• • PINE KNOLL SHORELINE Issue 52 August I977 Editors: Mary Doll Betty Hammon THE TOVJN BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS combined its regular meeting with the special Public Hearing on the bond authorization by having the hearing on July 5, then recessing until the following day for the regular meeting. At the hearing it v/as announced that the PMHA had approved a loan of ^275,000.00 for the construction of the municipal building and ;375,000,00 for equipping it. Grants are being sought for fire and rescue vehicles and equipment, and it’s expected that enough Emergency Medical Technicians will be licensed by the time they are needed. The actual REFERENDUM TO BE HELD AUGUST 23rd AT THE TOV.ill HALL BET^-?EEN 6:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. At the July 6th regular meeting the Board passed an ordinance restricting parking on Salter Path Road between the Iron Steamer and Pine Knoll Blvd. Signs will be posted marking the area as a No Parking and Tow Away Zone, Also at this meeting it was reported that Atlantic Beach made one fire call and five rescue calls to Pine Knoll Shores: the fire call to the Holiday Inn, 1 rescue call to the Atlantis, 1 to the Ramada, 2 to Pine Knoll Townes, and 1 as a transport to the residential area, PIKSCO Corporation held its annual meeting on Saturday, July 9» at the Marine Resources Center^ Elected to the Board of Directors were Ray Scoggins, Mrs* Nancy Roach, and Mrs. Lucy Elmendorf. At a Board meeting following the annual meeting, Lucy Elmendorf was elected temporary secretary and Mary K^ Smith continues as temporary treasurer, Col« Robert O’Neal remains as chairman and Kerney Smith as vice-chairman, Lucy Elmendorf, Secy, PINE lOIOLL ASoOCIATION meeting, July: Safety ropes and floats are being in stalled at Ocean Park by the Parks Committee, Harry Hall,Chairman, It is hoped that bathers and surfers v/ill heed this precaution, Kenneth Knight has resigned as Chairman of Parks Committee, having served a number of years in a most effective v:ay. Director Harry Hall is serving in that capacity for this year, G.N.17, Jones and Peggy Carroll were approved as new members of that committee. Dredging contract for the strategic spots in the canal has been let and v/ork will start as soon as possible, NOTE: The Hoard of Directors will meet in regular monthly meeting the 2nd TUESDAY of EACH MONTH at 9:30 a.m, at the TOm^ HALL. This is a change in time so note it if you plan to attend at any time. You know you are all v/elcome. The Secretary-Treasurer of the Association requests that members needing assistance do not call after 5 p*m, Elizabeth Ames, Secy, DRjiDGING: Both Ken Doremus and Curt Johnson have asked us to report to you ^ dredging of the canal at Mimosa Bridge and near the east and wfest ends of the canal will begin as soon as bulkheading is completed. Any canal lot owner who v/ants dredging or deepening done in front of his property at his ov;n expense and responsibility should contact the Atlantis Diving and Sal vage, Morehead City and arrange \-7±th Dan Noe to have it done while he is working on the Pine Knoll Association dredging project and has his equipment here, CIVIL DEFEIISE: The hurricane season on the East Coast extends through November. The majority of the hurricanes in this century have occurred in August and September — I6 in August and 23 in September, As a part of its continuing program, the Marine Resources Center will observe Hurricane Awareness Heek, August 22 - 26, For information about the program see the Iiarine Resources article in this issue. Our Pine Knoll Shores Civil Preparedness Coordinators are distributing the nev/ town Civil Preparedness plan to each household. This should assist you in your personal plans regarding your safety and that of your family if a hurricane strikes us. If you have not received your plan, you may want to contact your coordinator who can help you with your questions. East of the Sittum, south of Salter Path - Ray Scoggins VTest of the Sittum, south of the PKS Canal (except Pine Knoll Townes) - Bill Ford Uest of Mimosa to the Canal - Bill Macdonald East of Mimosa, south of Hai^rthorne - A.C. Davis North of Hav;thorne, Oakleaf inside the Canal - Louise Jolitz Canal to ^.Jillov;, north of Salter Path - Kerney and Mary Catherine Smith IJillov/ to Juniper, north of Salter Path - Fred and Natalie Hiltz East of Juniper, north of Salter Path - Vern Schrum Pine Knoll Townes - Pete Huling