THE TWIG Vol. XLUU Newspaper of the Students of Meredith College MEREVITH COLLEGE, RALEIGH, W. C. MA^ 4, 1973 Graduation set for May NUMBER lb It’s time for graduation once again at Meredith and the cere monies have this year been set for May 12-13, Centering around the class of 1973, graduation activities include Class Day, the Baccalaureate service, and commencement. On Saturday, May 12, the class of 1975 salutes its Big Sisters, as Class Day begins in Mclver Amphitheater at 4;00 p.m. with the traditional daisy chain pro cessional of seniors and sopho mores. A class history is read and the wishbone ceremony, another Meredith tradition, is performed by the graduating seniors. Then the Big Sister- Little Sister songs are exchang ed between the classes. Next, ttie future of the senior class members is foretold in their prophecy, followed by reunion songs between this class and their Big Sisters of the class of 1971. The senior class pres ident then presents a cap and gown and the class gifts to the college. After singing the Alma Mater, the sophomores form the graduating class numerals on the island, and the seniors elect their permanent class of ficers. The Baccalaureate ser mon in Jones Auditorium begins the activities on Sunday, May 13, at 10;00 a.m. This year’s speaker is Dr. JackNoffsinger, pastor of Knollwood Baptist Church in Winston - Salem, Following the service at 12:30 p.m. is a luncheon in Belk Dining Hall honoring the seniors and their parents. Finally, at 3:00 p.m., comes the culmin ation of four years of college for the seniors, as commence ment begins with a procession of the faculty and seniors into the amphitheater. Dr. Lois Edinger, professor in the School Education at UNC-G, will de liver the main address. The receiving of degrees by the class of 1973 concludes the program. * - Outgoing SGA president Carolyn Carter joins the 1973-74 president Elaine Williams and Dr. Weems in a liymn during the convocation in which the new SGA officers were installed. TWIG newsbriefs AW AR D Cathy Murff, an English and American Civilization major, was on April 2C the recipient of tlie Phi Beta Kappa award for the b(’st historical research done in Wake County in tliepast year. Cathy, a junior, s\irpas- •sed seven otlier entries from Nortli Carolina State University and Soutlieast('rn Seminary with her pal>er entitled NORTH BLOODWORTH ST.: THE EF FECTS OF ECONOMIC PRO GRESS, to win the honor and a $50 cash award. She was presented witli lier award at a baiiciuet in the Belk Dining Hall, at which Mr. Dudley F'lood spoke. The entry was her researcli paper for History 300 at Mereditli and ex!)lained the socio-'conomic effects ofRal- eigli's I'xpansion on a 3-block area in tlu' Oakwood neighbor- hooi. It was submitted to the judging panel in Feliruary and Ms. Murff b'ariK’d of lier sel ection on Aiu'il 24, SYRON Dr. Lesli(‘ W. Syron, profes sor of sociology and anthro pology at Meredith lias been selected to participate in a four-week suinimm institut*' de signed to provide college and university teachers opportuni ties to exiilore ways of teaching si'coudary school teachers how to teacli their students the new African and Asian cultures cur riculum in Worth Carolina. An additional objective of the in stitute to be lield at Davidson College, June 18 - July 13, is to acquaint the jiarticifiants with new materials f(U' teaching courses about Africa and .A,sia for students in their own col leges. In announcing theparticipants, Dr. Fred Gaige of Davidson Collegi* commented on the high quality of their academic pre paration in African and Asian cultures. Participants in the institute will conduct in-service train ing lU'ograms in school systems near tlieir colleges and uni versities during the 1973-74. in cooperation with theNorthCar olina Department of Public Instruction. SLANT ON Speaker at the May 28 installa tion banquet for the High Point Branch of tlie American Assoc iation of University Women wall be Dr. Gloria H. Blanton, As sociate Professor of Psy- cliology. Dr, Blanton has been asked to speak on the AAUWs Fellowships Program which makes annual American and International awards to women compb'ting tlieir doctorates or doing post-doctoral study or research. In 1966-67 Dr. Blan ton leceived the Elizabeth Avery Colton Fellowship award. Miss Colton, for whom tlie en dowed R'llowship was named, taught at Meredith from 1908- 1923 and was head of tlie De partment of Flnglish. She was recognized nationally as an authority on standards of wo men’s colleges in the South. PRATT Mr. Stuart Pratt, Professoh of Music, has been elected pres ident of the Meredith Chapter of AAUP, which has become re activated after about four years, Mr. Pratt was one of the foun- dc'rs ami tlie first prt'sident CCA lists plans for next year The College Center Assoc iation has already outlined its plans for next year’s activities. C. C. A. members are nowi in the process of setting up dates for these plans. The Concert and Lectures Committee has planned for the return of Jack Ross and Woody Bowles and the Alfa Omega players. Both groups received favorable reactions from the student body, so the committee feels that the return engage ments will enjoy the same suc cess. Movies 'vill again be sponsored by the C.C.A. and tickets will be sold for the nine movies at the beginning of next semes ter. Ticket price will be $3.00 for two semesters of movies. Several of the shows planned in clude “Play Misty for Me,’’ “My Fair Lady,’’and “BuHit.’’ Another Country Carnival, proposed as “bigger and better,’’ is also on the boards for next year, and the C.C.A, will continue to sponsor the Christmas Dance, as well as publish student directories. New proposals include a plan for more games to be made a- vailable, while a new system of checking out the games from the gameroom is alsobeingconsid ered. The C.C.A. hopes to spon sor art shows in the Center and the Arts Committee has pro-, posed having a Christmas Tree for the Center which would be decorated by the students. of the Meredith chapter. The American Association of Uni versity Professors held an April 25 meeting with the mem bers present voting unanimously to request President Weems to include in the program of the F'all, 1973, F’arulty Workshop the section on “The Faculty’’ in the statement on Govern ment of Colleges and Univer sities, for the purpose of working toward imidementing increased faculty participation in academic affairs. The members also voted to report to the President that in the near future the chapter expects to formulate and re commend to him a faculty grievance procedure through which any faculty member may . seek to resolve issues related to academic affairs at Meredith College. INTERNSHI P Frankie Houser, a junior bus iness education major from Pittsboro, N. C., has been nom inated and selected tor a federal internship program with the National Institute of Health in Bethesda, Maryland, this sum mer, Only 25 of 200 applicants from all over the United States were selected for this program. BUNN CHOSEN In the April 28 faculty meeting Dr. Clara Bunn, head of the Biology Department, was elect ed by acclamation to the Student Life Committei- as the third faculty member. She filled tlu' vacancy left by Mr. Little ton, The new structure of the Student Life Committee calls for three faculty members rath- (Contimu'd on page 4) f r V'. a?'', r if Students enjoyed the last President’s Dinner of the year just prior to Easter vacation. Ice sculptures apparently gave way to whimsical plastic as this large bunny indicates. The decorations, as usual, added to the meal’s appeal.