PINE KNOLL SHORE LINE Issue #8 December 1973 AT TIIE NOVEMBER 8th MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS» Mv, Ed Jenkins and Mr, James Alston, representatives of the Wildlife Commission, spo.f:c- on^a,nd anST/ered CiUestions about speeding and other problems relating to the Co.nal which runs ‘c-hrou-jh the Towii, They expla;lr:ed thr.t the Comriiir-sioners could ask the U. S, Corps of Engineers to plao^ regulatory i.iarkerj in the canaJ; thit any Town officer oould enfor''‘-e speed limits, etc.y but tha‘-: it would be Tfise to con^.ct the WildJ.ife Commission and/or the U, S, Corps of Engineers when particu lar problems arise, Mr, Young of the Marine Resource Center showed slides on different Marine Centers, explaining that the one in PKS on land donated by the Roosevelts, will be the^Eastern seaboard. It has the most potential because it has 350 acres of unt^poiled terrain surrounding it. He expects it wilH. attract many tourists, A Marine Center of this kind is used for educational purposes for both adults and children, serving as a sort of laboratoiy for the marine ecology of the area, A proposed ordinance prohibiting motorized vehicles on the Atlantic Beach Strand within the Town limits was read; action on it was deferred to the next meeting. Next meeting: Thursday, December 13 at 8:00 P.M. at the Atlantis Lodge. Following a public hearing on December 7, on the PKS Zoning Ordinance proposed by the P2.a,nning Board, the Board of Commissioners will set up a meeting to con sider adoption of the ordinance. Date of this meeting will be announced later, PIS taxes are due by December Jl, On January 1 a 2^ penalty is assessed, plus 3/^ of 1% on the first of each month thereafter until paid, TOM OF PINE KNOLL SHORES CITY LIMIT signs have been erected at the outskirts of our new townJ HISTORICAL SOCIETIES: Lots of history happened in Carteret County, much of it in Beaufort, The Beaufort Historical Association, under the current leadership of Mrs, David (Katherine) Cloud, is proudly working to restore the old homes; the one home that is open regularly now is the Joseph Bell House on Turner Street, from 1 to 4 weekdays, and 2 to 5 Sundays, Funds for these restorations come from dues paid by more than 1200 members all over the country and from the Annual Old Homes Tour of Beaufort, The Association meets the 4th Tuesday of each month, 8:00 P,M, at St, Paul’s Church parish house on Ann Street in Beaufort and welcomes new members. The Carteret Historical Research Association, now headed by Miss Emily Loftin of Beaufort, concentrates on researching history of the county. They are into the bi-centennial activities coming up in 1976, and they meet the 2nd Monday of each month, usually at the home of Mrs. Copeland Kell, 3OI Front Street, ?:30 P.M. They will hold a Membership Tea at Mrs. Roy Davis’s, 104 Marsh St., Beaufort, on December 10, Monday, from 3 to 5» a-nd welcome prospective members. On January 7 a^t 7;30 P.M. at Duke Auditorium, the Bi~Centennial Coordinator will speak to the publ?.c on plans for this event, and at the regular January meeting, Mr. Stirewalt will talk on Local Histories and Biographies and the possibilities of holding a class on this subject at CTI. Wxn, Kell is considering offering a class in antiques in Beaufort, having had several requests for one* Readers of the Shore Line who are interested in such a class can call her at 72a ‘3669, RYGGo^GHARGOAL STEAKHOUSE is an incredible little spot off Bridges St, in More“ head City, kind of in front of the National Guard Armory in a section called Hcrehead Gardens, They specialize in steaks that arrive at your table making lose sizzling noisesj and there is also good, spicy pizza. Customers are groeted warmly — the people at Ryggs care somehow, and one feels welcome. Decor is not the word to use in describing the surroundj.ngs; the tables are covered with red oilcloth and on the wall are enormous velvety hangings of colorful bullfighters and of moose in the snowy woods. Good food, including a g crispy salad, and maybe a frosted glass of beer, and certa,inly friendly a. x^ntion ^ and come think of it, that is at^mosphere in It'^elf« Pizza with ^