: SHORE LINE Published by The Town of Pine Knoll Shores In The Interests Of Its Citizens Post Office Box 757, Atlantic Beach, N. C. 28512 Volxime 1 - Number 2 October, 1979 ELECTION DAY Tuesday, November 6, will be election day in Pine Knoll Shores, and elsewhere, and this is the time we elect members of the Board IS ^ HAND of Commissioners. The Board is on a rotating basis, with three members elected every tx-ro years for four year terms. Five candidates have filed for the three places, two of which are incumbents and three others filing for the seat held by Art Browne, who has chosen not to run this time. In order that citizens of Pine Knoll Shores can become acquainted xvith the candidate The’ » Shore Line invited each to submit a biographical sketch. All but one did so, and they are published below in alphabetical order. W. L. (Bill) Dixson resides at 120 Walnut Circle with his wife, Bizzell. His interest as a commissioner is to participate in maintaining Pine Knoll Shores as a highly desirable low density residential area. He is conservative and would foster a minimum governmental response in all activities consistent xdth providing necessary services and controls. •He V7as 27 years with the United States Air Forces retiring in 1966 as a colonel. He served as a comptroller during his last 15 years of ser\dce, with responsibilities in finance, accounting, budget and computer operations. In 1967 he was employed by the city of CJoldsboro as director of finance responsible for a 14 million budget, and the accounting, collection and disbursement of funds, and computer operations. Just prior to moving to Pine Knoll Shores he served as City Manager of Goldsboro. Otha K. Foster resides at 203 Oakleaf Drive and is 57. A native of North Carolina he foiraieriy • i*^siaea at Mnston-Salem and served Vvdth the United States Postal Service as a clerk, assistant supervisor and rural letter carrier for 31 years. During World War II he served mth the United States Air Force. He is an Elder in the Presbyterian church, is married and has three children and three ^grandchildren. He presently is chief of the Pine Knoll Shores Volunteer Fire Department. He believes in good government xd.th the vievjs of the people being expressed and carried out by their representatives. Also, he says, the residents of Pine Knoll Shores should be given an opportunity to vote on a fire and rescue tax in order to maintain and improve TOWN OF PINE KNOLL SHORES Post Office Box 757 Atlantic Beach, N. C. 28512 Bulk Rate U. S. POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 1 Atlantic Beach, N. C. 28512