g CAMPUS OriJVIOJV Letters to the Editor Dear Editor: By choosing to live off campus we were unaware of Uie events that occurred surrounding the TKE fraternity serenading the underclassmen dorms on cam pus. We lived on campus otir first two years at Meredith and when serenades occurred it brought cheer to our sometimes hindered spirits due to the mid week stress of classes and schoolwork. Seeing that the boys do not serenade but twice a year tiiis is a usually welcomed non college sanctioned tradition. Before coming to Meredith, we heard stories of Comhuskin', Stunt, and even the serenading boys. Some of these stories came from Mrs. Monaghan, Katie's mother and graduate of the class of 1975. She told us of the famous PIKA fire truck that would circle the Meredith mile honking, and the singing boys of other greek fratemitys pinning their sweetheart. The key ph^e for the recruitment of new MC angels is "you just have to expe rience it." Does that phrase not mean experience all that is Meredith, college approved or not? In the almost thirty years that has past, the Meredith com munity has worked very hard to open our campus to the commu nity and link ourselves with North Carolina State University through the CRC program. If we are not going to open our campus to them, as mundane as a sere nade may be, why should they allow us to participate in NCSU activities? The moment a male drives through the front gates of Meredith he becomes a minority on our campus. With current push for diversity and imity should we not be open to ALL minorities present on campus? If you do not like boys or fraterni ties, what makes your opinion more importarn than anyone else's? Traditionally Meredith has been regarded as a sister hood, which, thoi^h not bound by greek letters, is very similar to the brotherhood of any frater nity. We do not want this tradi tion die due to the actions of one individual. If our children choose to go to Meredith we do not want them to miss out on a tradition that we and many other students and alumnae hold so dear. Even thoi:^ we were not on campus when this event occurr^ we will be writing a letter of apology to TKE for the rude misrepresentation of Meredith College and its stu dents. Katie Monaghan and Jennifer Smith (2005) Dear Editor, I am writing this letter in response to the three letters writ ten in the October 29,2003 issue of the Meredith Herald about the water>throwing incident. I am appalled at the entire situation. However there are a few things that bother me more than others. First, there is a mention by one of the students that fr^it boys' singing at her dorm room was something that she didn't want going on, quote, "on my cam pus". I would just like to say that this campus belongs to more than just ONE person. It belongs to all the girls that attend this college, all the professors and everyone in the community that would like to enjoy its beauty. Secondly, it may annoy some people that the TKE boys come to Meredith to sing, but it is a traditional thing at Meredith that happens every year. AND it lasts all of ten whole minutes. BIGDEAL![! The frat boys coming to sing to us is no sup posed to be made into that big of a deal. You don't have to listen, and you don't have to participate. If you are annoyed by it.. .don’t come out of your room! It is simply innocent fiin. It isn't a promotion for sexual harassment and binge drinking. If you are against binge drinking and sexual harassment, do an article on those particular things. Don't ruin a simple tradition that goes on at Meredith just to prove your point. Also, it is totally fine if you are ^^nst binge drinking. That is your opinion and as a matter of fact so am I, howev er.... TKE doesn't come to Meredith with the idea, "lets get some girls to come to our parties so we can get them drunk and sexually harass them." Yes, they want people to come to their fi« parties.... but what fraternity doesn't. They come here and sing b/c it's funny to have guys come to an all girls' school and embarrass themselves by singing. The entire thing is meant to ^ funny and AGAIN not that big of a deal. Yes, sexual harassment is a HUGE deal.... but, it takes two people and no one holds anyone down and MAKES them get drunk!! So don't put it all off on frat boys as if they are setting out to do this. Next, I personally don’t think that the water was thrown because the girl who threw it was gay. However I do believe that it is the most immature thing 1 have ever heard of. This is a women's college and we are sup posed to be women...not imma ture teenagers. We are supposed to be grown up and know how to act. And if we don't know how to handle a situation that we disap prove, and don't won't on cam pus, better than throwing water on people than we have a lot of growing up to do. I think that everyone was suiprised by what happened because a lot of peo ple, including myself, were just ^azed that someone would do something like that when we are college students...not third graders that don't know how to handle our problems. I mean, I personally don't want a Spectrum club at the college