February 2009 TIte Shoreline Page 3 PKS Garden Club By Clare Winslow Members of Pine Knoll Shores Garden Club were mighty busy at their January 14 meeting assessing past holiday dub projects and planning new events for the coming months. Second Vice President ft Lois Jean O'Keefe and Sandra McCuin Helvi Larson reported the great success of the club's luminaria display along Mimosa Blvd., from Salter Path Road to Oakleaf Drive, and around the marinas on Christmas Eve. Cooperating weather allowed the glitter of250 candles to create a spectacular light display from dusk till early morning. President Carol McVitty thanked members and their spouses and the non member town residents who filled jugs with sand and candles, set them out along the route Christmas Eve, lighted them at dusk, and retrieved them December 25. Since all this work took many hours, Mrs. McVitty would like to know if most town residents came out to enjoy the holiday luminaria display and if the project should be continued. If you have an opinion as to whether the luminaria effort should be repeated next year, let your thoughts be known to one of your garden club neighbors or to someone at town hall. The club's Arbor Day program will take place in Garner Park March 20 and the trees planted will honor past members Lola Council and Helen Granger. The 35* anniversary celebration of the garden club will be a picnic at the home of Lois Jean O'Keefe, May 13 and will include a plant exchange. Joann Shalcross and Arleen Graczewski were guests at the meeting. Ms. O'Keefe brought two lovely plants from home for members to enjoy, a beautiful Eucharist lily with two gorgeous white blossoms and a paper white. Sheryl Woodbury's hint at protecting these plants from white fly and other garden pests included using a strong spray of warm water or the use of insecticidal soap. Kay Howe shared a helpful hint on feeding our winter birds. Place a small screen on top of an empty summer hanging plant container, cover it with birdseed, and hang from a branch on a tree. The program of the day was presented by Sandra McCuin, owner of "English Rose", a European style flower shop at 1013A Arendell Street in Morehead City. Her theme was "transitional arranging," for making your holiday basket of Christmas flowers look more like a crisp spring arrangement. She removed the red Christmas bows, added sprigs of pussy willow and a few cyclamen plants nestled inside a handsome genuine birch bark container, topped it off with several fragrant branches of heather, a few mushroom birds or a pastel bow if it's intended as a gift. The reconstructed plant was even more attractive than the original! On February 11, Gwendy Womble, horticulturist at the North Carolina Aquarium at Pine Knoll Shores, will speak to members about wetlands vegetation and plants suitable for a bog garden. Guests and visitors are always welcome to join members at garden club meetings which are held at 9:30 a.m. every second Wednesday of the month. Come visit and join the club. Raab Oncology Clinic Complete Cancer Care, Chemotherapy & Radiation I’herapy ,arteret General's Breast Cancer services include Digital Mammography, MR! Breast Coil and a Breast Excellence Program. Other services available are Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy. Free cancer screenings are offered throughout the year for Breast, Prostate and Skin. Dr. james Loynes is American Board Certified in Internal Medicine, Oncology and Hematology. Prior to coming to Morehead City, he operated a private practice in Virginia for five years. He is committed to a patient centered model of care. Dr. Loynes is a graduate of the College of Charleston and the Medical University of South Carolina. He completed an Internal Medicine residency at Vanderbilt University and is fellowship trained in Hematology and Oncology at Dartmouth. Carteret General Hospital Miiking A Difference In Your Life lames Loynob, MD NOW ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS Raab Oncology Clinic • 302 Medical Park, Morehead Cily, NC 28557 Phone: 252-808-6177 • www.ccgh.org Join us for the March 21st Hospital Gala at (he Dunes Club!! »All proceeds benefit cancer care in Carteret County. Please call 808-6647 for more inlormatlon.