November 3, 1966 THE TWIG Page Three Ellen Brewer House Is Lovely Setting for Home Management Training HOME ECONOMICS MAJORS LEARN IN "DREAM HOUSE By PATTY LEWIS Aspiring young homemakers find the perfect situation for learning all that is involved in keeping house and managing a home in the Ellen Brewer House. What home economics majors of the past called a “Dream House” stands south of Hunter Hall; it chaoged from a dream to a reality because of the generosity of one man, Talcott Wait Brewer, and the dedication and vision of one woman, Ellen Brewer. The purpose of the house is to provide a place where home eco nomics majors can have resident home management training. Home economics majors elect to take the course, which consists of living in the home management house for four weeks, for two hours of credit. For many years this course was conducted m the "home manage ment apartment” which consisted of three suites in Vann Hall. But the college grew until it finally had to take back this dormitory spacc, and a house on Hillsboro Street was rented for the homeless homemak ers. Miss Ellen Brewer, chairman of the home economics department from 1922 to 1966, recalls how in convenient this arrangement was for Meredith students since the house was located near Pullen Memorial Church. “The girls sometimes had a car, but most of the time they rode the bus to classes,” commented Miss The home management house’s efficient kitchen helps make cooking fuo for Jan Haywood and Retta Clements. Meredith Girls Take Courses at State, Find Experiences Different, Worthwhile By BETH KING After twelve years of co-educa tion, Meredith students, having once entered these hallowed halls, seldom venture back into a classroom of men. Summer schools sometimes af ford such an opportunity, and a few brave students register for courses at North Carolina State University. Jan McCrary, a senior math major, related one of her experi ences in a history of mathematics course at State last spring. Her professor obviously believed in the inferiority of women. He compared the female to the even integers which can easily be torn apart; however, the male was regarded as strong like the odd integersl On the other hand students tak ing the programming course at State found their professor very inter ested and concerned about their progress. A man from Chapel Hill who audited the course transported the girls back and forth to class and even tutored them in their as signments. Macki Rudisill, a senior biology major and one of three girls out of sixty students in an animal hus> bandry class, was appalled when the boys regularly went to sleep during a class if the lecture became boring. “At least,” she said, “we try to give the appearance of being awake.” After nervously asking a ques tion for the first time, Macki says that she never hesitated again. Are the boys friendly? Trish Wynn answers, “Sometimes.” “They are not £is competitive as Meredith’s math majors. They just don’t worry over grades like we do,” she said. Differences in class procedures are natural. For example, assig ments are given for every class, but (CoDtioued on page 4) Brewer. I Mr. Talcott Brewer heard about the dilemma and determined that I what Meredith really needed was a I home management house which would be a real part of the campus. Mr. Brewer and his family have for many years been closely identified with Meredith College, his father Samuel W. Brewer having been a trustee and his uncle Dr. Charles Edward Brewer having been presi dent of the college from 1915-1939. He made the decision himself, and his announcement that he would give such a house to Meredith came as a “complete surprise.” This generous man gave money for the house and its furnishings and watched with interest as the house was planned, constructed, and furnished as an ideal home. Miss Brewer relates that no ex pense was spared to make it exactly as it ou^t to be. The first girls moved in the com pleted house in the spring semester of 1959-60. The first contribution of students to the house was help ing to make the draperies. Girls have been working ever since to keep it as lovely as it was intended to be. Interesting Furniture The Georgian-style house is taste fully decorated and contains sev eral pieces of fine furniture. In the living room is an especially beauti ful piece, a reproduction of a sec retary in Tryon Palace. Ctf several pieces of furniture given for the house from the estate of Miss Lilly Grandy, the most valuable is a bow- front chest, also a part of the living room. Much of the other furniture was made b^ Craftique in Mebane, North Carolina, and was selected to suit the style of the house. One of the most interesting fea tures of the Ellen Brewer House is largely a result of Miss Brewer’s planning — the attention to details which make the house worth seeing by anyone who has visions of a home someday. Roll-out cabinets and storage bins in the kitchen, shelves which open into the kitchen or the den-breakfast room, ample closet space, and cabinets for china, crystal, and linen which utilize in a unique manner the space under Ae stairway help make the house a model home. From the Georgian exterior to the panelled family room the Ellen Brewer House is a home which de serves Miss Brewer’s praise; she says she “glows with pleasure" each time she thinks of it. DIAL VA 8-7141 RIDGEWOOD'S SHOE SERVICE RIDGEWOOD SHOPPING CENTER PEPSI COLA BOTTLING CO., INC. OF RALEIGH, N. 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