Page -2- j Commissioner Gibson gave the police report. Three officers completed 40 hours each of training. There were 104 calls answered, 236 house checks. He also reported sale of surplus vehicle at $650. Commissioner Gallo got right to work and reported 72% of revenues collected and 61% of expenditures made to date. Investment income in April was 6 1/2% and 99% of taxes have been collected. He then turned it over to Budget Officer Corinne Geer who gave the budget message. The budget is available for your perusal during business hours at the town hall. The BUDGET HEARING will be held on June 11 at 2:00 p.m. It calls for some increases, some decreases, as the town prepares for lesser reimbursement from the state. A tax rate increase to .15 is recommended. Commissioner Roderick requested that Fred Fulcher be appointed Fire Prevention Officer in accordance with the state fire code. The Building Inspector's report showed six residential permits issued, no commercial, 17 miscellaneous permits, and 2 certificates of occupancy in April. Roderick, aided by Mayor Hanan, recommended that the town support the resolution to request DOT to make Highway 70 from Raleigh to Morehead City a controlled access highway and eliminate traffic lights (now numbering 37)! This was done. This is going to take a while, folks, but nothing ventured, nothing gained. Mayor Hanan announced that they are still working on a plan to be able to tow away illegally parked cars in restricted areas in the town. The proposed drainage plan report by Von Oesen & Assoc, contains 4 " alternatives—all involving drainage on the beach. A special meeting before the June meeting will be called to hear this report. Watch the bulletin board for the announcement. Betty Carr, of the town office, is authorized by the Board of Elections to register voters. See Betty if you are not registered. The Mayor has proclaimed the week of June 2 to June 8 as Safe Boating Week. Boaters are urged to acquire the skills and knowledge of safe boating practice. John Elder and his committee have agreed to take the responsibility for the exhibit of art work by artists of the town on the walls of the meeting room. No more bare walls to look at during long meetings like this one! The Mayor announced the resignation of Mary Korff as editor of the Shoreline effective with this issue. Your editor was presented with a huge ivy geranium plant by the commissioners in appreciation of her 6 years on the job. [It has been my pleasure, believe me! Ed] David Hasulak was sworn in as Mayor Pro Tem to cover the office during the absence of Mayor Hanan and Pro Tem Mayor Roderick.