically all ot the equipment. There ia a second covei'ed equipment box In the form of a window aeat, and also a cot in tho room. Anyhow, it surely looks like something to bo proud ot new. Speaking now of the future, many of us are glad to hear tiint the'second mnjor sport of the year—baakotball—will start aoon. The classea will begin pi'acticlng right after tho holidays. Perhaps I’m mistaken, but I’vo II suaplcton that the Associated Proas reaiilts concerning an ali- , America footbalt team will bo very intoreallng to us, Tho South I scores four mou. one of Carolina, on the team. Well, thla al:uut ends the re ports for this time. Oh, yoa, 1 filmoat forgot—Merry Chriatmas! Meredith At State Legion Thnd Bure and Stale College I’rofeasor Paget conceived the Idea of the Slate Houae Student Legion. The purposes ot this legion arc to further knowledge ot the govern- mont among the studenta, to help them to know how to get Into u political life, and to teach tbom how to. bo a force In political life. North Cnrollna State College or ganized the first chapter of thla legion. Meredith College is aeeking to carry on tho legion activities tiirough the Student League of Women Voters, At a banquet given recently tor thoae latcreated la the State House Student LeBlon, Tliad Eure, North Carolina's Secretary of State; Dr. Frank Graham, prasidezit of the Oreater Unlveraliy of North Caro lina; Colonel Harreison ot State College, aud Professor Paget, also of* State, were speakers. Student speakera were preecnt repreaenting Slate College, Duke, Meroilith and Peace coUegcx. Helen Maclntoah ot Rochestci', N. V., spoke of the League octivitles at Moredlth. At a later ineeting held at State College in liehnlf ot legion actiTf- tics, Meredith College was ropre- aented by Cora Burns, Ella Kd* dins, Mary Virginia Qlenn, Helen Maclntoah. Betty Brown MncMII- laD, Mlaii Prances Bailey and Mr. R. W. Patrick, the faculty advlaer for the Student I^eagne of Women Voterfl. A dlMUxsioD woe carried on from the floor regarding what could l>e done during Christmas vacation to further the activities of the State Houae Sindent Legion. Denmark's Thanks you for your . business and we wish you A Meny Christmas a pei'soual friend ot Miss Heck. Mra. Pittman was osaiated by Mre, ,r. S, Farmer of Raleigh. Mies Ilock’a tife Is especially intereating to Meredith etudenra because of hL'r cloae connection with Mere dith, Our Coiintalu in tho court WU8 erected In niemory of her. Hor life Is also of interest to all North She was tho iounder mid llrat preaident of the Raleigh Woman's Club aud also of the Asaoclated Charity, which lifis now beeu taken over by the Community Chest. Friday night puuch was aorved In Pi\i Knll tor tho visiting teach ers nud tho girls who attondod the olaases. For SUITS and TOPCOATS Seiui Voiii' Hoy lViond to STEIN’S iilUt KHyottevlllo St. RoloigH ^he Gaily Wishes You a MERRY, CHRISTMAS PEGGIE HALE SMARTNESS and ECONOMY Successfuny COMBINED I FEMININE APPAREL IS’trayettevUlo Street, lUteieli, N. G. Phone S834 For the Best in Christmas Candies SHOP at ROYSTER’S 207 Fayetteville Phone 6281 Be Sure to Visit... ADLER’S CINDERELLA SLIPPER SHOP The Creators of Style plus Comfort And “SERVICE” Is Our Motto Next Dooi* to the Ambassador Th«itre Fov Economy Visit Our Bargain Basement Sparkling... GIFTS LOW PRICEDI A collection of lovely Christmas Gifts to reach a wom an’s heart!- And at these UNI-IEARD of low prices, thi’ifty shoppers must hurry! •( • tiftui* !• (Hir 4«vo(Im1 S*Um yew OUmndi fnm «w •M>l>llnf latMtlan and pUw* •h»WvM4«*tMWIri«Rii* >ma • all New Bracelets S3.50 5|g.fl0 Solid rhinestone brace lets. Also black or col ored enameled metal with huge rhinestone in set. Lustrous Pearls $5.00 ^20'^^ Two, three and four straiids, b e lui t i f u 11 y matched, with bvllliftiit clasps. BOWMAN^S Odd Fellows Building 15 East Hargett Street Phone 7687

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