November 8,1995 2 Campus Opinion Letter to the editon seniors will triumph To the senior class- Well girls - we may not have Cornhuskin’, but we still have class. I think it is necessary to congratulate the juniors, but more so ourselves for holding our heads high. Sidewalk chalk told us all last year that last would be first, but first doesn ’t mean best. Meredith is a place where most of us learn to grow up and in doing so, we come out with respect and high values. And 1 believe our senior class has proved we will leave Meredith College with dignity, honesty and an appreciation for our school and what it stands for. There are a lot of rumors about the game not being played fair, but we as a class stand tall, knowing we worked hard and played fair. This is actually a lesson we will appreciate learning, because we will know in our hearts that we have won and are mature enough to go on. Sidewalk chalk also told us last year that some would rather be dead than in an even-numbered class, well, at this moment I can’t think of a better place to be. Our little sisters, as well as our big sisters, have shown class and we appreciate that more than you girls will ever know. 1 think 1 can speak for the whole senior class in saying thank you to our senior co-chairs Joanna and Anne. They did a great job and they are appreciated. Our class has been brought closer as a result of their long hours and hard work. They are not only great co-chairs, but also outstanding examples of TRUE Meredith Angels. Respectfully, Shelly Albright Class of ‘96 Meredith Herald Editor in Chief Chikf Layout Editots — ...wAshley Tcay, Kun Highland Copylvditor.* tX* **+**'**■** * ++>++» + ++ +■•»+>♦+> CjjUhyiftuikcftteycf Featitrev Etiitar,„. j^inn Dixon NcwaBdit£»r. Jiet$y$tcv¥a«; Business Jrfiuugcr. * lorijoncfc 4+ ***f’*' *>* 4-* +► + +> + 4 Moim, BartJara Watts, Utm. Btowd, SiiaHatgett, AlisoaCarter,ShannonB^, PaigeiayntJ, RdbinHoUingswotfli, Wendy Kelly, Sarah WlHte, Deanna Griffin, Ditu DtMaio, Greta Wlesz, Kimberly Zucker Ehotographcta «■„ „, UmaRoss,TanyaRttshlng,itroh,'nt bandley Faculty Adviser, Louise Taylor EditotalPoficy: is pohiWted by the CnliegetbrnujdimJt the academic year. The paper is fimided by the Coflt^e and thrc»ngh ath'ertising The opinions expwssed in eddori^colidiinsib not nccesstnly icfiect those of the college adrainistraiton, faculty or srudenr body. Letters to the Editor JP«>iicy' gm%'onclrtth.e:Metedithconmum>tVtsinvitcdtotiiTitea lettcriothecdnor. Alt pubiished tetters mu.'d l>e t j-pew rkten wnh eontact name, address aaxd teiephtUXeotmEicr, All fetters must Ijc signed b> theairtb>r,I)ut names wlH he withheld upon retiuest The/feriflr/rf reserves the rigiu to place any other artidesuhniissams on file untfi nce?fe:d or to choose not to pnot them. Calendar of Events By Arinn Dixon November 9 - Meredith will offer a workshop for adults (age 16 and up) called “Pop Style Piano Playing Made Easy,” taught by pianist Deborah Belcher. The workshop wiU be held from 6:30pm until 9:30pm. For more information call 829-8353. November 10 - R.E.M. will perform in concert with special guests Lus cious Jackson. Tlie concert will be in the Dean Smith Center in Chapel Hill at 8:00pm. For ticket information call 834-4000. November 15 - The Broyhill Leadership Institute at Meredith is sponsoring “Dinner with a Winner” at 6:00pm. This month’s guest will be Carolyn Grant, Chair of the Raleigh Chamber of Commerce and owner of Plants by Grant. Cost is $20. Call 829-8353 for more information. November 19 - The Crafts Center at NCSU will hold its 11th annual Holiday Fair and Sale featuring quality and craftsmanship in jewelry, photography, glass and pottery. The fair will be located in Thompson auilding on the NCSU campus from 10am to 5pm. Call 515-2457 for more information. November 29 - PRIMUS will perform in concert with special guests The Meat Puppets. The concert will be at the Lawrence Jones Coliseum in Winston-Salem at 8:00pm. Call 910-722-6400 for tickets. Make a difference! Be a paid volunteer in ERA air pollution studies. Requirements: be a healthy, nonsmoking, individual age 18 to 65 with a flexible scheduld. Benefits: earn up to $10/hn, a free physical, and travel expenses outside of Chapel Hill. Call 966-0604. Looking for a fun, fulfilling time to work for others in sunny Florida? MCA has the answer for you! We’ll be go ing on our annual Spring Break Mission Trip with Habitat for Humanity in St. Petersburg, Florida! Dates for work will be March 11-14. “In the same way, your light must shine before men so that they may see goodness in your acts and give praise to your heavenly Father.” Matthew 5:16 ***ntEE mips & CASH*** Find out how hundreds of .SI ucien IS a re a 1 ready eami t ig J ■'R FJ • TRIP.S and Lt)TS OF CASH with America's *1 Spring Break company! Sell only 15 trips and travel free! CALL NOW! I'AKE A BREAK Sntj )ENTTK AVEL f SOU) 95-hRFAKl