SHORE LINE 1^ Published by The Town of Pine Knoll Shores In The Interests Of Its Citizens Town Hall: 247-4353 Emergency Phones: Police: 728-3772 Fire'& Rescue: 728-4111 VOLUME IX - Number 2 February 1988 Mary Korff - Editor PUBLIC HEARING Prior to the Commissioners' Meeting in February, a public hearing was called to consider three proposed ordinance changes recommended by the Planning Board. The first concerned the fuel storage tanks. It was found that fuel was stored in tanks by residents which were not in conformance with state and federal building codes. It was believed that the proposed ordinance reflected these. However, Harry Schlimper, Planning Board Chairman, asked that the commissioners return the proposed ordinance to the Planning Board for further consideration since a discrepancy in the Federal Codes was discovered. One section said propane tanks could be buried, another said they could not! This will have to be clarified before the commissioners consider it. The proposed addition to the landscaping ordinance which would allow the removal of live trees was felt to be inadeguate as written and was referred to the Town Attorney for revision. Fairway Villas had requested a zoning change from C-1 to C-2 which would allow them to lower the proposed density of their property by permitting single family dwellings rather than the multiples previously permitted. This was favorably received but was referred to the Town Attorney to be properly documented before action is taken. COMMISSIONERS MEET Commissioner Johnson reported that 69% of budgeted revenues had been collected and 41% of expenditures disbursed. 97% of taxes have been collected due in part to the initiative of acting tax collector, Beverley Blaylock. He recommended she be appointed as tax collector. This the Commissioners voted unanimously and Beverley was sworn in. Commissioner Roderick, Streets and Public Property, has been busy. All the inter sections on Route 58 are now lighted. He has been working on paving contracts to repair pot holes and bi:imps in town roads. He is concerned with the problem of motorists cutting TOWN OF PINE KNOLL SHORES, N.C. Route 3 - Pine Knoll Blvd. Pine Knoll Shores-MHC, N. C. 28557 SHORE LINE BULK RATE U.S.P06TABE PAID PERMIT NO. 22 HKWEHEAD CITY N.C. 28SS7