2 the present services offered. "I feel that there is no difference in old and new Fine Knoll Shores," says 0. K, FosterI "We are one town and all the people in our town are first class citizens," H*. Haller resides at 122 Walnut Circle with his i^fe, Nev/ell* They have four children and seven grandchildren. Haller attended Johns Hopkins University and Harvard Law School. He first practiced law at Buffalo, new York, where he remained for 11 ye^s. He then served for three years on the War Production Board at Washington, D. C., ^d then practiced law in New York City with the firm of Beer, Richards, Haller and 0»Ne^ specializing in business and corporate law. Since becoming a resident of Fine Knoll^Shores he has served as a member of the Board of Directors of the Pine KhoU Association, chairman of the Citizens Committee to investigate the incorporation of the town, drafted^the PKS charter, member of the first Planning Board, member of the first Board of Adjustment and has served as Mayor since 1975* "During the four^years of my mayoralty," he said, "We have built our impressive new Town Hall,^established and equipped our Fire Department and our Rescue Squad and continued and improved other tox^ni services, ..all vjithout any increase in taxes. More importantly," he went on, "We have maintained the character of the town as a resident ial community, and if re-elected, v;e will continue to do so." _N^talie C. Hiltz resides at Willow and Salter Path Road v/ith her husband, Fred, an engineer ;d.th NARF at Cherrjr Point. They have lived in Pine Knoll Shores for six years, pid she is the mother of four grown children. Born at Norfolk, Va., she vjas ^ Engird. Mrs. Hiltz is a registered nurse, receiving her nursing education at Mound Park hospital, St. Petersburg, Fla., and Johns Hopkins Hospital at Baltimore, Md. She has been a certified Emergency Medical Technician for four and a half years, ivith volunteer experience in Atlantic Beach, and Pine Knoll Shores. She has served on^the Board of Commissioners for one year filling the term of Mary C. Smith, ^indio resigned.^ She first served as Finance Officer and later Fire and Rescue Commissioner. Mrs. Hiltz is for conservative and sound growth in Pine Knoll Shores and would hope to keep taxes as low as possible, consistent with good service. The fifth candidate for a seat on the Board of Commissioners is John W. Collier V7ho resides on VEllow Road. ’ I^ET_YOyR On Sunday, October 2S, at 2:30 p.m., candidates for the Board of Commis sions I'd-ll be on hand at the Tovim Hall for a "Candidates Afternoon." Moderator of the affair will be James W. Redfield, first mayor of Pine ^oll Shores. He vdll introduce each candidate V7ho will be allowed five minutes to address the group. After all have been introduced and expressed their viev;s questions addressed to the candidates idll be accepted from the audience. The affair this year is not sponsored by any organization in PKS, but rather is in response to many requests from citizens of the tom. for an opportunity to meet and discuss the issues vjith each candidate. flood At the October 2 meeting of the Pine Knoll Shores Board of ^ Commissioners, Mayor Haller announced that the tov/n is now under IjISURANCE F^ PIS perm^ent flood insurance designation effective September 2S. . , Commissioner Broxvne said that as a result of the adoption of the Flood Plain ordinance and a change to permanent insurance status the flood coverage for^P the Tom Hall vrould be increased from $100,000 to $250,000and the premium reduced from $475 to $75.