Page Four THE TWIG October 3, 1947 Campus officers who were invited to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Zeno Martin on Wednesday, September 24, are pictured above. Left to right, from the bottom to the top, are Mary Beth Thomas, Virginia Campbell, Ella May Shirley, Margaret Moore, Frances Alexander, Elizabeth Jones, Louvene Jordan, Lois Harmon, Harriet Neese, Fran Thompson, and Gloria Mayer. (Photo by Cooper.) The Zeno Martins Fete Campus Leaders What did you do Wednesday night, September 24? You don’t remember? Well, there are eleven girls from Meredith Col lege who will remember that date as one on which they “had a wonderful time.” These girls, who hold the major offices on the campus, had dinner with the Zeno Martins—Mrs. Martin, Mr. Martin, and Zee. The fun began when all of us dashed through the rain to pile into two cars. Mrs. Martin drove six of the girls—Frances Alex Chopin: Polonaise in A Flat op. 53 ITURBI, Pianist Victor Record No. 11-8848 $1.08 Listz: Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2 BRAILOWSKY, Pianist Victor Record No. 11-9330 $1.08 Warsaw Concerto Part I and II BOSTON “POPS” ORCHESTRA Victor Record No. 11-8863 $1.08 C. H. Stephenson Music Co. ander, Editor of the Acorn, Glo ria Mayer, President of B.S.U., Virginia Campbell, Editor of the Oak Leaves, Harriet Neese, President of A. A., Mary Beth Thomas, President of Senior Class, and Ella Mae Shirley, President of Junior Class. Mr. Martin and Zee (who wouldn’t leave Lois Astro until Harriet played chess with him) followed with Margaret Moore, Editor of the Twig, Lib Jones, President of the Sophomore (Jlass, Fran Thompson, President of S.G., Lois (Astro) Harmon, President of Astros, and Louvene Jordan, President of the Phi’s. We sat in the living room and den listen ing to Strauss waltzes ( Don’t ask me which ones) until “dinner was served.” That dinner defies description — it was simply per fection — with hot rolls and butter!!! The conversations included a EFIRD'S DEPARTMENT STORE RALEIGH, N. C. ‘A good place to shop for those who like to save motley^’ BSD Entertains At Family Frolics On Tuesday night, September 16, the B.S.U. entertained the new students with a Family Frolics picnic supper at the chimney. For the night the coun cil and the new students all forgot their own names and be came loyal members of such clans as the Quattlebaums, Skin flints, Byrdsongs, Frizzlewaters, and Barebones. The new families began during supper by proving that they all had huge appetites. After supper each family partici pated in a nursery song contest; the Skinflints were acknowl edged the best singers. The schickelfritz baby proved her self to be the healthiest baby by finishing her Coca-Cola “baby bottle” first, amid the yells and cheers of the enthusiastic fami lies. The Skinflints again walked off with honors as Baby Skin flints, dressed in crepe paper bonnet and gown, was judged the cutest baby. Finally, the B.S.U. “family” and their “mama,” Miss Billie Ruth Currin were introduced. The council then sang “Sweet William Died,” which they dedi cated to Miss Currin. Following this song, the night’s program was closed with a short Family Altar. AFTER-DINNER COFFEE HONORS TRANSFERS On Thursday night, Septem ber 25, the Junior class gave an after-dinner coffee in honor of the transfer students in the blue parlor. Ella Mae Shirley, Junior Class president, and Maxine Bis- sette, vice president, poured coffee at