Published by the Town of Pine KnoU Shores in the Interest of its Citizens Town Hall 247-4353 April, 2001 Fire and Rescue 911 The Mayor and Board of Commissioners of the Town of Pine Knoll Shores would like to thank our Citizens for taking the time to vote in the bond referendum for the Beach Nourishment Project. We especially thank those who voted yes and helped us pass a, first of its kind, bond referendum. To those Citizens who did not vote for the bonds, we understand and appreciate your concerns as they relate to the beach nourishment project. To all the Citizens of Pine Knoll Shores, we pledge to continue to work to keep your tax burden as low as possible for the services you expect. We are proud of our Citizens and we were confident that they would do the right thing by approving this most historic and important project for our town. Again, thanks to all! March Board of Commissioners Meeting Necessary Services With the ever-increasing pressure on us to contain our cost and to continue to provide our citizens with the necessary services at a reasonable rate, we are continually reviewing our expenses. Currently, it costs the Town $16,000 per year to publish and distribute the "Shoreline" to you. This cost continues to increase yearly. In addition, the "Shoreline" is only sent to 50% of our taxpayers. If we were to mail the "Shoreline" to all taxpayers, we would incur an annual cost of $32,000. Therefore, as we move into the century, we believe it is more cost effective to provide the same information to all of our taxpayers by utilizing the Internet. As such, we are going to establish a web page as other towns in the area are now doing. In this manner, we can provide more information to a greater number of people at a lower cost. The cost for the web page is less than $1000 per year with a start up cost of approximately $2,000. Once the web page is set up you can access all types of information such as minutes to all meetings, special interests in our town, various permits on-line and other important information not currently published. As time goes on we can continue to provide more information as needed. This way we can also introduce ourselves to many other interested people other than just taxpayers. The benefits are substantial. We recognize that not all current subscribers to the Shoreline may wish to do away with the "Shoreline". However, in order to provide this service to those who still desire to receive a "Shoreline-like" publication, we must charge shipping and handling fees of $12 per year to cover our added cost. (NOTE: THIS MONTH'S SHORELINE COST -$2000)