Commissioner Jerome also requested the Board of Commissioners to nnont n resolution calling on the Mayor to write the members of the legislature rrom. the area concerning a proposed plan to limit the enforcement of the CAI-IA p3r;ru The Tovni aiid most residents of the Town have indicated a desire that this plan bo rigidly enforced so as to prevent indiscriminate development of property in the Tovni. Bogue Banks is a relatively fragile ecological area and any tn;npering mth the GAii\ plan can only impact unfavorably with respect to the propcrt;-. The Board did adopt such a resolution, and they further request that citizeiis o'" ri?i0 •Cnoll Shores contact their representatives in the legislature requesting thn le^^islators refrain from limiting the effectiveness of the CAI^ program. Namcr. ar.d adrh-’esses of the legislators may be obtained from the Tom Clerk, Commissioner Dixson, in his monthly report, announced that a tax lien sale of of property within the Town will be held at the Town Hall on Monday, May 10* Commissioner Gibson reported that the refurbishing of the areas adjacent to the Mmosa Bridge . has been virtually completed. He said also that two new street lights have been installed and that nev7 stanchions for arterial stop signs have been ordered and m.11 be erected shortly. Commissioner Johnson reported a study has been completed concerning the need for an additional fire truck and specifications are now being drawn up for the purchase of the vehicle. He also suggested that fire hydrants be painted, or otherwise be denoted, so they can be more easily located in the event of a fire. He also said some of the hyciants probably xirilll have to be relocated or augmented to provide better access by the fire department. Finally, he requested a letter be sent to residents of RLne I^noll Shores soliciting their participation in the manning of the Rescue Squad, which is in need of additional members. GARDT^N CLUB HEARS The Pine Knoll Shores Garden Club at their February meeting held at the Marine Resources Center on Wednesday, February 10, SHI^.T. PRESEI'JTATION were entertained a presentation by Hugh Porter, assistant professor at the Institute of Marine Sciences, U.N.C*, on "Sea Shells Common to North Carolina". He augmented his presentation with slides and a display from his vast private collection. During the business meeting Projects Chairman Helen Granger reported all 200 crepe myrtle shrubs had been sold to residents of Pine Kholl Shores. Of these, 11 were designated for planting at the Town Hall, six at Brock Basin, four at Hall Haven and three at McNeil Inlet. Hospitalitjr Chairman Ann Ratliffe announced that Garden Club members will host a "Meet The Artist" program Sunday afternoon at Carteret General Hospital on March 7» Club members also voted to purchase a pull down screen for the Tovjn Hall Auditorium. Some of the Club*s meetings are held in this room and the screen mil facilitate the presentation of visual programs. Trip Chairman Marian Archibald reported on a planned over-night Spring trip to Nags Head on May 12 and 13 to tour the Elizabethan Gardens and other points of interest. Lenora Roberson BOGUS BMIKS LIBRARY The Bogue Banks Library, located in the Marine Resources Center building, and which is a cooperative effort of the ANI^OUTTCES PROGRAi-lS Marine Resources Center and the Craven-Pamlico-Carteret Regional Library, said that weekly story hours for pre schoolers are held on Wednesday morning at 11 o’clock. I'Jhen Saturday hours are resumed on April 3j t-he program v/ill begin at 1:15 P»M. Also, on April 2, in connection vdth the Monitor Exhibit, the library will present a special display of materials on the subject.