that 1 go to. I fwl like it promotes and stands for things that! don't believe should be promoted, but you don't see me taking a cup of water and throwing it at the members of Ae club. I treat everyone the same and even thoi^h I am "annoyed" by cer tain things that the club stands for, I don't discriminate against any member of that club. And 1 certainly don't do immature things to speak out against them, f have my opinion and express it in a mature way. 1 feel alx)ut the Spectrum club, the way that the people who wrote that letters to the editor feel about binge drink ing and fi^temities. The big dif ference though is how the two opinions were handled. And let me add that the priorities at Meredith are not aproblem!! The frat boys singii^ takes up at the most ten minutes of your college life. And certainly, ten minutes shouldn't affect us becoming educated aware women at Meredith College. Lastly, I would like to wrap up by saying that this entire situa tion is stupid to waste so much time on. There are so many more thit^ in our lives that we should be worried about. My mom was recently diagnosed wifli breast cancer, and ever since the reality hit that I could lose my best friend in the entire world to a disease that doesn't discriminate, I have learned that the some things just aren’t worth stressing over. You want to be annoyed? Try goit^ through an entire year of chemotherapy and radiation and watch your best fnend lose all her strength and feel like dying. That's annoying and stressful, not a ten minute singing session ui the courtyard You should enjoy things in life that you take for granted, and take advantage of them why you can. Ek>n't waste your time stressing your life over some thing like fr« boys singing for ten minutes in the courtyard. When something small like that annoys you just think about how much worse things could be, smile, and thank God that you are here today, healthy, and able to enjoy all the little things in life. Sincerely, Casey Lynne Wilson Dear Editor, I wanted to write to voice my support for "Bothered in Brewer". I am a member of Spectrum and I did not feel offended by her letter. No where in the letter did it directly attack homosexuals or the Spectrum club. In fact, if you recall, she said that the "club" was" vital to Meredith's campus". I feel like what was said was distorted by the response letters. The problem had nothing to do with any stu dent's sexual orientation, it had everything to do with flie stereo types made gainst frat boys. The water thrower said, "Heterosexist in assuming that everyone wants them", and "the fraternity participates in under age binge drinking during their rush week and they come to recruit freshmen to come to their parties and participate in under age binge drinking." She said that TKE doesn't necessarily embody these traits but she still took action based on the assump tion that they did. The definition of a hate crime is "a crime moti vated by prejudice against a social group." In my opinion, stereotypes were made about the fi^temity and actions were taken based on those stereotypes. Isn't that a hate crime? The main problem was that the act occurred, not the sexual orienta tion, race, or ethnicity of the peo ple that did it It was also said that "the reason why it was done was because they stood up for the common belief that fraterni ties should not be on campus at that time," and" it was making a small statement against some thing I did not want on my cam pus." First off, the frat boys coming to serenade has been a Meredith tradition for several generations. It is an important tradition to many girls just as Comhuskin, Father Daughter Dance, Charming Evenii^ and Ring Dinner are. Secondly, just because I don't w^t something on our campus does not give me the right to resort to name calling and inapprq}riate, juvenile actions. Thirdly, it is not only one persons campus. Over 600 students live on campus. It is their campus too. People do enjoy them coming. It is not fair for one student to ruin something that many other students enjoy just because "they do not want them here." Just because you get annoyed at something does not give you the right to take action against it. Welcome to college, you're not always going to have peace and quiet, things won't always go your way. Get over it and grow up, Spectrum Supporter The Herald welcomes letters to the editor. All letters must be signed but may be published anony mously. TTie Herald reserves the right to edit letters for length and/or offensive con tent. Are you Interested In Journalism^ layout and design or photography? If so, sign up for the Herald for next semester: English 150 A 1 credit hour Pass/Fall For more Informa tion contact Tiffany Adams at herald@meredlth. edu Classifieds spring Break 2004. Travel vrith STS, America's #1 ^udent Tour Operator to Jamaica, Cancun, Acapulco. Bahamas and Florida. Now hiring campus reps. Call for group discounts. I nformation/Reservations 1-800-648-4849 or www.ststravel.com. Tutorial Sen/ice is looking for qualified tutors. 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