m Page six THE TWIG October 5, 1956 You Can Win a Cash Award— and Scholarship Money for Your College in Reader’s Digest $41,000 CONTEST Open to All College Students {Faculty, too!) Nothing to buy... nothing to write ... and you may find you know more about people than you think! How well do you know human nature? Can you tell what subjects interest people most? Here is a chance to test your judgment—show how good an editor you are—and you may win $5,000 for yourself, plus $5,000 in scholsirship funds for your college. It’s fun to try. Maybe you can top other students in colleges across the country ... and you can match wits with the editors of Reader’s Digest. Why do far more college graduates read Reader’s Digest than any other magazine? What is it that makes the Digest the most widely read magazine in the world —with 11 mUHon copies bought each month in the United States, plus 9 million abroad? Why is it read each month by at least 60 million people, in 12 languages—Arabic, Danish, English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish and Swedish? Can you spot in a typical issue of Reader’s Digest the uni versal h\xman values that link scholars, statesmen, scientists, writers, businessmen, housewives? Can you pick out the articles that win be most popular with the average Digest reader? You may find... you know more about people than you think! XX9m mTT ^ •• J«V 4-Tv^ JA f ^4* 4-N 4-Tv^ 4~Vv^ Here’s all you do. Study the descriptions (at right) of the articles in the October Reader’s Digest—or, better stiU, read the complete articles in the issue itself. (But you are not required to buy The Reader’s Digest to enter the contest.) Then simply list the six articles—in order of preference—that you think readers of the magazine will like best. This will be compared with a nationwide survey conducted among a cross section of Digest subscribers. Follow the directions given below. FlU in the entry blank, paste it on a post card, and get it into the mail before the deadline. Additional blanks are obtainable at yom: college bookstore. All entries must be postmarked not later than midnight, October 25,1956. Don’t delay. In case of ties, the entry with the earhest postmark will win. Just pick in order the six articles you think most readers of October Reader’s Digest will like the best. READER’S DIGEST CONTEST, Box 4, Great Neck, L. I., New York In the space opposite the word “FIRST” write the number of the article you think wiU be the most popular of all. Opposite the word “SECOND” write the number of the article you think wiU rank second in popularity. List in this way the numbers of the six top articles in the order of their popularity. (N ote;Use only the numbers of articles you choose. Do not write the title of any article.) Clip and paste this cou pon on a Government post card. Name A ddress 1 first. Second. Third. Fourth. Fifth_ Sixth. City. ..State_ Name of college^ YOU CAN WIN: $5000 cash prize plus $5000 for the scholarship fund of your college or. . . ^1000 cash 2"“ prize plus $1000 for the scholarship fund of your college or.. . Any of TEN $500 cash prizes plus $500 for the scholarship fvmd of your college or. .. Any of 100 $10 prizes in book credit from yom: local college bookstore And if your entry is the best from your college you will receive an extra award —an additional $10 in book credit at your coUege bookstore. FOLLOW THESE EASY RULES 1. Read the descriptions in this adver tisement of the articles that appear in October Reader’s Digest. Or better, read the complete articles. Then select the 6 that you think most readers wiU like best. 2. On the entry blank at left, write the number of each article you select. List them in what you think will be the order of popularity, from first to sixth place. Your selections will be judged by comparison with a national survey which ranks in order of popularity the 6 articles that readers like best. FiU in and mail the coupon. All entries must be postmarked not later than mid night, October 25, 1956. 3. This contest is open only to coUege students and faculty members in the U. S., excluding employees of The Reader’s Digest, its advertising agen cies, and their families. It is subject to all federal, state and local laws and regulations. 4. Only one entry per person. 5. In ease of ties, entries postmarked earliest will win. Entries wiU be judged by O. E. McIntyre, Inc., whose de cision will be final. All entries become property of The Reader’s Digest; none returned. 6. All winners notified by mail. List of cash-prize winners mailed if you enclose a self-addressed, stamped enve lope. R eader^ Ingest Its popularity and influence are world-wide Which six articles will readers of the October Digest like best? T. Norfolk’s friend to troubled teen-agers. Story of the ar thritic cripple to whom youngsters flock for advice. 2. The great Pilfdown hoax. How this famed “missing link” in human evolution has been proved a fraud from the start. 