FROM WARREN’S DESK I would like to thank each of you for an outstanding Open House. We all have to be proud of the review that we received from our peers in the community, I believe that very few people have experienced as nice an open house or have been allowed to tour a plant that is as fine as the facility that we presently enjoy. Your efforts in getting the plant ready for presentation and the courtesy and hospitality that the individuals who were assisting in the open house displayed is an asset to W & J RIVES and to the community. Jeff and I really, sincerely appreciate the good works and effort that you have put into this open house. I hope you were as proud as we were to stand back and watch our family and friends, along with yours, go through and admire our facility. It finally made all our hard work worthwhile. Those goose bumps sure felt good! Concerning our production, we are presently in an oversold situation; which, I think we can come out of fairly rapidly. I would like to ask each of you to solicit any people that you know who are interested in coming to work for us. We could use some good operators immediately. I think all of you are familiar with our requirements and v^at we look for in the people that we hire. Keep this in mind, but if you know some people, we could use them now. For those of you who are not aware, we have added two Adler Automatic. Back Pocket Setting machines. Once these machines are running, we hope to run them two shifts a day. We should be able to generate more production through the back pocket section to allow us to get more work to felling and serging; which, should allow us to continue to improve the total output through shipping. As most of you are aware, we have had a horrendous problem with our boiler. We just do not have enough steam to support the equipment that we own. We have ordered a new boiler which will be installed sometime in August. Also, we have rented an additional warehouse right around the corner behind High Point Fabrics, We will be moving all the piece goods out of W & J RIVES to this warehouse to allow us to redesign our layout. Hopefully, we can add machines and increase production. We are going to move the cut ahead work on the "jakes" trucks and the in-process work that is stored adjacent to the cutting room; so, that it will not be such a burden on the service people and we can just have a neater, more organized work flow. This will also allow us to have more room to sort the wash work to and from the laundry. We have a lot going on. Presently, we have many people moving in many directions. We are embroidering pockets in three different embroidery facilities. We are washing in two different laundries and we are pressing in three off-site locations. As you can see, this keeps Randy and the supervisors running just trying to keep up with what’s where, what needs to go and what's coming back. I think we are doing an excellent job of this and I commend each of them and you for the excellence of quality and