• Ih& Shor&dne • Volume 5 Issue 12 ♦ Editor's Corner What Do You Want for Christmas? This is definitely the first time I can remember that I've thought of this question and didn't have an answer! So after a bit of thought this is what I want for Christmas - my health most of all, my friends to be happy, a maid (hah!), and the continued opportunity to live in the best place of all - Pine Knoll Shores! - a true paradise! God Bless You all and Have A Glorius Holiday Season! Lovet Ellen ************************* Sweatshirts, Sweatshirts Commemorative Sweatshirts are now available at Town Hall $15.00 \ December 1993 ♦ From The Mayor Don’t Open Until Christmas! PKS Womens Club will hold its Christmas Luncheon at the "Galley Stack" on December 10th. Wine at 12Noon, Turkey with all the "trimmings" at 12:30. Cost - $8.50 Make checks out to PKS Women's Club. Send it to Evie Adams, 170 Arborvitae Drive, PKS, NC, 28512 by December 1. Husbands are welcome. Bon Appetit! Joan Smith My Best To You As another year fades into the past, it is a real pleasure to wish each and everyone of you a Blessed Christmas and a New Year filled with Good Health, Love, and Happiness Mary L. Kanyha ♦♦♦ Inside This Issue 1 Firemen Needed 2 Christmas Parade 3 New Neighbors 4 Luminaria Time 5 December Calendar 1