Page -4- PINE KNOLL SHORES AND THE CRS CALENDAR Pine Knoll Shores subrdtted its application to the Federal Emergency Management Agency [FEMA] for Carmunity Rating System [CRS] classification on December 15, 1991. It takes fron December 15 to April 15 for FEMA and CRS specialists to review new applications for coipleteness, follow up on any conments subriitted by other agencies, and confirm that therl^F are enough points for Pine Knoll Shores to become Class 8. Five more months are needed for the insurance coirpanies to incorporate the new classi fication into their rating procedures. The Class 8 [tentative] premium rate credits take effect on October 1, at the same time as any other changes to the NFIP insurance rates or rating procedures. This system insures that insurance ccarpanies and agents get only one set of changes each year. If you have any questions or conments about the Cormiunity Rating System, please feel free to contact Roy Brownlow at the Town Hall or call 247-4353 for more information. There are doll collections around, and then there is Ellen Peirce's DOLL COLLECTION, right here in town. These twenty-two inch, museimi-quality, Faberge-type regal beauties, all in spectacular costume, are on display around the Peirce hone at 110 Carob Court. And not to be outdone, husband Jim collects eagles, models, painting, photos and scupltures, all of which guard the dolls. Jim and Ellen moved here last July from Herndon, Virginia, having learned of Pine Knoll Shores fron a friend who resided in Suirmer Winds. VVhile in the Washington, D. C. area, Jim served several terms as President of the National Federation of Federal Em ployees and also as a lobbyist. He also was very involved with computers. Ellen served as an executive assistant for a major business furniture organization. Jim has three grown children and four grandchildren and the Peirce household here is completed with four very aristocratic cats v\^o watch with great admirations as Jim displays his talents in cooking especially on the barbecue grill. The Peirces are currently very much involved in remodeling and irtproving their hone to make it truly theirs and are also starting major landscaping their new estate, all 1.1 acres which is probably the largest lot in town. ^nd the way this energetic couple has plunged into this project together indicates Jim and Ellen a welcome addition to Pine Knoll Shores. After spending seven snow-free years in Atlanta, Del and Dan Erickson were not in clined to brave the New Jersey winters again. Dan had worked 28 years for New Jersey Bell and an additional 7 in Atlanta with AT&T. An upconing transfer back to New Jersey was enough to convince Dan that a change was needed - so he opted for a life of leisure. Having already discovered this area in 1982 with friends retired to Newport, relocating here seemed to be the next logical step. They are currently living in their hone on Youpon Rd. while building a new one de signed by Dan in Beacon's Reach. Del, a former registered nurse, is very involved as an interior decorator and does all her own wallpapering, furniture recovering, painting and sewing. She also is an avid tennis player. Dan enjoys remodeling, fishing with 12 year old daughter Danielle, and as an experienced fire fighter, plans to join our volunteer force. The couple have two other children besides Danielle. Their son Mike, 16, attends West Carteret High School and plays on the Jr. Varsity football team. Daughter Sharon, 22, graduated fron Syracuse University and works in the music industry in New York City. One additional note: When the Ericksons move into their new heme, Del's brother and sister-in-law will be replacing them as residents of Youpon Rd. Plan to read about our soon-to-be residents in an upcoming issue of the Shore Line, OUR NEW NEIGHBORS YOLA HANAN JACKIE DAVIDIAN