SHORE LINE Published by The Town of Pine Knoll Shores In The Interests Of Its Citizens Town Hall: 247-4353 Emergency Phones: Police: 728-3772 Fire & Rescue: 728-4111 VOLUME IX - Number 1 January 1988 Mary Korff - Editor HAPPY NEW YEAR All of us at Shore Line want to wish you a very happy new year! It has been a busy year for Pine Knoll Shores and consequently for us at Shore Line. And it's a very big "us"! Besides your editor and our typist, Nell Crumley, there are many helping hands! Editor of our OUR NEW NEIGHBORS feature is Lola Council. It is Lola who keeps eyes and ears open for information about new residents and sees to it that they are interviewed. Doing the interviews are: Jacque Lynn Mary Doll Yola Hanan Margaret Mercer Lib Johnson Doing features for us are: Mary Doll Liz Britton Gil Millington Mary Kanyha Kay McNally Isobel Tulagin We are grateful to the organization: in town which appoint correspondaits who keep us informed of their organization's activities. We are also indebted to Corrine Geer who provides the Town Hall calendar. Shore Line is a newletter financed by the Town. It takes no ads, no subscriptions. It goes to residents automatically and will go to property owners out of town upon request. Its purpose is to keep you in touch with happenings within the Town, and other items of interest. It all bega^.some fifteen years ago when Mary Doll and Betty Hammon got together and decided that this town needed a newsletter and began to put one out. They called- TOWN OF PINE KNOLL SHORES, N.C, Route 3 - Pine Knoll Blvd. Pine Knoll Shores-MHC, N. C. 28557 ”” SHORE LINE BULK RATE U.S.POSTAGE PAID PEFMIT NO. 22 MOREHEAD CITY N.C. 28SS7