Page -2- He then asked the Board to consider fee schedules for issuing permits for small jobs. It was agreed that they are sometimes too high. This was referred to the Planning Board for recommendations. Commissioners then made appointments to the Board of Adjustment as follows: Reappoint^^F as regular was Hank Ingram and as alternates: Bob Dawson, Libby Schlimper, Doug Fleming. Jack Green was appointed to fill the vacancy among the alternates. The mayor was given authorization to send a resolution to the North Carolina Geodetic Survey of the Department of Environmental Health and Natural Resources requesting replace ment of the distance markers which have disapperared from Highway 58. The mayor also announced that a consultant from the^nminn would be at the next Board meeting in order to make recommendations concerning the possibility of en gaging a town administrator. The Board approved the construction contract for the beach access ramp next to Holiday Inn. Work will start immediately. John McCormich was named Chairman of the Planning Board. Recycling procedures will not change while the County seeks bids for an outside organization to take it over. The meeting was adjourned in time for all present to go to the Open House. FIRE AND RESCUE OPEN HOUSE Once again the Firemen, the Rescue Squad and the Fireman's Auxiliary put on an open house for us October 9th. It was a hot, sunshiny day unlike previous years but, as though it was being singled out, the area got a few sprinkles from a cloud just big enough to cover the Town Hall. Made everybody feel at home. It always rains on Open House! A few new things were noted this year. The 4-wheel drive vehicle was on display. Whe| it is needed on the beach this will be driven by a fireman with an EMT along to administer any treatment needed. It's a joint effort. EMT Jim Wagner showed us the equipment. There is a board for removing the patient, life saving pontoon and a vest if needed by the patient or the rescuer, a floating head rest. First aid supplies are handy along with oxygen tanks and suction unit. But its use is not confined to beach rescue. For instance, it will be very useful in case of a snow storm like we had last year. Captain Bob Gallo described the fire equipment. One new item is the deluge [del-uge'] gun which has a powerful spray, may be anchored to the ground to fight fires, e.g. propane fires, or to cool a fire down when firemen cannot approach too closely. We saw the huge spray and fogging ability of the regular hose which can pump up to 125 gallons a minute. It has a nozzle which can provide a jet stream to douse a distant area or a fog to cool the fire and out off Ita oxygen, thus extinguishing it. ‘ Gallo demonstrated fire extinguishers reminding us that there are 3 different kinds: A, B, and C. A is for wood and paper fires only and therefore not anywhere near as useful as B or C. B has COg to smother a fire and C is especially for electrical or chemical fires. You can get an extinguisher which does all three and this is recommended. They all have a safety hitch and require that you pull out the pin before you try to use them. Never point the extinguisher directly at the fire. Approach it with a slow sweep from side to side, finally smothering the fire by covering it. Firemen demonstrated their air tanks, the saw which can go through concrete or any metal, the "universal key' which will open any lock, the hose clamps and the heavy axe- ,crowbar. They all looked smart in their uniforms and seemed to know what they were doing. We were told that they are getting better at it all the time. They’re better equipped and better organized.