SHORE LINE Published by The Town of Pine Knoll Shores In The Interests Of Its Citizens Post Office Box 757, Atlantic Beach, N. C. 28512 Town Hall: 247-4353 Emergency Phones: Police: 728-3772 Fire & Rescue: 728-4111 VOLUME IX - Number 10 October 1988 Mary Korff - Editor PUBLIC HEARING HELD As advertised, a public hearing was held to consider the proposed changes in ordinance for three different items. The recombination of platted lots pertains to when an owner wishes to add a second lot to his home site, for instance, or when neighbors buy the lot between them and divide it in half. It is proposed that such a transaction be presented to the Town Clerk for signature and that it be recorded in the Registry of Deeds. No comments from the floor. The proposed change in the zoning ordinance to allow use of the land off Pine Knoll Boulevard for the establishment of a wildlife rehabilitation center and the changing of the ordinance restricting animals to allow wild animals to be treated there also elicited no comment from the floor. The background of the project was outlined by the Mayor and Stephanie Goetzinger gave a report of OWLS activity to date. Consideration of the model zoning ordinance was a different story. The proposal to change MF-2 [multi-family-2] to allow 5 stories instead of the present 3 met with con siderable opposition. It became obvious that more study had to go into the adoption of this "simplification" which does, indeed, bring about substantive changes. Mayor Hanan said that it would be presented for hearing again once some of these matters are straightened out. COMMISSIONERS' MEETING The hearing was followed by the regular monthly meeting of the Town Board. Commissioner Johnson proposed a budget amendment to cover the cost of upgrading the computer system, the purchase of needed office furniture, and a defibrillator for the Rescue Sguad. This was passed. Commissioner Roderick said that mosquito spraying is winding down for the season. Also, the Town Hall improvement project has been completed. TOWN OF PINE KNOLL SHORES, N.C, Route 3 - Municipal Circle Pine Knoll Shores, NC 28557 The SHORE LINE BULK RATE U.S.POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 2Z MOFSEHEAD CITY, N.C. 28557