PINE KNOLL SHOEE LINE Issue k7 March 1977 Editors: Mary Doll Betty Hamnion From the MAYOR; Once in a while someone complains that he or she is not adequately informed as to what is happening in the Tovm government. Obviously, certain personnel matters (except fhe announcement of an appoint ment or a resignation) can hardly be the subject of public discussion. Everything else, however, is public business as to which each of you is en titled to full disclosure. The Board of Commissioners tries to keep you informed, but our means of com munication are limited# The ’’Shore Line” is certainly one of our most effective media for disseminating news about the Town; it reports each of the regular meetings of the Board and opens its pages to items such as the one you are now reading, A reporter from the ’’Carteret News-Times” also attends each Board meeting and summarizes it in the next edition of the paper. Remember, too, that anyone may attend Board meetings, hear whatever is dis cussed, and ask Questions, In addition, I invite you to call me about any Town matter as to which you feel uninformed and 1*11 supply whatever informa tion I have or can obtain, A particular instance of this sort - where some may have felt a lack of in formation - comes to mind. Our endeavor to put before the Townspeople (eventually in a referendum) a concrete plan for a municipal complex to house fire equipment, a rescue squad, and Town offices suffered a two-month delay because of architect problems. Those difficulties, which in turn delayed negotiations with FmHil for a commitment of funds, have now been resolved and we are back on the track. You will hear more of the plans and possibilities when we have definitive details with which to supply you. Meanwhile, the Town property on which the complex will be located (if funded and If approved by you) has been cleared by a group of public spirited citi- ^ sunny day you should walk about this cleared area (next to the present Town Hall) and see for yourself what a magnificent setting it would WHEN THE TOM COIMSSIOHERS met on February 1 for their regular session, their business in what seemed like about fifteen minutes, e big thing was the appointment of a new Building Inspector, KERNEY SMITH, ^erney, husband of Commissioner Mary Catherine Smith, is retired from Western « where he was a tool designer; he plans to spend each morning from ® construction sites, then be in his office at the Town HalU from until 1, Should anyone wish to reach him at another time, an appoint ment can be made. Mayor Haller and the Board put a resolution in the minutes, following Smithes swearing in, to thank the four intprin Vm-51 inspectors, KEW IlOFFi'SYEH, TOITHEY L/iTOEiTOE, FRED MHLIN and BOB AHMSTRONG. Inspector meeting, KEN HOFFMEYEE was sworn in as Assistant Building the Garden Club a flag that was flom over the capitol, noL Will be held in reserve by the Garden Club until the Town needs a replacement, at which time it will be presented formally. has been cleared and there follows a list of arounrhpv heartening to see the co-operation -5+ ff-m ^ project gets underway that we can’t resist printing wLjT m CLEVELAND, KEII tt-d/tvtv ? MLL, KEN HALLiii,.;, KEN HOFFMEYSi^, MRRY JEROME, CURT JOHNSON, JONICS, KEN KDIIGHT, BILL MCDOKALD, DICK imNSFIELD FRED kEHLIN, ALLEN IjHTCHELL, EL RfiTLIFFE, ARNOLD SiilTH, ED 'rAENSR and ^^ILT YAECK jfttLs^^ih^crsuS?®■ WM, J. HEDRICK, Pine Knoll Townes, has been contracted to be architect for the new Town Hall, xur PIKSCO BOARD voted in its Dec, 1^ meeting to name its sound park after former VULLARD H, GARNER, who died recently. The park, between Garner and hcBride properties, will now be known as the Willard H, Garner Sound Park \