each end of the table. Marianna Worth, Betty Jo Pit man, Barbara Francis, Sue Jar vis, Mag Clinard, Edith Cooper, and Mary Frances Carpenter as sisted in serving. Specially- invited guests beside transfers were Dr. and Mrs. Carlyle Campbell, Dr. and Mrs. Charles Burts, Miss Anna May Baker, Miss Lillian Grant, and Miss Mary Yarbrough, class sponsor. CITY BUS SCHEDULE Meredith College Bus Schedule Monday Through Saturday Meredith College Bus Schedule Sunday wide range — Harmon’s two nights in jail, Addie Elliotts loss of Byrd’s ring and its recovery, and items about Rush Week, dates for annual pictures, and Palio. One of the “highlights” (the light was blinding as well as high) of the evening was hav ing our pictures made. Dr. Coop er came by to make the picture and assured us that no one would ever suspect how cramped we were or on what books Harriet and “Speedy” Alexander sat - that is, no one would suspect if we’d all smile. Soon after the picture was made we had to re turn to Meredith, but we brought with us the memory of a wonderful night of food, fun and fellowship. E.M.S. THE RECORD BAR 18 West Hargett Street PHONE 3-6281 All the Latest Records Radio Sales and Service Leave Meredith College Leave Meredith College A.M. P.M. , P.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. 6:37 12:10 V 7:58 7:00 12:20 7:58 6:52 12:18 8:08 7:20 12:30 8:08 6:59 12:34 8:23 7:30 12:50 8:23 7:13 12:42 8:31 7:50 1:00 8:31 7:19 12:58 8:47 8:00 1:20 8:47 7:31 1:09 8:55 8:20 1:30 8:55 7:37 1:24 9:11 8:30 1:50 9:11 7:49 1:31 9:19 8:50 2:00 9:19 7:55 1:45 9:35 9:00 2:20 9:35 8:07 1:52 9:43 9:20 2:30 9:43 8:13 2:06 9:59 9:30 2:50 5:59 8:25 2:13 10:07 9:50 3:00 10:07 8:31 2:27 10:23 10:00 3:16 10:23 8:43 2:34 10:31 10:30 3:24 10:31 8:49 2:48 10:47 10:50 3:30 10:47 9:01 2:55 10:55 11:00 3:37 10:55 9:07 3:09 11:11 11:20 3:51 11:11 9:22 3:16 11:19 11:30 3:58 11:19 9:30 3:30 11:27 11:50 4:11 11:27 9:46 3:37 12:00 4:18 9:54 3:51 4:32 10:10 3:58 4:38 10:18 4:11 4:50 10:34 4:18 4:56 10:42 4:32 5:08 10:58 4:38 5:14 11:06 4:50 5:26 11:22 4:56 5:32 11:30 5:08 5:44 11:46 5:14 5:50 11:54 5:26 6:02 5:32 6:08 5:44 6:20 5:50 6:26 6:02 6:38 6:08 6:44 6:20 6:56 6:26 7:02 6:38 7:15 6:44 7:20 6:56 7:35 7:02 7:42 7:15 7:20 7:35 Leave Fayetteville Street 7:42 A.M. P.M. P.M. 7:00 12:10 7:48 Leave Fayetteville Street 7:10 12:30 8:03 7:30 12:40 8:11 A.M. P.M. P.M 7:40 1:00 8:27 6:30 12:14 8:03 8:00 1:10 8:35 6:37 12:22 8:11 8:10 1:30 8:51 6:52 12:38 8:27 8:30 1:40 8:59 6:58 12:46 8:35 8:40 2:00 9:15 7:10 1:02 8:51 9:00 2:10 9:23 7:16 1:10 8:59 9:10 2:30 9:39 7:28 1:24 9:15 9:30 2:40 9:47 7:34 1:31 9:23 9:40 2:56 10:03 7:46 1:45 9:39 10:00 3:04 10:11 7:52 1:52 9:47 10:10 3:09 10:27 8:04 2:06 10:03 10:30 3:16 10:35 8:10 2:13 10:11 10:40 3:30 10:51 8:22 2:27 10:27 11:00 3:37 10:59 8:28 2:34 10:35 11:10 3:51 11:07 8:40 2:48 10:51 11:30 3:58 8:46 2:55 10:59 11:40 4:11 8:58 3:09 11:07 12:00 4:17 9:00 3:16 4:29 9:25 3:30 4:35 9:34 3:37 4:47 9:50 3:51 4:53 9:58 3:58 5:05 10:14 4:11 5:11 10:22 4:17 5:23 10:38 4:29 5:29 10:46 4:35 5:41 11:02 4:47 5:47 11:10 4:53 5:59 11:26 5:05 6:05 11:34 5:11 6:17 11:50 5:23 6:23 11:58 5:29 6:35 5:41 6:41 5:47 6:53 5:59 6:59 6:05 7:15 6:17 7:22 6:23 7:40 We Are Glad to Have You Back, Girls Stop in to see us any time of the day or night Keep that trim figure by Bowling on our modern Mapleways. Our twenty Centenniol Lanes make Manmur the Bowling Palace of the South. SO, FOR HEALTH'S SAKE, BOWL! MANMUR BOWLING ALLEY