Shoreline Published by the Town of Pine KnnU Shores w the Interest of Its Cibzens Town Hall 247-4353 NOVEMBER 1995 Fire and Rescue 911 Vote!!! NOVEMBER 7 Vote!!! at Town Hall Vote!!! 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM OCTOBER BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MEETING PUBLIC HEARING The Land Use Plan Committee has been activated and will begin meeting in November. The Town has contracted with Dale Holland, of Holland Planners, Inc. of Wilmington, to handle this important project. He will work with an appointed committee to review and consider possible changes in the Land Use Plan of 1992. The committee members are: Lois Heffelfinger, Joan Lamson, Beal Marks, Al Schmidt, Charlotte Sheard and Don Smith. The time frame for this project is October 1, 1995 with certification in 1997 and will be funded, for the most part, through federal funding grants. Land Use Plan updates are usually done every five years; however, the Coastal Resource Commission has asked that Land Use Plans within a given county be updated at the same time. Town Attorney Kirkman stated this would be an opportune time for a concerted effort on the part of the towns to emphasize the State policy of placing sand on the beaches. Notices will be posted for all meetings and public input from residents is an important part of the process of consideration of the plan. Height restrictions in REC3 and MS zones was the subject of the second half of the Public Hearing. Changes recommended by the Planning Board are: 50 feet height restriction for buildings and 140 feet height restriction for structures other than buildings. These recommendated changes passed unanimously by the Board. STREETS & PUBLIC PROPERTY The Department of Transportation has notified the town that Powell Bill funds in the amount of $52,988.73 will be forthcoming for the maintenance of our streets and bridges. Pine Knoll Shores was one of 494 towns that qualified for these funds.