Serving In Army Ret. Garvin Rierson is now stationed at Fort Knox, Ky. He has been in ser vice since May 26, 1950. Formerly an employee of the Sheeting Spinning Dept., Garvin is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Rierson. The young soldier would like to receive letters from friends back home. His address is: Ret. Garvin Rierson RA 14342198 Company D 32nd MTK Btn. CCB Third Armored Division Fort Knox, Kentucky. ■ -A- Buy . . . Sell . . . Swap EReaders are invited to use this column without charge for lost and found items and for small personal articles to be bought, sold or traded. Ads should give complete information and should be telephoned (No. 709) in or mailed in by Wednesday before the paper appears on Monday. Ads involving large transactions — real estate, automobiles, etc. — cannot be pub lished. Ads concerned with commercial propositions cannot be printed since they more properly belong in other publications.) FOR SALE: Five-burner New Perfec tion Oil Stove in excellent condition. Drawers have been built underneath for storage space.—Lawrence Overby, Blanket Weave or telephone 2008-W. LOST: Man’s ring. Reward $2.00.—Tom Boy Hundley, Machine Shop, Draper. FOR SALE: One Electric Pump.— Maude Parker, Bryant St., Leaksville. LOST: Billfold containing identification card from Carolina, registration card and $7.00. Finder may keep money, but please return these valuable papers to Harold Matthews, Jr., at the Central Y. M. C. A., or Harold Matthews, Sr., at the Finishing Mill. 6 RAYON MILL (By Virginia Hurd) We welcome the following new em ployees: Rosa Curry, Pauline Smith, Rivers Bowling, Minnie Callahan, and Doris Bateman. Wedding bells rang for Virginia Frazier and Ralph Hundley recently. Best of luck, you two! Our best wishes for a speedy recov ery go to -Grace Thompson who is a patient in Leaksville hospital. Ruth Land and Rhumelle Meeks spent the past week sunning at Caro lina Beach. Cyril Hudgins, Roy Martin, and “Inkey” Robinson have just returned from a fishing trip in Norfolk. Howard Barton is enjoying a vaca tion at home. It’s nice to hear Anna Jeffries is im proving alter several weeks in the hos pital. Going Overseas Soldier’s Address Robert Lee Humphrey, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Humphrey, of Harris St., Leaksville, is now serving in the armed forces. He has recently had a change in his address. So that friends back home may write to the young soldier, we are publishing his new address below: Robert Lee Humphrey, 14247641 1st QM Co. 1st Inf. Div. APO 1, c/o Postmaster New York, New York. Play safe! Get your free chest X-Ray. Pony Express Shown above are Charles, left, and Paul Morgan, sons of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Morgan. Their mother is em ployed in the Electric Blanket Mill. Charles and Paul are grandsons of Mrs. Allie Lee of the Bleachery Sew ing Dept. Pfc. Mark E. Sheckells, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Sheckells, North Spray, is now serving overseas. He wrote his father some time ago that he was on his way to Japan. Mark has written to request that The Mill Whistle be sent to him overseas. His father and a sister, Louise, are employed by Fieldcrest Mills. “Since government takes about one- fourth of every worker’s income, and still can’t make ends meet, he should have sense enough to insist that the government do what he himself has to do in the same circumstances — cut its spending by a like amount, at least.’’ —Dwight D. Eisenhower. Absentee Meter Two-week periods ending July 23 and August 6 Per Cent Mill 7-23 8-6 Central Warehouse ... 3.8 2.1 Bedspread 3.4 2.5 Finishing 4.1 2.9 Electric Blanket 8 3.7 Towel 3.6 3.7 Hosiery 3.1 4.6 Karastan 5.9 4.7 Blanket 5.1 5.2 Rayon 5.2 5.3 Bleachery 6.3 5.5 Sheeting 7.7 7.4 TOTAL 5.0 4.7 FIELDCREST MILL WHISTLE