FEBRUARY 14, 1963 THE TWIQ PAGE 3 Elections '83 •••• Elections ' 83 .... Name: Grace Akers Position filed for: President No other information better Name: Zan Bunn Position filed for: Executive Vice-President of > SGA Qualifications: I have enjoyed ser/ing In various capacities while here at Meredith. My past experiences Include Fresh man Class Historian, Sophomore Qass Vice 56>^ President, Meredith College Student Foundation, a volunteer with Protect HOPE, a member of the Phi Society, and a student guide. I would like to stay involved as a substantial contributor to the Meredith community. I am a candidate for Executive Vice President of SQA to serve you, the students of hter^ith Coliege. If elected to this office, I am prepared to serve diligently and capably In 1983- 84. Thank you for your co/^ slderation. ZAN BUNN GRACE AKERS RENEE A. OUFEE Name: Renne A. Dufee Rtsltlon fll^ for: MRA President Quallflcalions: Energy, Leadership, Involvement, Ideas to help Meredith “Re- Create" - Laugh, ■■ have fun, stay sane, cut loose. JILL HUMBERQER Name Jill Humberger Position filed for: MRA President No other Information available MARIA BLACKMAN A/ame; Marla Blackman Position filed for: Executive Vice President of SGA No other information available JAN JOYNER Ateme; Jan Joyner Position fli^ for: MCA President Qualifications: 1981-62: Student advisor, student council, REW planning, com mittee - worship chairman, water ballet team, YMCA counselor In Raleigh. 1982- 83: MCA council. Chairman Proiect Hope, SNCAE - publicity committee, water ballet teem, Freeman Religion Club - program com mittee. Being involved in many campus areas I am In touch with our realistic Christian needs as college students. I would be a responsible leader and I would treasure the ^iportunity. Name: Cheryl Heath Position filed for: MCA President Quailflcatlons: Freshman year - Volunteer for an f/CA Service project - Governor hAorehead School. Sophomore year - Co-chairman of the Gov. Morehead Project. Junior year - Social chairman for MCA; Feilowshlps-Forums Committee: Outreach sub committee. Other Clubs - Spanish dub - fr- soph years; Sociology club - soph year; Social Work Club - soph-jr. years. I'm confident that my par ticipation on the MCA Council has equipped me with the dedication and organization that It requires to fulfill this office. I would count It a privilege to serve you, the Meredith Community, nexf year! CHERYL HEATH