3. How to sharpen your judgment. Famed author Bertrand Russell offers six rules to help you form sounder opinions. 4. My most unforgettable character. Fond memories of Con nie Mack—who led the Athletics for 50 years. 5. How to make peace at the Pentagon. Steps to end ruin ous rivalry between our Army, Navy and Air Force. 6. Book condensation: “High, Wide and Lonesome.’* Hal Borland’s exciting story of his adventurous boyhood on a Colorado prairie. 7. Medicine’s animal pioneers. How medical researchers learn from animals new ways to save human lives, 8. What the mess in Moscow means. Evidence that the Communist system is as unworkable as it is unnatural. 9. Master bridge builder. Introducing David Steinman, world leader in bridge design and construction. 10. College two years sooner. Here’s how extensive experi ments proved a bright lOth-grader is ready for college. 11. Laughter the best medicine. Amusing experiences from everyday life. 12. What happens when we pray for others? Too often we pray only for ourselves. Here’s how we gain true rewards of prayer when we pray for others. 13. European vs. U. S. beauties. Why European women are more glamorous to men. 14. Trading stamps—bonus or bunkum? How much of their cost is included in the price you pay? 15. Living memorials instead of flowers. A way to honor the dead by serving the living. 16. It pays to increase your word power. An entertaining quiz to build your vocabiflary. 17. Are we too soft on young criminals? Why the best way to cure juvenile delinquency is to punish first offenders. 18. Medicine man on the Amazon. How two devoted mis sionaries bring medical aid to jungle natives. 19. Creatures in the night. The fascinating drama of nature that is enacted between dusk and dawn. 20. Whot your sense of humor tells about you. What the jokes you like, the way you laugh reveal about you. 21. The sub that wouldn’t stay down. Stirring saga of the U. S.S. Squalus’ rescue from a depth of 40 fathoms. 22. Madame Butterfly in bobby sox. How new freedoms have changed life for Japanese women; what the men think. 23. Doctors should tell patients the truth. When the doctor operated, exactly what did he do? Why a written record of your medical history may someday save your life. 24. “How wonderful you ore ... ’’ Here’s why affection and admiration aren’t much good unless expressed; why locked-up emotions eventually wither. 25. Horry Holt and o heartful of children. Story of a farmer who singlehandedly finds homes for hundreds of Korean war orphans. 26. Our tax lows moke os dishonest. How unfair tax laws are causing a serious moral deterioration. 27. Venereal disease now o threat to youth. How V.D. is spreading among teen-agers—and sane advice to victims. 28. Secy. Benson’s faith in the American farmer. Why he feels farmers, left alone, can often solve their own prob lems better than Washington. 29. Your brain's unrealized powers. Seven new findings to help you use your brain more efficiently. 30. Britain’s indestructible “Old Mon.” What Sir Winston Churchill is doing in retirement. 31. Are juries giving away too much money? Fantastic awards juries hand out because they confuse compassion with common sense. 32. My lost best days on earth. In her own words a young mother, learning she had cancer, tells how she decided to make this the “best year of her life.” 33. Foreign-aid mania. How the billions we’ve given have brought maiiJy disappointment and higher taxes. 34. Out where jet planes ore born. Story of Edward Air Force Base, where 10,000 men battle wind, sand and speed barriers to keep us supreme in the sky. 35. Life in these United States. Humorous anecdotes reveal ing quirks of human nature. 36. Man’s most playful friend: the Land Otter. Interesting facts about this amusing animal. 37. Why not a foreign-service career? How our State De partment is making foreign service attractive to young men. 38. A new deal in the old firehouse. How one town got lower taxes, greater protection combining fire and police. 39. Crazy man on Crazy Horse. Meet the man whose statue of an Indian will be the largest in history. 40. Their business is dynamite. How the manufacture of this explosive has been made one of the safest industries. 41. His best customers ore babies. How a kitchen strainer and a pint of mashed peas became the Gerber Products Co. 42. Smoky Mountain magic. Why this, our most ancient mountain range, has more visitors than any other. 43. Cali for Mr. Emergency. Meet the Emergency Police, who get 8 million New Yorkers out of trouble. 44. Beauty by the mile. How landscape engineers prove roadside planting is lifesaving as well as beautiful. 45. Humor in uniform. True stories of the funny side of life in our Armed Forces. 46. Seven economic fallacies. The American Economic Foundation explodes misconceptions about our economy, 47. Admiral of the Greek Oil Fleet. Story of Stavros Niar- chos.who has won a fortune betting on—and carrying—oil.