editorial Finding our private time With the hustle and bustle of col lege life, we often find ourselves up to our ears in homework, committee meetings, and other engagements. When the work becomes overpow ering, we must make time for our selves. Although we have twenty things to do, we cannot accomplish those items if we are cranky, tired, and angry. We need time out for our selves. When the crunch starts, we have to schedule free time. Homework calls but so does the private time we’ve been missing. Making lists and schedules can help us accom plish everything as well as get in our much needed time alone. Also, planhing ahead can alleviate some of the last minute pressures which may take over our free time. When we make time for ourselves, the quality of time is more important than the quantity. Relaxing in the sun or soaking in the bathtub are great ways to relieve stress. Music will soothe some of the most over worked souls. By deciding what quality activity in which to engage, we can make the most of our private time. It may be difficult to schedule time for ourselves, but we must in order to save our sanity. If we look, we can find our private time. Meredith Herald STAFF EDiTOR-IN-CHtEF Deanna Harris PRODUCTiON MANAGER Kay Jemigan BUSINESS MANAGER Lisa Woodruff ADVERTISING MANAGER Bethi Outland ADVERTISING STAFF Martea Doane Elizabeth Spivey ARTS AND ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR Jill Murrell ARTS AND ENTERTAINMENT STAFF Mary Fracker Jeannine Manning CURRENT CAMPUS EVENTS EDITOR CURRENT EVENTS STAFF Laurie Britton Marlea Doane Kitty Pate FEATURES EDITOR Laurie Britton FEATURES STAFF Janice Daniei Casey Bass Bunch Cindy Justis Aml>er Burris Susan Cartrette Laura McArthur NEWS EDITOR Amy LaVoy NEWS STAFF Krista Holloman Cindy Parkman Cara Lynn Croom Susan Carlrette Susan Worley Qayle Woodard SPORTS EDITOR SPORTS STAFF Beth Saylor Lee Connelly PHOTOGRAPHY STAFF Kristie Bingham Amy Rice LAYOUT STAFF Kay Jernigan Jayne Potter COPY EDITORS Cheryl Gecinger Kay Jemigan CIRCULATION STAFF Laura McArthur Laurie Britton Cara Lynn Croom Jayne Potter ADVISOR Joan Mills The Meredith Herald is located in the publications office on the second floor Cate Center. Address correspondence to The Meredith Herald, Boxxl 33. Meredith College. Raleigh. NC 27607-5298. Phone (919) 829-8338. Advertising rates availa ble upon request. EDITORIAL POLICY The Meredith Herald is published by the students of Meredith College during the academic year. The paper is funded by the college and through advertising. The Herald will not print material containing personal attacks, insults, ridicule, or libel ous statements. All letters to the editor must be signed unless otherwise discussed with the editor. The opinions expressed on the editorial page do not necessarily reflect (hose of the college administraUon, faculty, or stu dent body. The Herald welcomes criticism and will respond promptly to any submitted in writ ing and signed by the writer. —Deanna Harris Editor-in-chief WANT A PAPER? Meredith Herald newsstands located in Cate Center Johnson Hall Dining Hall Joyner Hunter Library Don't forget to read your Meredith Herald.