• SHORE LINR Published by The Town of Pine Knoll Shores In The Interests Oflts Citizens Post Office Box 757, Atlantic Beach, N. C. 28512 VOi;jME VI - Number ? 1935 Hary Korff - Bditor TELBPHONES ToHn Hall - 247-4353 EMERGENCY Police - 8-728-3772 Fire and Rescue - 8-728-4111 The June 24th hearing was called to consider proposed changes in the Zoning Ordi nance, In line with the recent coding of the town ordinances, several changes were requested in order to make the wording of the ordinances more definitive and consistent PUBLIC t*?* definition of structure to be changed to include “fences"; the word structure” replacing "building** where appropriate; an addition to restrict maximum building height to 35 feet in residential zones; removal of mention of Commercial Zone 1 in permitted uses of Zone 4 since it is not applicable. Another change was requested concerning height requirements in Institutional zones for utilities from 50 feet to 140 feet in order that the Carolina Water Service can construct a new water tower which reqviires 135 feet in height to maintain the same water level as the present tank. It was explained that water levels must be equalized. There was some qiiestion as to whether the proposed change would allow 140 foot structures to be built in other areas of the town but it was pointed out that this was the only approved Institutional zone utility site. A. C. Davis answered other questions about the new tank saying it would be painted in earthtone colors, could hold 250,000 gallons and would take about 280 days to construct, - - - - oGo - - - - Following the hearing, the commissioners met to act on the proposed changes. i were adopted, SPEiGIAL Decision on lifting the moratorium for building on lots 1, 2 and 3 of Fairway COMMSNR'S vision was postponed at the request of the Planning Board, They have called a special meeting to hear the opinions of engineers regarding the drain- MEETING age problems. The Commissioners then took a formal vote to confirm an earlier report that the Board had opposed the ammonia storage plant on Radio Island, This report has been publi- TOWN OF PINE KNOLL SHORES, N.C. 3 - Pine Knoll Blvd. Knoll Shores-MHC, N. C. 28557 ■■ ■ SHORE LINE BULK RATE U.S.POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 22 MOREHEAD CITY, N.C. 28SS7