Page Two itiffari THE MILL WHISTLE August 31, i942 MENTION AROUND THE MILLS Kamstan Mill G. T. Sykes is enjoying a two weeks’ .Vacation with his family at Chapel Hill. Miss Kitty Mae Martin and friends motored to Ridgecrest for a few days this week. Miss Mary Jane Price has returned from her vacation after spending a few days with her sister in Durham. Mrs. Arch Manuel is back at work after being out several weeks. Miss Etta Richardson is back at work after being out sick. Miss Reba Price and Mrs. Minnie Belton spent their vacation at Myrtle Beach. Mrs. R. B. Pruitt will spend the week end with her husband at Newport News. Miss Chubby Austin and Ozelma Webb spent last week at Atlantic Beach. Verney Tucker of Norfolk was a vis itor in town this week. Everett Roberts is' taking his vacation this week. Misses Irma Jones and Louise Mc Allister spent Saturday in Danville. Mrs. Maud Jones and Miss Mary Ad kins spent two weeks with friends at Benton, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Coleman had as supper guests, Thursday night, Tea Frye and his mother, Mrs. W. B. Frye. Mr. Frye left for the army, Friday. A1 Flannagan has returned from a six-day vacatioiY at Myrtle Beach. Mrs. Lawrence Lemons and Miss Louise McAllister spent the weekend with Mrs. Roy Graveley of Greensboro. Mrs. Audrey Brame and Miss Eliza beth Jones visited in Greensboro, Tues day. Miss Carmen Nelson spent Monday in Martinsville, at hospital with her moth er, Mrs. H. C. Nelson, who recently un derwent an operation. Mrs. Lawrence Lemons of Newport News, a former carver, is spending a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Burgess, Reidsville road. Minnie Belton has returned to work after spending a few days at Myrtle Beach. Robert Turner and family were vis itors in Schoolfield. . Otis Gilley and family have moved from the Patterson place to Pine street. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Hall had as recent visitor, Mrs. H. A. Miles, Mrs. Hall’s sister. The many friends of Roy Grogan, who has been a patient at Duke hos pital, wish him a speedy recovery. Dillard Marshall and family spent the weekend in Danbury. Howard McGennis is out'sick. Miss Dorothy Manley' had as week end guest. Miss Helen Wiley, of Dan ville. Mrs. Kemp Newman is on her vaca tion this week. Miss Alice Kirby, Designing Depart ment, has just returned to work after a week’s vacation. She reports a very nice time. Ml'S. Sedell is visiting her husband, E. N. Sedell, this week at the Hopper Hotel. She has been making her home in Philadelphia the past few months. Miss Esther Shirt, daughter of D. F. Shirt, is leaving us the last of this month. Everyone wili miss her in the designing room. She will be in Phila delphia, her former home. Cliff Barham has returned from his vacation. He reports a nice tirrie. Woolen Mill Mrs. Pete Dougard, of Corpus Christi, Texas, was the dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Red Vernon, Sunday, August 16th. Mrs. Dougard is a sister of Mrs. Vernon. Those who enjoyed the birthday din ner of Misses Thelma and Lillie Gray Meadows, Sunday, August 19th, were Mr. and Mrs. John Humphrey, Mr. Mar shall Pender, Rev. Robert Pooly, Rev. Daniel Boone, Mr. and Mrs. Billy Wil liams, Mr. Robert Moore, and the Mea dows family. Rev. Robert Pooly is holding a week’s I’evival at the Riverview Presbyterian church, beginning August 16th and end ing August 23rd. Much interest was manifested in the meetings. , Rev. Connie Black returned August 20th, after a two weeks’ revival at Woolwine, Va. Miss Louise McGuire, of Martinsville, Va., spent the weekend with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs.. L. E. McGuire, Leaksville, R. 1. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Rayfield announce the birth of a son, Larry, on August 18th. Mother and baby are doing fine. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Heffinger an nounce the birth of a son, Gary Thomas, on August 18th. PROMOTIONS Woolen Mill: Minos Huff—from jumper harness to Weaver. Joseph Searcy—from breaker feeder to utility man. Sherman Almond—from fuller and washer helper to fuller.. Leonard Cochran—from fuller and washer helper to fuller. Otis Hundley—from tie-in helper to smash and ■warp hand. Sheeting Mill: Fletcher Strader—from - sweeper to quill collector. Henry Weadon—from sweeper to quill machine operator. A. G. Parker—from loom fixer to head loom fixer. Claude Underwood—from break down man to loom fixer. Bedspread Mill: Ernest Lamar—from dye machine helper to dyer. Mrs. Daisy Robertson and son, An drew, are spending the week with Mrs. Robertson’s son, Johnnie, in Boston, Mass. Miss Frances Carter and sister, Sybil, are spending the weekend at Ocean View, Norfolk, Va. Misses Leona Pierce and Earline Rorer are visiting Miss Pierce’s brother in Baltimore, Md. Mrs. Obe Clark and daughter, Edna, spent the weekend in Martinsville with Mrs, Clive Hubbard, Mi-s. Clark’s daughter. Mrs. C. T. Shields had as house guest the past week Mrs, Nellie Millner, of Philadelphia, Pa. A party composed of the guest: Mrs. C. W. Brown, Mrs. Jenny Sime-3 and son Julius, Mrs. Martha Barksdale, Mrs. Sallie Beck, Mr. Long, and, the hostess, Mrs. Shields, spent Sunday at Fairy Stone Park, also visited many friends in and near Patrick coun ty. Mrs. Millner returned to her home in Philadelphia on Monday. BRIGHT SPOTS: Flyswatter French is back at work after an attack of sum mer flu. . . Little Andy Jackson Robert son has gone to Boston, Mass., to play in a ping pong tournament. . . Little Crane Thacker is getting along okay on his new job. . . Coon Murphy had some of his friends dug up some buried treasure—it wasn’t gold. . . Bill Rob ertson and Ralph (Billy) Barham of Blue Creek went bicycling Sunday, with Billy riding the rod. . . Andy Rutledge and Bill Robertson announce their new partnership with Jesse Newman in the hog-killing business. There motto is to set their hair. . . Coon Murphy is back after falling from a syamore tree while pursuing a kitten opossum. . . Crane Thacker is better after being dragged several hundred yards by a motorcycle. Sheeting Mill Sam Searcy is resigning his position this weekend to accept a post in Nor folk, Va. J. T. Johnson visited relatives in Fay etteville during the weekend.' Haywood Robertson is resigning his position this week to accept a place in the defense program. , Pauline Reynolds has returned home after undergoing an operation for ap-' pendicitis. Mrs. Mary Hawks has returned to work after a week’s visit with relatives in the country. Charlie Reece visited relatives and friends in Fries, Va., last weekend. W. H. Kirks has returned home after undergoing an operation for Appen- ■ dicitis at Leaksville hospital. , Not everybody with a dollar I to spare can shoot a gun 9 straight—but everybody can shoot straight to the bank and buy War Bonds. Buy your 10% every pay day.