Page Four THE TWIG November 20, 1964 Astros and Phis Entertain New Students The Villagers eatcTtalii with *‘Hadley's Nightmsre’* at the Aalro meeting. LETTER (Continued from page 2) as I was, to know that only ten peo ple in our student body applied to help in the tutorial project? Would you be surprised to Icara that The Twig has to beg for letters to the edi tor? What percentage of church at tendance would you estimate for this weekend or any weekend? Do you belong to a club on campus which really has meaning? Do you belong to a club? Let me make two comments about what 1 have said thus far. First, this letter was provoked by a dissatisfaction with my own attitude and was put down on paper be cause I felt this attitude could be significantly multiplied by others in our student body. Secondly, I would want to acknowledge those among us who are at work. These are those who are doing their part in con tributing to our school. There are professors who guard against “fed back” quizzes. There are thought- provoking chapel speakers, There are students who spend hours work ing on school projects. But are these an alarming few? So what? A letter to the editor of the Twig is not likely to do the trick and inspire participation and concern outside oneself. A forum or chapel talk is not commonly the cause of provoking action. The day you are most recep tive might be when personal ac tivities are not so numerous — you break up with your boyfriend and have a “free” weekend or you fin ish a quiz and have time to abuse. and Toilet Aeeesnories** Cameron Village You are invited , .. to enjoy a thrilling, free HOUR OF BEAUTY Trained exp«(ts will pfmipcr your precious complexion with our “3 Steps to BMiity"* skin carc . . . und reveal professional make up secreis . . . liuring n complimentary make-up liiat will show you liaw easily you can be A MORE BEAUTIFUL YOU. We‘re WoUing to Welcome You at Our Merle Norman Cosmetic Studio Phone 833-3276 120 W. Ilargctl St. If you just have something happen to make you pause . . . and when you pause if you have a kind of empty feeling inside like you can’t think of a darn thing you’re in volved in that really counts; maybe then you’ll be stirred to action. Will you dare to become involved and find your place at Meredith? Then broaden your scope to finding a place in the community and ulti mately in the world? Is there a chance you’ll win the race of find ing a worthy placc in life before apathy sets in forever? Editor’s Note: This is one letter that was not requested. The Twig prints it at the student’s request. Carole Stevens, Senior TRADITION OF STUNT (Continued from page 2) With such visions of thought-pro- voking skits produced with a pro fessional air, all of Meredith is look ing forward to the rare privilege of amateur showmanship offered No vember 20, 1964. Both campus societies, the Phis and the Astros, opened their No vember meetings to freshmen. Both groups featured outside entertainers in addition to campus talent. The Phis opened with a business session in which they discussed plans for rush week to be held in January. A skit was also presented to introduce the society officers to the freshmen present. The team of Margaret Simmons and Elizabeth Holland provided entertainment as did Rufus King and the Night Owls from the University of North Caro lina at Chapel Hill. Refreshments were served, and the meeting was closed with the singing of the Phi song. Plans for rush were also discussed in the Astro business session. The Villagers, a local singing group, pro vided entertainment. The group was e.specially applauded for its rendi tion of “Headless Nightmare,” a song which they have recorded. After refreshments were served, the Astros concluded their meeting with the .singing of the society song. Your Annual Photographer WALLER STUDIO PHONE TB 4-7331 RALEIOH, N. C. We speciolize in Gift, Engage ment, Wedding Gown Portraits, Condid Wedding Shots, J(^ Application Photos. 1261/4 Fayetteville Street Hamrick and Mills Tapped Into Silver Shield Society Judy Hamrick Mflflha Mills On Monday, October 19, two jun iors were tapped into associate membership of the Silver Shield, an honorary leadership society on cam pus. Judy Hamrick from Winston- Salem serves as vicc-presidcnt of the : Athletic Association. She has served on the AA board two years and led the 1964 Corn Huskin’. Martha Mills from Taylorsville serves on legislative board as a freshman hall proctor. She is also' a member of Kappa Nu Sigma. Criteria for Selection The selections for the Silver Shield are made on the basis of Christian character, constructive leadership, service to the school, and scholarship. IVEY’S OF RALEIGH UP-TO-DATE WITH CAMPUS FASHIONS SEE OUR EXCITING SPORTSWEAR DEPARTMENT TODAY If you are particular enough for Meredith . . . . . . you should be particular enough to shop Brittain's . . mm UPTOWN • CAMERON VILLAGE Engraving Specialists Diamond Specialists Quality Jewelry Gifts Bridesmaid's Gifts Bosse Jewelers Ttoo Locations in Downtown Raleigh Signet Rings Charms Scorob Bracelets Ident. Bracelets 129 FAYETTEVILLE ST. 401 FAYETTEVILLE ST. VILLA CAPRI RESTAURANT 3625 HILLSBORO STREET DIAL TE 4-20S6 OFFERING YOU THE BEST IN ITALIAN FOODS AND PIZZA OPEN SUNDAYS OPEN TIL 11 O'CLOCK P.M. I ' I.', I ALL PURPOSE MEN S LOTSCN JffcUS 7 S.'C^Al s. PURPOSE i.OTIO*' $S.00prustM '' ' L0''‘CS si 90 Pg;tP95E AOWDLEt 91.BD p us tix- ‘ &TI..K SX 00 p uf tax > 11.16 ' )i3ih»SH0*bA«CAPCN;tLCRD (2.00 i " .XHrtSEntrBmOODIaClOOOpLstflic KERR REXALL DRUGS Ridgewood Shopping Center