Page -4- help. A fixMdier s'tudy will be made on this topic. A letter from a resident requesting that the Board consider drafting an ordinance that all Rest Estate signs be removed from the properties in the town was introduced. This will be discussed at the next Board meeting. Mary Kanyha _______ oOo _______ COI4tJNITY APPEARANCE CXIMMISSIC3N Suggestions for Mayor Hanan to take to the Builders' Association and Real Estate Association Conference were listed and discussed. 1. Real Estate signs should be removed from the property after it is sold. 2. Access to and through property should be available before building starts. 3. Bulldozer work should be supervised by the builder. 4. Building plans should be precise and completely followed by the builder. 5. Builders should have trash containers on pjremises where they are building. Workers encouraged to use them at all times. Mary Kanyha _______ oOo ------- WHAT'S IN A CANAL? The Pine Knoll Shores canals are polluted and we can't harvest shellfish anymore. Can they be saved? We live on the canal directly opposite a huge cfc~ain pipe mounted on a Rube Goldberg, patched up frame, constructed by DOT to eliminate the backwash which had damaged the banks around it. It's ugly. In a heavy rain it spews muddy water into the canal. We wish it weren't there but we didn’t like the old Salter Path Road and the flooding it has eliminated, either. Also, from time to time, a scum covers the surface of the water and often we see pine needles and grass clippings floating by. We can't blame the storm drain for that. The scum comes in from the Sound and the grass clippings from ? In spite of all this we find the canal a source of delight from time to time. We like the protection it offa^ our boat. It supplies us with fish and crabs, still safe to eat. And it still attracts wild life. Blue herons, egrets and diving birds still abound. The ducks are here now. When they swim by their bow wave ripples the water all the way across the canal sometimes. And now we have a pair of otters! They don't mind the storm drain. Indeed, at half tide it is part of the fui to swim into it and disappear! They have a great time and it's real entertainment! So it's a compromise, but what in life is not? ------- oOo ------- SEA TURTLE HATCH.INGS THREATENED The town has received a memorandum from Julie Shambaugh, Shorefront Access Coordi nator for the Division of Coastal Management. She is concerned about the bright lights on the ocean front confusing the tij~tle hatchlings. In explaining her concern she tells how female sea turtles lay their eggs on shore from May to August. After 50 or 60 days the hatchlings leave their nests and crawl across the beach to the water. They are believed to be oriented by the natural light on the horizon. Now that the ocean front is being developed the li^ts from shore disorient them and they sometimes crawl toward the shore rather than toward the ocean. This has substantially reduced the numbers which survive. The Planning Board is concerned about this and efforts are being made to reduce the lights emanating from the establishments on the ocean. But some private home owners also