Page Two THE MILL WHISTLE August 17, 1942 MENTION AROUND THE MILLS Correspondents Blanket: Mrs. I^therine Turner. Sheeting: Warren Hubbard Bedspread: Morell Connor. Finishing: Mrs. Lois Hill. Central Warehouse: Mrs. Maybud Stanley. Rayon: Kay Warner. Bleachery: Miss Georgia Thomas. Office: Howard Sheffield. Woolen: Mrs. Maggie M. Harris. Towel: Mrs. Virginia Witt Williams. ' Hosiery: C. D. Looney. Karastan: Miss Dorothy Manley. bedspread Mill 1 received a very nice letter the other day from Randolph “Blue” Pulliam, who is “Somewhere in the War Zone.” He says he is getting along fine and liking where he is very well, and hav ing a little fun once in a while, but it’s not anything like the old Tri-Cities. He asked me to tell all his friends “hello” for him, and I know of no bet ter way to do this than to put it in our paper. Here is part of his letter just as I received it: “1 goi. the first issue of the unnaiueu nun p^pcr. Since you are one of the correspondents and one of my old friends, 1 will tell you how I ap preciate it and how much good it did me. I got the biggest kick out of the article about the promotions the fel lows had gotten, from filling carrier to weaver, from yarn carrier to space doffer,. etc. All the fellows here got a big kick out of the paper. A lot of them used to be textile workers, too. Everybody got a big laugh out of it and I hope I continue to get the paper. I am interested in what goes on in the . mills and especially the Bedspread.” Folks, he wants to hear from you, it will cheer him up and keep him in formed on the happenings in the Tri- Cities; not only him, but lots of other boys. They’re doing their “big bit”, so let us do our “little bit” and write them once in a while. For anyone who would like to write to “Blue”, here is his address; • Pvt. Thomas R. Pulliam, Battery D, 252nd C. A. A.S.N. 34175018, A.P.O. No. 808, Care Postmaster, New York, N. Y. (Be sure to send it via Air Mail.) Pvts. Thomas and Rodger Crowder, of the U. S. Army, spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Crowder. Both boys are former em ployees of the Bedspread Mill. John Henry Stevens, Jr., with a few friends, spent last weekend at Fairy- stone Park. And the boys seem to have a special talent at dish washing, at least that’s what the manager thought. It seems they ate dinner there and when the bill was presented them, they discovered they had locked their waN lets in the automobile and the boy with the keys could not be found. So you know the story. They did find him, however, but not until most all the dinner dishes were sparkling. Finishing Mill Mr. Truslowe has returned from the hospital and is getting' along nicely. Everyone hopes for his speedy recov ery. Mrs. Howard Flynn spent Friday and Saturday with her husband in Durham. Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Hankins and daughter and Mrs. Howard Flynn spent Sunday at Fairystone Park. Mrs. Fred Cook is spending a week with her parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Harmon, TToyd, Va. • Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hankins and son and Miss Georgia Roberts, Miss June Winn and Dauglas Turner spent Sun day at Fairystone Park. Mrs. Edna Hoover is on the sick list this^ week. Rayon Mill Miss Margaret Siierwood recently spent a lew days visiting Miss Lena Banner, at Burnsville, IN. C. Mrs. In. M. Ballard recently visited her daughter and soii-in-iaw, Mr. and Mrs. j. F. Vause, Jr., at Newport News. Mrs. Harry Hudgens and two cnii- dren. Coy and Frances, and Miss Inez Burgess, are visiting relatives in Phil adelphia, Pa. J. G. Halsey, manager of the Rayon Mill, and family are on their vacation, visiting relatives and friends in Penn sylvania. Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Norris spent last week at Newport News, Va., visit ing Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Sherwood, for merly employed at the Rayon Mill. Thomas Jenkins and William Rob ertson recently spent a few days’ va- ■ cation at Ocean View, Va. Corp. Jack Woodlief has been trans ferred by his request from Fort Bragg to the Quartermaster Corps at Fort Meade, Md. Mrs. Charlie Hunter, Jr., and daugh ter, Barbara Ann, spent last week with husband and father at Newport News, Va., where he is employed at the ship yards. ' Herman Hopkins left the Rayon Mill last week to join the U. S. Navy. Amos Hurst of Newport News, Va., spent the past week with his wife in Spray. Mrs. Bill Hubbard, of the Rayon Mill, is on her vacation. Mrs. Mozelle Luther recently spent a week with her parents in Graham. Miss Betty Jean Hooker is spending the week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Hooker, in Spray. Mrs. Morris Wright, of the Rayon Mill office, and son Milton, are visit ing relatives in West Virginia, this week. Miss Sara Anderson is filling the va cancy in the Rayon Mill office during the vacation period, after which she will leave Leaksville to accept a posi tion in the commercial department of the High Point high school. Woolen Mill Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Roberts and daughter, Bernell, Mr. and Mrs. Billy Williams, Misses Lillie Grey and Oneva Meadows motored to Ridgeway and , Martinsville, Va., Sunday afternoon. On their return home they enjoyed water melon- at Wade Spring. Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Meadows and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Bud McMellon, near Greensboro, Sunday. Dewey Terry of Greensboro spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and ivlrs. Joe Terry. Jessie Taylor, forman of the spinning department, returned to his work Au gust 3, after a two weeks’ vacation, during which time he visited at Staces- ville, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. Brice Atkins of Mar tinsville, Va., spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Earles, of Spray. Mr. and .Mrs. Robert Wilmoth of Reidsville visited Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Earles, Sunday. Leroy Grogan of Spray left for the army August 3. His many friends wish him good luck. Rooert Moore of Burlington leaves August 18th to be inducted into the army. Mr. Moore is a frequent visitor to Leaksville-Spray, where he has a number of friends who wish him the besr of luck. Evangelist Danial Boone of Raleigh is conducting a two weeks’ revival m the tent near Thomasson Service Sta tion at Spray. The public is invited to attend the meetings each -evening at 7;45. Aubrey Hammock and W. D. Harris of Portsmouth, Va., spent the weekend at their homes in North Spray. Charlie Walker of Newport News spent the weekend at North Spray with his family. Henry Trotter is spending his vaca tion at the beach with his family. Robert G. Hundley, known through out the Woolen Mill as “The Lone Ranger,” is expecting to be transferred in the near future from slat filler to mule spinner. By a stroke of good luck he has purchased from Gustave Thacker a. second-hand packing knife that, was used during the last World War. Bleachery _ Mrs. E. C. Flynn has returned after a week’s visit in the hcftne of Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Brooks at High Point. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Fulcher and