- SHORE LINE W'ublished by The Town of Pine Knoll Shores In The Interests Of Its Citizens Post Office Box 757, Atlantic Beach, N. C. 28512 Town Hall: 247-4353 Emergency Phones: Police: 728-3772 Fire & Rescue: 728-4111 VOLUME VIII — Number 10 October 1987 Mary Korff — Editor COMMISSIONERS MEET Cotnmissioners held their regular October meeting on October 13th. Commissioner Johnson reported that taxes were about 26% collected. Receipts in September were some $88,000 and expenses some $80,000. He explained that expenditures were unusually high because of payment for the new ambulance plus installation of new fire hydrants and police car radios. He also asked for three budget amendments to take care of the sharp rise in the cost of liability insurance. Commissioner Libby reported that in September for the first time, he could report a month in which there were no permits for residential building starts. There were also no commercial [not so unusual] issued. Thus, Building Inspector activity was con fined to 10 miscellaneous permits and 4 CO's. He also reported on Planning Board activity which will be covered below. The Land Use Plan Update has been accepted and opias are now available for check out or for purchase. In the absence of Commissioner Shedd, Mayor Hanan reported that routine mosquito spraying was carried on and the right-of-ways mowed. An appeal was made to those whose marl driveways are washing into the streets. This represents a dangerous situation for pedestrians and cyclists and owners are asked to keep it cleaned up. The new ambulance has been delivered and is in the process of being fitted out with equipment from Rescue II, Commissioner Sotir reported. He requested approval of the sale of the old ambulance when this is completed. It will be advertised. Recerti fication training for EMT's is in progress. Commissioner White reported that 50 hours of pistol training had been completed by 6 officers in September. There were 126 police calls, 88 traffic violations and 255 house checks. There was 1 fire call. This was another transformer and there was no damage. This kind of fire is more frightening than dangerous. Although she was making the September report. Commissioner White expressed sincere appreciation for the cooperation of the squads which turned out, i.e. police, fire and rescue, in the search for a missing person on October 7th which lasted for more than four hours. The missing person was found unharmed, much to everyone's relief. TOWN OF PINE KNOLL SHORES. N.C. Route 3 - Pine Knoll Blvd. Pine Knoll Shores-MHC, N. C. —— SHORE LINE BULK mmt U.S.POSTME PAID penMIT NO. 22 MOnEHEAD CITY, N.C. 288S7